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It had been some time since Xiao Xingchen informed Lan Wangji that Miss Mo had already woken up and the clothes had been delivered to the room as per his instruction, but there was still no sign of her. So Lan Wangji decided to check her himself, to find out if there was anything wrong with the clothes or its measurements.

He left Hua Cheng downstairs to binge on the dumplings, which the man surprisingly loved, and walked up to the guest room where he left her a short while ago, then carefully knocked on the door in case she's not decent.
"Come in."
Her voice was soft but he could hear it clearly. He opened the door and walked inside just to freeze in place the moment he saw her.
The girl had obviously just finished taking a shower since her long silver hair was still wet, and she was toweling it dry while facing out the window.
But the thing that made Lan Wangji freeze was the clothes that the girl wore.
She wore the white shirt that he discarded before because of the small dirt stain on the sleeve.
And that was it. Nothing else. 
And since she was standing against the window, where the sun softly came into the room and highlighting everything, and it meant everything, Lan Wangji could see her silhouette clearly. The shirt fell short in the middle of her milky white thigh and did nothing to make her look decent. There were also wet patches from her hair and it made the shirt stuck to her, showing parts of her skin more clearly.

She looked like a goddess and it made him speechless.
Lan Wangji had never been tempted by beauties, since he knew that most likely they were only skin-deep. No one knew the depth of human hearts and their capability to satiate their own greed and lust, not bothering to look beyond anything else. 
He was supposed to be better than that, after all he earned the name Hanguang Jun, the holder of the light that shone through the darkness.
But this was different.
He knew she was a beauty, and he used to think that she was just like other beauties without brains. But the longer he knew her, talked to her, peeked into her fascinating mind, he seemed to be greedy for more and more. Her mysteries, her skills, the way she looked up at him, even her gluttony, he wanted to know everything about her.
The final blow was when she turned around and saw him, she smiled so brightly, it made his heart do that somersault again. Her expression showed that she had no defense at all, and that she trusted him fully, which made him feel like he was the only worthy man in the world.

"Gege…" she stopped toweling her hair and approached Lan Wangji, who could only look at her. "Thank you for the… change of clothes, I just finished showering, sorry if I took too long." She sat on the edge of the bed, quite a distance away from Lan Wangji. "Do we have to go to the police station now?"

"Why did you wear my shirt? It's dirty." Lan Wangji did not hear her question, instead he carefully pointed at the smudge on the sleeve, trying to avoid the sight of her thigh.

"Oh this?" Wei Wuxian pointed at the shirt, unaware of the effect he made. "I found it in the bathroom and I like it because it smells like you, gege." He grinned mischievously.

In fact, he was naked when he went out of the shower and just started to dry his hair when the knock came. Then he hurriedly grabbed the nearest piece of clothing which happened to be Lan Wangi's discarded shirt. There's no way he could choose other clothes in time, so he prayed that the ice prince did not notice that he literally had no boobs. Thankfully the shirt covered his vital parts nicely.

"You should not let anyone enter if you're not decent."
"Oh? But you're not anyone, gege …" Wei Wuxian coquettishly fluttered his long eyelashes in a teasing manner.

With that, Lan Wangji could feel his ears become hot and the rest of the blood seemed to rush someplace it should not. He then hurriedly turned his back and left the room.
Wei Wuxian chuckled lightly when he heard the door slammed closed. That man was a very upright gentleman, a little teasing seemed to rile him up to the point that his ears were getting red.
Such a cute guy.
Since when did he think that the Ice Prince was cute?
He shook the thought out of his head and took off the shirt to change into a more appropriate outfit for his appearance in the police station.

"What's wrong with you?" 
Hua Cheng took a look at his friend, who seemed to be angry at something and got his ears all flushed.
Lan Wangji sat in front of Hua Cheng in a huff, then he drank his cold tea in one gulp. Hua Cheng never saw his friend act like this, but he could imagine why.

"Did you see something that you shouldn't?" He grinned widely. 

From the way Lan Wangji looked at him coldly, he probably really did see something that he shouldn't. Mo Xuanyu's bare legs maybe. He chuckled. 
Sometimes he wondered how his friend could be that childish while most of the time he was a very uptight gentleman.

"Don't worry, she's an adult, you're an adult, as long as you both consent I don't see any problems here. Besides, judging by your manner I guess you're just probably seen her bare legs, right?"

When Lan Wangji didn't answer him, Hua Cheng wondered what exactly did his friend see to make him like this. But before he could grill him for more, there was a sound of light footsteps descended from the stairs.
He turned his gaze to the stairs and froze.
Mo Xuanyu wore an oversized white shirt, which obviously was not hers, with its front tucked loosely in the oversized ripped jeans with its hem rolled, and beige flats. Her hair was tied in a messy bun and she wore large silver aviator glasses.

She looked like a famous celebrity trying to be anonymous but failed miserably. However hard she tried to hide it, her demoness aura was too overwhelming even though she looked like an innocent little fairy.

Wei Wuxian caught the two men's gaze and smiled.
"I'm starving, is that hotpot and dumpling?" Wei Wuxian peeked at the content of the boiling pot at the table. "Mm, yum, thanks gege, you really spoiled me with all this food." He took a seat next to Lan Wangji, who seemed to be at a loss for words until Hua Cheng kicked his shin.

"Yes, I remember that you enjoyed it a lot the last time we ate it at your uncle's house. You even lectured me about the history of it for almost an hour."

Hua Cheng facepalmed himself, but Wei Wuxian only laughed.

"I don't know that you timed my lecture, gege, I'll be glad to do that again if you want."

"I'll be glad to hear about your… miscellaneous knowledge."

Wei Wuxian popped a couple of dumplings and drank the tea which he found familiar.

"Is this Da-Hong Pao tea?" He was surprised to find his favorite tea in Lan Wangji's house. As far as he knew, only a few people were able to procure this tea since the distribution of it was controlled very tightly.

"Yes. And before you ask about the price, I don't know since this was a gift too." Lan Wangji sipped the tea carefully while Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes. "Have you finished eating?"

"Mn." Wei Wuxian put down the chopstick and proceeded to stand up when suddenly Lan Wangji stopped him. 

"You have sauce here." He took out his handkerchief and wiped the corner of Wei Wuxian's mouth. He noticed that her mouth was naturally pink and she did not wear any makeup, yet she looked very beautiful.
"Thank you, gege." Wei Wuxian smiled.
Lan Wangji did not reply but he offered his hand.
"Let's go."

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now