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It was supposed to be a quiet day in the morgue, but alas, the troublemaker dog, the one and only Detective Jiang, came barging into the coroner's office looking all flustered and as usual his eyes looked at her as if she hung the moon.

Wen Qing was not stupid. She knew this young Detective Jiang had a crush on her. But she was focusing on her study and part time job and did not have any time off to even think about romance if she wanted to leave home and be independent soon. She had a fucked up home situation and two younger brothers to think about. So she tried to not give the young detective any hope, but he didn't seem to get it.

"Miss Wen… Dr. Xue asked you to join the autopsy." Jiang Cheng's face was flushed and he was fidgeting. He seemed to be quite nervous every time he was near her.

Wen Qing looked at him and felt pity. He was actually quite a good looking guy, in a sweet manner. Too bad she really didn't have time, even for one-night-stand. Which young Detective Jiang probably wouldn't agree to as he looked like the traditional dating-before-marriage-before-sex type. She sighed.

"I'll be right there after I fetch the toxicology report. You can go first, Detective Jiang." 

Wen Qing left without waiting for Jiang Cheng's answer, knowing that the man would probably make his puppy sad eyes, as usual.

In fact, she already got the report on the desk, she just didn't want to encourage the man with the slightest hope. And since he hadn't confessed yet, surely she could not reject him. It would be better if he confessed soon and she would say no so this whole thing would be over.

Anyway, she took the toxicology report and walked to the autopsy table…

...and she was surprised by the appearance of two civilians inside the morgue.

Dr. Xue was very strict with his rules and no one was allowed to be present when he was conducting the autopsy, including her. Maybe on a few rare occasions when he had to ask for her help. But that was so rare, she literally stepped her foot in the morgue together with Dr. Xue only three times. Other than that, zilch.
And she was more surprised to see one of the civilians.
Lan Wangji?
There was literally no one outside the law enforcement circle who knew about Lan Wangji's other identity as the Hanguang Jun. But she knew, as she was working in the morgue for quite some time now, and the mad Dr. Xue was also his uncle from his father's side, like twice removed cousin or something like that. She just wondered why he was here attending to a normal autopsy. 

Then she glanced at the woman beside him. She was tall, slim, and stylish. Her hair was so eye-catching, and she exuded the demoness aura. Wen Qing had no idea who she was and why Lan Wangji guarded her like a lapdog.

Anyway, she didn't care. It's not her business, and it did not interest her. 

She walked to Dr. Xue, and gave him the toxicology report but he told her to give it to Lan Wangji since he was literally elbow deep in the dead girl's gut.

Lan Wangji thanked her and he read the report before giving it to the woman.

"Wen Qing, I know you probably know Wangji, so let's skip his introduction. On the other hand, the lovely girl by his side is Mo Xuanyu, Wangji's girlfriend."

"Student." Lan Wangji corrected Dr. Xue while the woman beside him only smiled.

"Dr. Xue, I truly am his student, in fact this was all just… he's helping me." She spoke in a pleasant voice while concentrating on the toxicology report. 
As if she would understand. Why would Lan Wangji give it to her anyway? To impress his student girlfriend?
"Wouldn't you believe what the youngsters these days labeled their relationship, Qing? It's like they're mocking me, I'm not blind you know." 

There was a squelched sound of the intestine being pulled out and it was a rather dramatic background in the cold morgue. Jiang Cheng's face was becoming green when he saw the bloody intestine entangled in Dr. Xue's hands, but the two other persons were unfazed.

"Ah well," she shrugged and looked at Lan Wangji, who already looked at her and she rolled her eyes, making the corner of Lan Wangji's mouth go up a little, like he was smiling. 

The gesture they made was very intimate and it made Wen Qing shocked. Lan Wangji literally earned the name Lone Wolf and Ice Prince, and she never heard about his involvement or even any interest in any other person, female or male, as far as she knew and heard from her friends and family. 

Contrary to Lan Wangji's belief, he was actually rather well-known in the high society's young ladies. Well, he was a catch and the ladies needed to think for their future. Unfortunately Lan Wangji could rarely be seen in the gathering of the high and mighty. 

Lan Xichen on the other hand, was a very friendly man, yet although he had many friends, he did not seem to want to get close to anyone. All of his relationships were only with employees and business partners and occasionally a one-night-stand. But both of them never had any girlfriends or any serious relationship, especially Lan Wangji.
But this proved her wrong.
The Ice Prince apparently could feel too.
More importantly, she remembered the name Mo Xuanyu, but for the love of god she couldn't remember where. It would come back to her sooner or later so she did not worry about that.

"So, this report showed that the victim's blood contained a huge dosage of heparin? A blood thinner medication? That would explain the paper cuts, the unsub really did want the victims to die as slowly and painfully as she could." Mo Xuanyu directed the later sentence to Lan Wangji, who nodded in approval. "As it is over-the-counter, we probably could try to track the surrounding pharmacy for the huge amount of sales in the last thirty days." She looked at Jiang Cheng, who used the opportunity to get out of the autopsy room before he puked his gut out.

"I'm on it." He ran out of the door really fast.

"So, what do you think? Jilted lover? Jealous rival? Revenge?" She continued talking to Lan Wangji, who gave a thought for the question.

"I think this is more than that. Jilted lover would probably take revenge, but not to that extent. Rival? It's probably easier to poison her drink. Revenge? I wonder who hate her enough to torture her like that, it takes time to fillet and bleed her dry like that. And it's not easy to pull the nails out of the fingers, not that you should know about that." He ruffled her hair and the familiar gesture made Wen Qing's heart almost stop.
She suddenly remembered the name Mo Xuanyu.
It was the girl that his brother had a crush on for years.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now