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The private room at the anonymous underground sex club was dark, and the sound proof was the best. It was often used for the rich and influential to do business, illegal or not, and also some of them use this place for what it was intended in the first place. Sex.
They provided any kind of women and men your heart desired, all ages, all body types, and all nationality. This was the worst kept secret amongst the high and mighty, and they seemed to have a strong backer for it to not be teared down by the authorities for a long time right now.

The only requirement to enter was to have the 'token' they only gave to their members, and anyone they vouched for. And right now, Meng Airan was carrying that token.

She showed the special token she was given through special delivery, and the man who guarded the entrance looked at it then gestured her to follow him. He didn't even spare her a glance, that was how discreet this place was. He then took her to one of the VIP rooms on the third floor, where only the holder of the 'special' token could go, and showed her to the room at the far end of the long corridor.

Meng Airan entered the room, not without precaution. She brought along a small gun in her bag, in case something unsavory happened, although she also could fight hand-to-hand just fine. 

She took a look around the room, which was decorated very nicely with draped curtains, thick carpet, a table and chairs, and a king size bed. There was a bottle of vodka on the table, and she poured the drink then sat on the chair. The pleasant smell that wafted out of the incense burner on the corner table seemed to have relaxed her more, and with every inhaled breath, she lowered down her guard.

She closed her eyes for a moment to enjoy the faint music from the invicible speaker, and when she opened them, there was a woman sat in front of her, wearing all black and a jewelled mask.

Meng Airan jumped and reached for her bag to get her gun, when the woman in front of her spoke in a low tone.

"Are you looking for this?" She waved the gun in front of Meng Airan's face. 

Meng Airan paled. 
When did she took my gun without me noticing?
"Don't worry Miss Meng, if I really want to kill you, you would've been dead the moment you stepped into this room." She chuckled and put the gun on the table in front of them. She then poured a glass of vodka and chugged it down.

"Who are you?" Meng Airan felt uncomfortable with the woman's presence. She emmited some kind of unpleasant feeling that burned low in her gut, the way a prey stood in front of the predator. She used to be the predator, but not it seemed that it was not the case anymore.

"Who am I, is not important. The more important thing is we have the same enemy, and I believe that the enemy of your enemy, is your friend." She pushed a brown folder toward Meng Airan. "I believe this is the information that you've been looking for."

Meng Airan took the folder and opened it. She read it quickly then her eyes widened in surprise.

"How did you get this? This was not in any information I found through my back channels. This was only privy to selected few."

"Would you believe that I am the select few?" She smiled with her blood red lips so intimidating. "Don't worry about the source, if you really want to take revenge, I have a plan."

"Why should I believe you?" Meng Airan was not believe that this was all done out of this mysterious woman's good heart. "Why don't you do it yourself, since you seem more than capable of doing so? Why me?"

"To tell you the truth, I've done it once, but it seemed that the lucky star protected her better than I thought. My mistake. So I can't do anything for a while now, otherwise she will suspect that something has gone wrong. And I can't afford that." She rapped on the table as if thinking about something. 

"If you do this," she pointed at the folder, "I will give you an extra gift. I'm sure you're gonna like it."

"And what was that?"

"The real person that killed your sister."

Meng Airan was shocked.

"You mean… Mo Xuanyu was not the one who killed my sister?" She asked the mysterious woman with anger in her eyes. Then she threw the folder with Mo Xuanyu's personal information aside. "Then why did you give me this useless info? You should've just told me who killed my sister rather than going round and round about having the same goal. Same goal my ass." She was pissed being led astray by this woman.

"You should learn to listen before you open your mouth, Meng Airan. That was why you're on your third strike this month, and if you do something even slightly out of line, you will be kicked to the curb by your male supervisor. Is that what you want?"

Meng Airan shut her mouth after that.

"Good. You're learning. Now, let's talk about payment. No, the better word is 'exchange' of information." The woman leaned back and poured another drink. "I want you to provide me with the location of the confiscated drugs from the drug raid last week, and also the guards' schedule."

"... What makes you think I have that?" She knew she was getting cornered, but she would try one last time to gain her footing.

"Please, we know everything about you, your little deals on the side, the misplaced evidence, the missing drugs' money, even your twisted little hobbies. We had all the proof we needed to put you into the supermax. Consider this a friendly warning. Do not covet what's not yours."

Meng Airan gasped.

"You mean… you mean that you work for…"

"No name please. Just do what I told you to do, and I will give you the name of the person who killed your sister. Mo Xuanyu also had her little hand in this as a matter of fact, in case you start to feel guilty halfway." The woman drank the vodka and she stood up. "I have to leave now, but my master sent you this… token of partnership. I will contact you later with more details regarding our little arrangement. For now, enjoy the gift."

The woman snapped her fingers and the door opened to reveal a little boy and little girl about twelve years old with skimpy clothes and fear in their eyes. The guard brought a suitcase full of leather tools that she was so fond of.

Meng Airan widened her eyes and licked her lips greedily before she reached for the leather whip.
"Oh, I will… I definitely will."

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now