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That devil really had skillful hands.
Wei Wuxian was laying on the bed after Lan Wangji put him there. His whole body felt like jelly, wobbly but so satisfied he was practically glowing. But right now he wondered where the devil went after he put him on the bed and wrapped him up with the soft towel. 

He stood up, a little bit shaking on his knees, and looked around for Lan Wangji. But he still could not find him.
He suddenly had thoughts, and walked toward the bathroom.

And there he was, in all his glory and buck naked. 
And he just noticed the huge dragon tattoo on his back.  
It was done with the ancient chinese painting style, with the delicate yet strong stroke of the brush, the black and white dragon that covered his whole back. Was he blind for missing it the first time? He saw Lan Wangji naked, more than a couple of times, but did he ever have the chance to look at his back? He didn't think so.

Funny how they even got that couple tattoo, dragon and phoenix. Such a coincidence.

Lan Wangji was so caught up in trying to find some release for himself. He didn't want to overexert Mo Xuanyu, with his slim and fragile body. So, sex was out of question. For now. Anyway, he had been living for twenty three years without fornicating with anyone, so another one or two year should be fine. Hopefully.
What he didn't expect though, was that a pair of slim hands sneaked up from behind and hugged him tight. He stopped what he was doing and turned around, but Wei Wuxian stopped him. 

"Lan Zhan…" Wei Wuxian was trying to find his courage by talking from Lan Wangji's back, without seeing his eyes. Otherwise he would not be able to do it. "Let me help you." 

Lan Wangji understood, but he really didn't want to pressure the youngster to do something that he didn't want to do. So he turned around to face him, to let him know that it was fine, only to find that he was already on his knees, with his iridescent eyes looking back at him with some kind of… feelings that he wouldn't dare hope to see in Mo Xuanyu's eyes. But then he couldn't think more, when the youngster took his hardness, and enveloped it with his pretty little mouth.

"I'm starting to wonder if you really took me for this three days holiday just so you can act out your unholy thoughts about me." Wei Wuxian was bundled up comfortably in a robe, with his hair wet and munching some croissant with triple ham and cheese fillings with the side of egg salad happily, while Lan Wangji wore the same robe and in the middle of drying the youngster's long silver hair. 

"If anyone ever said to you that they only have pure thoughts of you, they're definitely lying." Lan Wangji massaged Wei Wuxian's scalp, until he moaned with pleasure. 

"How come you're so good with your hand, Lan Zhan? You know, forget it, we probably should get ready for the auction."

"I have to admit, baby, I do have a lot of unholy thoughts about you." Lan Wangji kissed the top of Wei Wuxian's head, and rest assured, I will enact them one by one, although it's going to need some minor tweaking since you're not what you said you were." He then wrapped the damp hair with the towel and sat beside Wei Wuxian, pouring juice for him. "So, a question. Will you continue to use your persona as a girl, or somehow, someday, you will want to become your true self again?"
Wei Wuxian had thought about that. But he knew that Mo Xuanyu longed to be a woman. So he should at least respect his wishes. At least before he found something else, like back into his own body , which by the way was missing, since there was no news about the whereabouts at all, even Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu could not find anything about that.

"I think I'm going to be a girl for a little bit longer. Well, as you've said, even my birth certificate stated that I was born as a female. Besides, it's not convenient to be a boy right now, you know, with Madam Jin hunted and disposed of all the other illegitimate male heirs, and your mother's insistence to make me her goddaughter…" Wei Wuxian glared at Lan Wangji while he drank his juice. "Is there any milk? I need to drink milk to make myself taller before I'm going to stop growing soon. Oh, and by the way, nice tats you have back there."

"Not as nice as yours, apparently. But since we're on the subject of body modification, why phoenix?" Lan Wangji put his hand on Wei Wuxian's thigh and moved it up to see the tattoo. It's very beautiful. And very alive. As if it could just spread its wings and fly, leaving the owner behind. Just like how Mo Xuanyu would someday spread his wings and leave. Lan Wangji suddenly felt forlorn.

"Why not?" Wei Wuxian took the big glass of milk that Lan Wangji just poured and drank it, leaving the comical milk moustache on his lips, which Lan Wangji wiped gently with a kiss. "The phoenix symbolizes rebirth, and somehow, it suited me."

"It suits you." Lan Wangji caressed the feather. Which was located on Wei Wuxian's inner thigh.

"Stop it, you beast, we have to get ready to go to the auction, we have no time for… this." Wei Wuxian blushed again, remembering what he was doing in the shower to Lan Wangji, which caused his jaw to be sore for some time after.

"No need to hurry. There will be plenty of time." Then Lan Wangji pulled the tie on the robe off, and snatched it off Wei Wuxian. "I just thought of something that will need to be practiced on. Right now." And he took off his own robe.

Wei Wuxian was still in the shower for the third time today, when he heard Lan Wangji talk to someone outside, in the living room. He quickly dried his body and hair, and wore the silicone pairs and underwears, then he took his usual costume of loose jeans and loose white shirt, and walked outside to see Hua Cheng.

"Momo. You look beautiful today, as usual." He grinned when he saw the marks that were peppering his collarbone. "I gathered you have a busy… night? Morning?"

"We just did some… tattoos appreciation, Hua Cheng." Lan Wangji answered him while smirking.

"That's… interesting." Hua Cheng gave Wei Wuxian a once over. Probably to guess which part of him was tattooed.

"It was… eye opening. So, Hua Cheng gege, what makes you come here so early? Has something happened?"

"Well, I need to inform you that due to the increasing pirate activity in this area, we have to go back to land. So, the auction time will be shortened." Hua Cheng sat down and ate the buttery scone. "Mm, nice. Good chef."

"Oh? So, when will we go back to land?" 

"We are already heading back to land since…" he looked at his Patek Philippe, "about an hour ago."
Wei Wuxian was surprised. Why didn't anyone tell him? And  by anyone he meant Lan Wangji, who was sipping his tea nonchalantly. 

"Did you do it on purpose?" Wei Wuxian glared at the man, who pretended not to see him.

"Do what?" Hua Cheng was intrigued. He was so ready to eat melon.

"Some kind of unholy thoughts that we have been discussing." Lan Wangji answered without any change in his expression, which caused Wei Wuxian to blush. 

"Well, as much as I'd like to stay and eat more dog food, alas, I have pirates to handle. So, see you guys soon." Hua Cheng left the table, but before he got out of the room, he turned around and talked to Wei Wuxian. "Momo, there will be a surprise for you later." Then he left in a hurry.
"What was that all about?" Wei Wuxian took a sip of the tea Lan Wangji drank. "And we're just wasting our time to sit around and do nothing! And I don't even have a chance to bid on something! Ugh, goddamn pirates!"

"I wouldn't say that we wasted our time, nor did we sit around and do nothing , if you get the gist." Lan Wangji pulled Wei Wuxian closer and inhaled his familiar smell.  "I say that we did learn quite a few things in these three days, although you were probably disappointed since you didn't get those items you liked. Should I look for another auction for you?"

"Actually, it's good that we go home early." Wei Wuxian was busy checking his incoming encrypted mail. "My packages have arrived, and I want to take them out and play. You may come if you want to." Wei Wuxian kissed the tip of Lan Wangji's nose.
"Mm, how generous of you."

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now