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After he went backstage with the help from Luo Binghe, since he apparently was friends with the owner of the club, Wei Wuxian got ready to perform, and Shen Qingqiu helped him with his makeup and costume.

He decided to wear that black qipao with red spider lilies, and Shen Qingqiu put on a black short bob wig and an incredibly high red stiletto which was killing his feet but looked great on his dainty feet and translucent skin. He looked like a demon goddess, especially with his pure black contact lenses. His own eyes were too special, it could single him out later and he didn't want that.

He needed to attract the attention of the rich kids fast and hold them long enough to execute his plan, since the kids from rich and influential families usually had the attention span of a goldfish.

But then he noticed that Shen Qingqiu took an extra long time with the hem of his dress.

"What the fuck are you doing to my dress?" Wei Wuxian tried to pull it but Shen Qingqiu held onto it.

"You said you want to attract attention fast , so this is the only way I could think of."

"Did you just… rip the slit up?" Wei Wuxian examined the dress. "I said I want to attract attention fast, not to give everyone a free preview of my body!"

"Shut up Wei Wuxian, what do you know about attraction anyway? The only thing you have drawn since the olden days was criminals and killers, and that I know for sure." Shen Qingqiu scoffed. "And it's not like you have anything to give a preview of with your skinny, malnourished body. Plus I duct tape your junior, so it's safe, in case of a malfunction wardrobe."

"Bitch, that's why I feel numb down there!" He tried to touch it but got slapped by Shen Qingqiu. "What?"

"You better not touch anything, I already put everything in place, now it's your job to lure the gullible young men into your web."

"When you put it like that…" Wei Wuxian sighed. "Fine, I need to do it fast," he checked his reflection in the mirror. "You're doing a great job, Qiuqiu, I'll be forever your muse in exchange."

"Either way you'll be my muse anyway, now get out there and blow their mind, Midnight Butterfly."

Lan Wangji enjoyed The Macallan 1926, which Hua Cheng had procured from his connection, while sitting in the private booth that was reserved only for both of them.

"What's so special about this Ageha?" He sipped and enjoyed the whiskey slowly, savoring its taste.

He was kinda intrigued by the name. It was obviously a nickname, but something just niggled in his mind.
It seemed that he forgot something important.
But he didn't know what it was.
"My friend introduced her to me, he said she was a great singer, and has a look that would haunt your sleep, perfect for our club."

"Oh? You have a friend other than me? I'm proud of you, Guiwang."

"Stop your psychoanalyzing bullshit. He's… okay."
Lan Wangji raised his eyebrow.
"You should introduce us then."

"Are you jealous, Lan Wangji? Don't worry, I still love you the most." Hua Cheng chuckled and patted Lan Wangji's back. "He was supposed to be here a little bit later. I'll introduce you later. He's… a very interesting guy. And he was looking for his friend tirelessly these last six months. He believed that his friend was still alive despite there's zero communication between them." Hua Cheng's gaze seemed to waver for a second, and Lan Wangji understood why he became friends with this mysterious stranger. 
Because they all had that unwavering belief despite all the uncertainties.
They were both drowned in their own thoughts when suddenly the lights were off, and from the front of the stage there was a single spotlight, highlighting the person who just came into the stage.

True to Hua Cheng's friend, she was devastatingly beautiful, with her black qipao that hugged her tall and thin frame, the mysterious black hair only added to her demon goddess persona. And it seemed that almost all the people there held their breaths in anticipation of what was going to come next.
Midnight butterfly.
But it wasn't until she started to sing that Lan Wangji almost dropped his glass.

Have you ever wished you could rewind?
And pick up all the pieces of a life you left behind
Have you ever lived on borrowed time?
Knowing your mistakes are chasing you down from behind...
But don't hold me, 'cause I am falling back down
And I wouldn't wanna see you hit the ground
Little darling, you found my heart in the lost and found
But the scars, they still follow me around...
I know it's hard to replace
But the feelings that you had for me, will one day be erased
And you will learn to move on
Like footprints in the snow will last
When the winter's gone...
But don't hold me, 'cause I am falling back down
And I wouldn't wanna see you hit the ground
Little darling, you found my heart in the lost and found
But the scars, they still follow me around...
And the dark surrounds your heart and you're in free fall
Oh, you must let go of me
'Cause if you keep me you will lose it all
So darling, darling please, please...
Don't hold me, 'cause I am falling back down
And I wouldn't wanna see you hit the ground
Little darling, you found my heart in the lost and found
But the scars, they still follow me around…

The song was not that popular in their country, but Lan Wangji knew that song. 
Someone sang it to him , with silver eyes full of unshed tears, and a yearning so heavy it weighed down his heart. 
He knew that they were not supposed to, but … 
Who was it? 
Who sang this song to him?
Why did he forget all about that person?

Let me go, Lan Zhan… 

Lan Wangji clutched his head, which suddenly was attacked by a piercing headache and he could feel that his heart was starting to beat faster than usual. 

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath because he knew this was going to be the start of his anxiety attack if he didn't calm himself soon.

But Hua Cheng seemed to notice his strange behaviour.
"Wangji, are you alright?"
Lan Wangji did not answer, but he waved his hand to show Hua Cheng that it would pass in a minute or so.
Hua Cheng knew about this anxiety attack of Lan Wangji. 

It happened roughly six months ago when he came back from god-knows-where. He had heavy injuries all over his body and some kind of memory loss and the piercing headache that would lead to that anxiety attack.
The first few months were the worst.
While in recovery, he hadn't been able to sleep, and when he did, he seemed to be looking for someone in his dreams.

It was heartbreaking for everyone who was there to witness his mental breakdown.

But then, with the help of a psychiatrist and Hua Cheng, Lan Wangji slowly forgot about it and his life went back to normal. Ish. Although sometimes, something would trigger his anxiety attack, just like this.

Hua Cheng witnessed first hand how his best friend deteriorated from bad to worse, and he was determined not to let him fall into that abyss anymore. So he quickly stood up and searched for something in his desk drawer and a few seconds later he quickly jabbed Lan Wangji's neck with a mild sedative he always kept anytime he met with his best friend.

Lan Wangji hated sedatives, because it muddled his mind. But Hua Cheng did not have any other choice.
It's better to face his wrath later than to see him shattered down slowly into pieces like this.

He moved the unconscious Lan Wangji to the couch inside the office and went back out to see the mysterious singer, Ageha.

She sang beautifully, and her voice had that sexy, smokey quality that the blues singers usually had. And it seemed that the youngsters were quickly enamored by her.
But what happened to Wangji? 
Why did he suddenly have that attack?
Did it have something to do with her?
Hua Cheng decided to ask Luo Binghe more about the identity of this Ageha, before he decided what to do with her.
Now all he had to do was wait.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now