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Lan Wangji took the sleeping Mo Xuanyu to his house, since he didn't know where else he should take her, Mo household or Luo Binghe's house. And his house was much closer than the other two anyway. Added the fact that he did not want to let the girl out of his sight for now.

He parked the car on his front lawn and took Mo Xuanyu in his arms effortlessly. She was so light and fluffy, she felt like a kitten curling up to his warmth.
When he entered the house, Xiao Xingchen was so surprised to see his Young Master carrying a bundle of a human shaped coat in his arms. The long silver hair peeked out from the top of the open coat and teased his Young Master's cheek.

Xiao Xingchen knew that his Young Master had a severe case of germophobia, and he never let anyone get close to him, ever. Let alone carry another person in his arms. 
But he kept his poker face on.
"Young Master, you came home early." Xiao Xingchen couldn't help but glance at the human bundle. "This is…"

"Prepare a room. The one next to mine should suffice. And prepare food, a lot of food. Preferably spicy hotpot with tripe, beef, lamb and some vegetables. And buy some dumplings from the store near the university, the most famous one?"

Xiao Xingchen couldn't help but gawk at his Young Master's weird order of food. 

Spicy hotpot? Tripe? Dumplings? 

His Young Master never ate that kind of vulgar food, he only ate unprocessed, organic, highest quality food. 
But Xiao Xingchen recovered fast. That must be for his guest.

"I know where it is, I'll send someone to buy it. Anything else, Master?"

"Bring me some of the women's clothing samples from the warehouse for her to change into. Neutral colors."
Now Xiao Xingchen went speechless.

So the human bundle in his Young Master's embrace is a woman ?

But he reigned himself quickly since the Young Master looked at him in a way that said that he did not want to be disturbed. 

He hurriedly went upstairs to prepare the guest bedroom for the first guest ever in this house.

Lan Wangji put the still sleeping girl on the bed, and removed her dirty shoes before tucking her in. He then sat beside the bed, silently watching her take her breaths for a long time, and wondering what was happening to him.

Then he saw that the girl's cheek was smudged, and he carefully wiped it with his hand, and let it linger for longer than it should.

He noticed that lately his heart had been doing somersaults every time he saw Mo Xuanyu, and yet he didn't understand why.

He probably should do his yearly health check-up earlier to see if there's anything wrong with him.
And while he was still pondering about the correlation between his heart and the girl who was sleeping on the bed, he heard a familiar chuckle from the door.

"Never thought I'd see the day the mighty Hanguang Jun would forego all his germophobic traits and clean dirt from a stranger's face." Hua Cheng was leaning on the door frame while observing the two people closely. Apparently he's still not leaving the premises as Lan Wangji thought he would and he had been witnessing everything.

Lan Wangji paused for a moment then retreated his hand. 

"She's my student, not a stranger." He brushed off his shirt when he noticed that there's a smudge of dirt on the left sleeve. He sighed. 

"And it seems that I've run out of white shirts faster ever since I met her." He chuckled, then stood up and walked to the door where Hua Cheng leaned on. "So, are you not busy today? Or are you coming here just to nag me?"

"I'm more interested in your student actually, but I could do with some food, wine, and your companion." Hua Cheng grinned. "And I'd like to know more about whatever it was that made you forget to tell me that breakfast was cancelled."

Wei Wuxian was dreaming about his childhood.
He dreamt about the little princess who moved to the house beside him, with her long black hair half-tied with white ribbon, and she wore an all white chinese dress with blue cloud patterns. She was so dignified and beautiful, like the porcelain doll he often saw in the antique store near Chinatown where his mother often took him to shop.
He fell in love at first sight.
He was hiding up on the tree at that time, eating cookies after beating up that big bully across the street. True, his body might be smaller, but he had learnt martial arts since he was three. And the look on the bully's face was priceless when he threw him onto the floor.

He chuckled and jumped down quietly, landing in front of the beautiful girl, effortlessly. Well, he was showing off to the girl, of course, how else would he be able to make her want to be with him? 

The girl looked startled when an unidentified ruffian suddenly appeared in front of her out of nowhere and proceeded to kiss her hand with flawless manners.
"Good morning Princess, my name is Wei Ying, courtesy name Wei Wuxian, please allow me the honor to court you."

Wei Wuxian woke up with a jolt.

It had been a long time since he dreamt about the little princess who was supposed to be his bride.
Then he noticed that he was in a strange bedroom, and he sat up to check where he was.

The room was spacious, with a queen bed and hardwood floor. There was an ensuite and everything was done in the gradation of white, grey and cerulean blue. It looked pristine and cool. Like a guest bedroom of a certain someone with the name of the cloud.
He was stretching, when he heard someone knocking on the door.
"Come in."
The door quietly opened to reveal a man in some kind of a long white robe with small blue cloud patterns on the hem. His hair was long and braided, and he looked like some kind of priest from Ancient China.
"Miss Mo, my name is Xiao Xingchen and I'm the butler here. Master asked me to bring you a change of clothes, but since I don't know your preference, I brought a few selections for you to choose." He clapped his hand and a row of people came in and brought varieties of clothes that could fill a small boutique. "I'm sorry to have bothered you, now, will you excuse me while you change. Oh and by the way my Master is waiting for you downstairs to have lunch together."
Wei Wuxian looked at the clothes that they brought in, and he shook his head.
This was so typical of Lan Wangji, always did everything in excess.
There were many kinds of dresses hung in clothing racks varied from daily dresses, qipao, and on the other racks were shirts, blouses, skirts, jeans and many kinds of shoes from flats to boots to sneakers to heels. The only good thing was, everything was in neutral colors. Black, white, grey, dark blue, red. Thank god for no pink.
Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes in amusement while he chose from the clothes. It was all from the high-end brand and his size.
Is this how it feels like to be a sugar baby?
He smiled devilishly as he shuffled through the clothes.
Should he give Lan Wangji a surprise?

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now