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OK, first of all, he was trying hard not to be impressed by Lan Wangji's car.
It was a super limited edition Bugatti Chiron Sport Noire, and there were only twenty cars in the whole world. With the price tag of almost five million euros, Wei Wuxian wondered if it was worth it.
Wei Wuxian had no idea that Lan Wangji dabbled in the Artificial Intelligence field.

So when the car spoke to them, he was jolted in surprise.

"Good morning, Master. Where do you want to go today?" 

Lan Wangji looked at his passenger with something akin to a smile on his face.

"Xiao Hei, bring us to Cloud Recess University."

The car started up with no sound and seconds later, it drove off BingQiu's driveway.

"Holy shit, laoshi, this is so rad! I was thinking of putting an AI too on the… " Whoopsie…

He was too excited he almost blurted out his secret.

"Ah well, this is surely worth the five million euros price tag." Wei Wuxian tried to change the topic.

"I don't know the car's price." Lan Wangji seemed to be in deep thought. "I got this as a gift."
"Uhm, what kind of person gifted you this kind of expensive gift, laoshi?" More importantly, what kind of a job did you do to earn this kind of payment?

"He's a Saudi Prince."

"Wow, now I wonder what you did for a living to make a Saudi Prince give this kind of car to you."

"I saved his sister, and they wanted me to marry her. Since I wasn't interested, they gave me this car in exchange."

… that was vague as hell.

"Hmm, guess the princess' life is worth this much huh?"

"Actually they gave me two cars."
Holy Jesus… who is this guy?
"Now you're bragging." Wei Wuxian poked Lan Wangji's arm playfully.

Unexpectedly, Lan Wangji smiled.

"If you pass the calligraphy assignment, I'll let you drive this car, since you like it so much."

Wei Wuxian was speechless since he really loved one-of-a-kind cars and bikes. Ever since they left BingQiu's manor, he was caressing the all-black leather interior and tempted so much to try and press the varied buttons on the dashboard to know its functions. He didn't know that Lan Wangji noticed him. 

So, he was almost vibrating with glee when Lan Wangji offered him to drive this beautiful car.

"Yes! I will definitely pass, laoshi. Don't worry I won't disappoint you."

"I know." Lan Wangji let go of one of his hands to ruffle Wei Wuxian's fluffy hair.

They spent the rest of the ride with Wei Wuxian asking about the function of the buttons and the A.I. He also took notice of the A.I application that was so similar to his old car back then, only his was so much more… sassy? He could probably tweak this one's personality to match the one he had back then, it would be more fun to banter with.

Five minutes later they entered the school premises and Lan Wangji dropped Wei Wuxian off at the high school and told him that he would be waiting at the Forbidden Library later that afternoon.

Wei Wuxian nodded and got out of the car happily. He would definitely drive that beauty soon.

He smiled and walked to his class in light steps.

"Susu, is that your fiance's car? Why is there a girl coming out of it?" Jiang Yanli, one of the university students, a daughter of a prominent rich family in the city, talked to one of her best friends Jin Su, the legitimate daughter of Jin Guangshan. They were just walking to their classes when they saw the one-of-a-kind car stopped not too far from them and a silver-haired girl came out of it.

"Lan Wangji is not my fiance." Yet. She's still working on it. "It's just an idle talk by our families a long time ago." She turned around and walked to her class, followed by her minions. "And he's welcomed to do anything he wants to." At least until they're engaged.

"Well, usually parents' wishes would be respected by the children, especially when both of your families are on top of the world. This is going to be a match made in heaven." Jiang Yanli still rambled on, not noticing the subtle change of expression in Jin Su's face.
Jin Su was the only legitimate daughter of Jin Guangshan, one of three children from his main wife beside Jin Zixuan and Jin Zixun. She was taught from childhood to be a wife befitting the powerful Lan family. How to eat, how to talk, how to host parties, overall, how to be a Lan's wife. 

But ever since the Lan family's business was taken over by their eldest child, Lan Xichen, there were no more talks about realization of their spur-of-the-moment matchmaking between the youngsters, and it drove Jin Guangshan crazy. In fact, the Lans never said a word about their boys' future partner. It was just Jin Guangshan's one sided wish to get their children betrothed.

The Lans maternal grandfather, grandpa Yuwen, also dodged the question every rare chance that they met. He said it would be wise to let the kids decide by themselves. 

Jin Guangshan couldn't do anything about that since grandpa Yuwen was closely tied to the mafia and was rumored to have some blood connection with the ancient royal family of the faraway land.

The Yuwen's family was even more secretive, influential, and older than the Lan, although their power was concentrated more abroad. That was why not everyone knew about the Yuwen family. 

Grandpa Yuwen only had one daughter, Yuwen Xing, Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji's mother. So while Lan Xichen would definitely take over the Lan's, Lan Wangji was the one who would inherit the Yuwen's power and riches.

That was why Jin Su was so adamant to make Lan Wangji hers. She knew exactly the power that the Yuwens wielded. And if she was the one who would become their only daughter-in-law, imagine what she could do. 

Not to mention that Lan Wangji was hot as hell and she had a crush on him since she was a child.

But first of all, she needed to find out about the bitch who came out of his future fiance's car. 

Lan Wangji never allowed anyone to ride his cars. So what made her so special?

She took out her phone and dialed a number, which was getting picked up quickly.

"Susu, you miss me already? We just parted this morning, my bed still smells like you…"

"I need your help finding something… no, someone. And I need it ASAP." She was not in the mood to flirt with the man on the phone after the sight of the unknown girl got out of Lan Wangji's car.

"Anything for you, babe."

"Find out who's in high school has long silver hair. I need to know everything about her."

"Did she do something to you?"

"She covets what's mine."

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now