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Lan Wangji opened the box that Hua Cheng tried to hide, and he found a long, silver, thick-braided hair inside, along with a note.
Next time I will leave her fingers instead of her hair. Do not come for us, or else.
"They cut his hair." Lan Wangji was visibly shaken from the relief. "They cut his hair." He dropped down on one of the chairs. His legs suddenly gave out, but he felt relief because it was only his hair, not his body parts just as he feared they would do.

"Should we continue to run after them?" Hua Cheng was concerned over his friend's well being. Lan Wangji looked pale and not in his right mind. He was afraid that the panic would attack him in a sudden, but he respected him enough to listen to him first before taking any preventive measure such as the mild sedative that he kept in his pocket for exactly this purpose.

"No need, let's get back to Luo Binghe's house. Please gather all the shadow guards and we'll meet there in an hour." 

Lan Wangji then took out his phone and dialed Shen Qingqiu to let him know about the progress so far. Then he let Xiao Hei drive the car back to Luo Binghe's home, where everyone had gathered at some point, he just was not able to drive, or do anything else at this point. They only had tomorrow, no, less than twenty four hour since it was already past midnight, to find the youngster, before the due date at eight p.m came and he had to decide.

It was already six in the morning and they were still looking at the CCTV and surveillance from Xiao Hei when finally Hua Cheng stood up and declared that they have to get some shut eye before continuing to look for Mo Xuanyu. The others agreed and they set an alarm to reconvene in three hours time, enough for a short shut eye. They were all sprawled into any empty room that they could find, except Hua Cheng. He went outside and took out his phone, then dialed a number. After a few rings, somebody picked up.
"We have a situation here."

Meanwhile, at the main room, Shen Qingqiu was torn between calling him or trying to fix this all themselves. But if everything Dr. Xue had said was true, they were going to need more than just a search and rescue team. They needed a miracle doctor. Someone who could perform a miracle. And only one person popped into his mind right now. Fuck . Wei Wuxian was really going to kill him if he found out that they called him . But what other choice did they really have? And he was pretty sure the kidnappers were going to kill Wei Wuxian either way, judging from the madness he saw in the method. Plus that stalker boy, Wen Ning, was gone long enough to suspect that something had definitely happened to him. This was not some normal kidnapping. This was the handiwork of a madman.
Fuck it. 
Wei Wuxian could kill them all if he wanted, as long as he lived long enough to do that.

"Binghe, wish me luck. I'm going to call that person." Shen Qingqiu took out his encrypted phone and dialed a series of numbers that was long enough to make it a long distance call. Binghe knew exactly what he meant by that, and he dreaded the thought of meeting that person. It was not that the person was bad, but he was dangerous, and he loved Wei Wuxian more than anything in his life to the point of obsession. But Wei Wuxian was not one to be smothered like that, so he ran, away from him and from his duty. Just like his parents.

When the other side of the phone answered, Shen Qingqiu spouted a series of passwords in French and then he ended the call.

"Now, we wait."
They don't have to wait for too long because not five minutes later, Shen Qingqiu's phone rang. The same phone he just used to make that cryptic phone call. And when he picked it up, he heard the familiar voice that he actually swore once upon a time that he would never speak to again.

"Qiuqiu, I miss you. It's been long enough. Five years wasn't it? Anyway, how's my Xianxian? I miss him so much. May I speak to him?"

"Uhm, that's actually the reason why we called you…" 
Shen Qingqiu told the other person everything, from Wei Wuxian's apparent homicide, to his transmigration, to his condition, and finally the kidnapping. The person on the other side was just quiet and not interrupting anything until Shen Qingqiu finished. Then, after he paused long enough to take a deep breath, the person spoke only a few words.
"I'm on my way."

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now