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From the look on Wen Qing's face, Wei Wuxian guessed that she finally realized who he was. The one that her brother had a crush on for years.

But he did not show any interest to engage in conversation at all, instead his mind was full with the details of the autopsy. 
Heparin should be injected directly to take immediate effect, but how did the unsub make this girl voluntarily stay long enough for the unsub to do their work?
"Was there any other drug beside the blood thinner?"

"There's a trace of diazepam in her blood." Wen Qing checked her tablet to make sure it was correct.

"Valium. It sure would make her sleepy and docile enough to be injected by the heparin." Lan Wangji looked at Wei Wuxian as if he saw him in a totally different light.

"Anything in her stomach, Doc? Food? Drinks?"

He leaned close enough to the body until his nose almost touched it if Lan Wangji did not pull him back.

"Too close."

"Right, sorry, I was just too absorbed in concentration, gege." He leaned down again but this time it was from a safe distance before Dr. Xue cracked open the ribs.

"Only tea, milk and some kind of glutinous balls." Dr. Xue pointed at the basin near the table which was filled with the milky substances he described. The gut content of the victim. Even Wen Qing flinched when she smelled it, not to mention Jiang Cheng who stood farther away with a disgusted face.

Wei Wuxian approached the basin, took a whiff and said, "Boba milk tea." Then he looked at Lan Wangji. "She bought boba milk tea, or maybe someone bought it for her, and it was dosed with valium so she would get sleepy. They probably moved her to a secure place to dose her with the heparin." 

Lan Wangji checked both of the victim's arms and found the tiny track mark on the right hand.

"This was an elaborated planned murder, not just a random snatch and kill. Someone targeted her." He put the arm back down.  "Miss Wen, is the DNA result ready?" Lan Wangji asked Wen Qing who seemed to have lost in thought for a moment.

She quickly snapped out of her thoughts and decided that she still did not want to get involved, especially if this was going to  break her brother's heart if he found out that the girl he liked was actually the Lan Wangji's student/girlfriend. Especially after she saw that they both worked together perfectly like they've been at it for years.

"Ah yes, the preliminary result is ready." She took her tablet and pulled up the DNA result on her screen, then gave it to Lan Wangji. "The victim's name is Meng Yiran, we got the hit quite fast because his older sister, Meng Airan, is working for the DEA."

"Hm." Wei Wuxian was thinking. "Field or desk?"

"Field. She graduated in the top ten from the Academy, but she chose her current job herself, although many other agencies wanted to recruit her."

DEA field agents were quite skillful in hand-to-hand combat and handling weapons. If Meng Airan was like the other agents, she would be proficient in undercover and many languages. A very dangerous person if she became your opponent.

"The parents? Have you notified them?"

"The father is unknown, the mother is out of the country. Detective Jiang has already notified the sister, I think she should be here shortly."

"We should leave then." Lan Wangji took Wei Wuxian's arm to get him away from the body. "Please notify me if you find anything else." He spoke to Dr. Xue. "Uncle."

"Mm. Later." He was too absorbed in cutting the body open, he did not give them any attention.

"I'll let you know." Wen Qing finally answered for Dr. Xue, and she went back to her haven, the coroner's office, to work on her thesis.

Lan Wangji helped Wei Wuxian take off the dirty scrub and gloves, and they both walked out of the precinct, right about when Meng Airan entered.

She glanced at the silver-haired woman but paid no heed since she was in a hurry to meet Detective Jiang to identify her sister's body. After she asked directions, she walked straight to his office which was located at the back of the third floor.

"Detective Jiang." She knocked on his office. They had met a couple of times with their joint task force, but neither knew more about each other outside of work.

"Detective Meng. Please sit down." Jiang Cheng pointed at the chair in front of his desk as he prepared the photos that were taken at the right angle to minimize the damage on her sister's face, and slid them to her.
Meng Airan looked at the photos, but her face showed nothing.

"Have you found out who killed her?"

"Not yet. We're just doing the autopsy right now." Jiang Cheng took the photos away. "The witness couldn't…"

"Wait, there's a witness? Who? Tell me please, I'd like to ask a few questions myself." She suddenly brightened at the prospect of a witness. For her, witnesses were equal with suspects. And she was skilled in 'interrogating' witnesses, suspects, whatever you wanted to call those scumbags, a skill she picked from doing it so many times to drug dealers, who didn't have anyone to care enough about them to report them missing. She should be very careful with civilians though.

"You know I can't do that. It's against the rules."

"Fuck rules, this is my sister! What if this happens to your sister?" Meng Airan hit the desk hard and it made a few pencils roll off to the floor.

Jiang Cheng calmly took the pencils off the floor and put it back inside the holder. Then he faced Meng Airan again, but this time his face was hard.

"First of all, this is my case, so I decide who interviews who and what to do about everything. Secondly, I don't know you that well for me to do you a big favor like that. And even if I did, you should know me well enough not to ask for any favor pertaining to the case." Jiang Cheng looked at Meng Airan coldly. He was pretty good for a young Detective from a rich family.
But Meng Airan was different.
She grew up in a slum with her siblings, a brother who would do anything to get out of that life and to be on top of the world, and a little sister she spoiled so much since their mother was never available. It was just pure luck when their mother married the rich old man Meng, who died a few years later without any heir and ever since then her mother partied almost every day in different countries. She was still neglecting her children. So Meng Airan had to step up and take care of her sister.

And now, the sister she loved and pampered so dearly, was gone. And in a horrendous manner.

Who had a grudge with her sweet and beautiful sister to have killed her with cold blood?

She bit her nails in frustration.

Only that person could help her right now.

So she stood up, and gave Detective Jiang a perfunctory smile.

"I'm sorry if I offended you, Detective Jiang. Please let me know soon if there's any progress. And I mean any, even though maybe it didn't look significant." She walked to the door after she said thanks to him.

After she got out of the stuffy precinct, she called a familiar number.

"Find out who the witness in my sister's murder ASAP and let me know immediately."

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now