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That was interesting…
He just got a call from the nephew of his barely-colleague, about his sickly cousin. A severe case of a hemophiliac boy, with a penchant for attracting dangerous situations. He had lived almost two years past his due date with the help of nanobots that the nephew created, but unfortunately there was a limit to the nanobots capacity. They asked him to help them find another solution to prolong the boy's life.

Sounded like a cheap B-rated science fiction flick, but it tickled his curiosity enough that he was willing to let the caller send him the full medical history and the detailed treatment so far, for him to decide if he was able and willing to help or not.

He was waiting for the medical records to come into his inbox when his private line rang.

It was from the man whom he should not be offending at all. He didn't care about the rules and regulations, but he was kinda interested and respected this ruthless man's way of handling problems, thus, he gave him his private number with an instruction that he was willing to help him anytime. With the right payment. And if the case was interesting enough.

Strangely enough, he asked for a full check up for his eighteen years old nephew, who suddenly vomited blood. The man needed discretion, and he was discreet, so they set up a meeting for next Wednesday.
He put down the phone and his mind went into a deep thought mode.
What are the odds that two adolescent boys suddenly in dire need of his help?
Speaking of adolescent boys, his mind suddenly thought about the daughter of his who ran away from home without his consent and doing god-knows-what out there.

But she probably just holed up with her cousin anyway, at least he could depend on that young man to take care of his stubborn daughter.

He sighed deeply and when his laptop dinged with incoming email, he forgot all about everything else and focused on the data he just received.

The sun shyly peeked through the thin gossamer curtains that hung from the french windows facing the balcony, and it woke Wei Wuxian up from his deep slumber.

He blinked a few times, then he saw the most beautiful view he had ever seen in his whole two lives.
The sleeping face of Lan Wangji.
He was still in a deep sleep, judging from the slow rise and drop of his naked sculpted chest, which was in glorious display in front of Wei Wuxian's face. He could see the long sweep of his eyelashes, the beautiful straight nose, the thin lips and the sharp cheekbones from up close, and he was itching to touch them one by one, to make sure that this masterpiece was real, and he was not just dreaming.

But, just when he was about to move, the eyes opened up to reveal the beautiful transparent golden orbs which were not in focus yet. Then a second later the gaze became sharp and Lan Wangji gave him a smile as blinding as the sun outside.

"Yingying, you're up."

Wei Wuxian's breath hitched, and he almost had a heart attack from the smile alone, not to mention Lan Wangji's tightened grip on his waist. 

He pulled Wei Wuxian closer to kiss his forehead and then he lowered his head to nuzzle Wei Wuxian's neck, inhaling his sweet scent.

"Good morning to you too, Lan Zhan…" Wei Wuxian's heart almost exploded from the fondness he felt for this man.
He covertly checked his loose pants and oversized top that he wore last night, thankfully it was still intact. Ever since Lan Wangji asked him to be his pretend girlfriend, he already predicted that this kind of situation would happen sooner or later. 

That was the actual reason why he went to BingQiu's house last night. To take the specially-made silicone boobs that Shen Qingqiu custom made for him so he didn't need a bra or stuffing since it was molded to his skin. Also he did the same thing to cover his family jewel. So, at least for now, he was safe even if somehow Lan Wangji accidentally (or not) touched the more private part of his body.  

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now