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Hua Cheng watched as Madam Yuwen walked over to his direction and he couldn't help but unconsciously stood up straighter and went on full alert. It was just Pavlov's response from all the surprise attacks he got when he was staying at the Yuwen's house. Never lower your guard anywhere, anytime. 

"Ma'am." He bowed slightly as a sign of respect when Madam Yuwen pulled him into a hug.

"Hua Cheng. Are you well?" She patted Hua Cheng's back as a sign of affection. She loved him as her own child ever since she took him in back then, and she knew that the boy loved her and their entire family back.

"I am well, as you may see." He chuckled. "Although I can't say anything about Wangji though. He seemed to be… out of character lately, if I may say."

"I noticed." Madam Yuwen also chuckled, remembering the death glare she received just now. That kinda reminded her of the same glare that he used to give her when she teased him about the pretty little boy next door, when he was living with her father, Yuwen Mo. She wondered where the boy was, or if he and Wangji kept in touch. They seemed to be inseparable back then. Maybe she should have asked her son about that because he seemed to care a lot about the boy, his first friend.

"Oh, by the way Hua Cheng, pull the dizi and the diabolium talisman out of the auction and give them to Momo. Tell her it's a gift from me, a first meeting gift. Will you please give them to her tomorrow after the auction? And look out for the Jins, especially Jin Guangshan and his daughter, Jin Su. She seemed to be out of sorts just now. I just don't like the way she looked at my Momo."

"Will do, ma'am."

The auction was actually a cover for Yuwen Xing to gather intelligence. She and Hua Cheng worked together to keep check of the underworld. Of course she put Hua Cheng as the head, with highest authority, only equal to her. But she trusted Hua Cheng could take care of everything, thus they met only for this kind of covert meeting every half a year. Plus she enjoyed selling the trash she found at her adventures.

Seeing those nouveau riches scrambled to bid on something so insignificant made her thrilled. But the girl, Wangji's girlfriend, Mo Xuanyu, she saw through it all. She wasn't interested in any of the trash, instead she focused on two of the most valuable things in the whole collection. That was very interesting.
"So, what do you think of the girl?"

"Momo?" Hua Cheng raised his brow in deep thought. "She looks like a feeble young lady but she's very smart and she thinks outside the box. Well, she had a dubious past but I think she had her own reason for doing so. I'm still looking for the reason why she changed so drastically and so suddenly. From the typical spoiled rich second generation baby to… what she is now."

"That was an avid observation, Hua Cheng. What about her family? From the mother's side."

"This is where it gets interesting. According to my source, Mo Xiang was missing. They could not track her whereabouts for quite some time. And guess what, the butler and the bodyguard that were staying with her in the Mo's residence? They were actually Mo Xiang's biological father and half-nephew."

"Did Wangji know about this?"

"I just found out yesterday when Jin Guangshan kicked Momo out and yet the butler and the bodyguard were sneakily keeping an eye out for her. That was not normal behaviour for paid helpers was it? Then my spies found out about the short affair between Mo Xiang's mother and a renowned doctor named Li Zhao; you should have heard of him, he was an expert in rare disease; back when he was still a lowly intern. But he didn't know that he had Mo Xiang until Mo Xiang was pregnant with Mo Xuanyu. I think Li Zhao also threatened Jin Guangshan into taking care of Mo Xiang and Mo Xuanyu with something. Now he only takes special cases and nobody knows about his whereabouts."

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now