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"You want to borrow what? "
Lan Xichen could not believe his ears for the first time, so he asked his brother the second time.

"The nuclear lab. The one that was located inside the bomb shelter under the mountain." Lan Wangji answered his brother with his calm mannerism, as usual, while sitting on the couch.

"What do you want to do with it? Making a nuclear bomb? No please, don't answer me, I don't want to be your accomplice." Lan Xichen sighed while kneading his forehead. "Fine. But please at least inform me beforehand if you plan to take over the world. I will sever my family ties with you first."

"Such a drama queen." Lan Wangji chuckled. "Believe me, you're going to be awed out of your pants when you see what we have been working on."

"Please, I don't want to know. Well, maybe later if we're all still alive and you're not turning into a villain."

Lan Wangji laughed, which made Lan Xichen surprised.
He noticed that his brother had this easygoing and lighter mood after the auction in which he was supposed to come but was delayed by the last minute work. And if his mother was to be believed, she said that they would be preparing for their wedding next year, two years tops. And she fell in love with Momo too. 
That was fast.
But until he saw his brother with his own eyes, he couldn't believe his mother, who sometimes over exaggerated things.
His mother turned out to be true. As always.
"Any news on the theft? I was worried about the upcoming trial for the new nanobots. Of course we still have a few on our sleeves but that could only go so far. If only I can find someone to help develop this. But so far, the people I've found were trash." Lan Xichen massaged his temple. This was their ongoing problem that somehow had no solution yet. He would need to recruit a lot more scientists that specialized in nanotech and it was hard.

"Actually, I think Hua Cheng wanted to talk to me about that, I just have to find his whereabouts." Lan Wangji took out his phone to leave a message to Hua Cheng.

"Where is he now?"

"Somewhere in the international sea fighting pirates, I think. Who knows with him being elusive and secretive like that."

"I thought you've been with him for more than half of your life will give you some kind of an insight to his unpredictable behaviour."

"Well, yeah, up to some point. I'm not his mother, you know. Maybe you should ask mom, she'll know. Oh wait, she blocked you because you failed to give her explicit photos of me and my girlfriend making out in the kitchen."

"Blabbermouth." Lan Xichen murmured under his breath.

"I'm so going to tell mom."

"Since when did you become this childish??"

"Since you agreed to spy on me, brother ." Lan Wangji flicked his lighter. "By the way, how's it going with Jiang Yanli? Good?"

"...how did you even know about her?"

"Please, I have my way. I've met her older brother, by the way. Seemed nice." 

"The detective? Jiang Cheng?" Lan Xichen frowned. "Well, I don't know if I'm ready to meet the family. We're not on that stage… yet." Lan Xichen frowned. "Besides, I don't like Madam Yu."

"Well, take your time brother." Lan Wangji stood up. "But don't take too long, since the good ones happened to be snatched rather quickly."
Lan Xichen was dumbfounded.
Was his brother bragging just now?
"Did you just brag? To me?" Lan Xichen could not believe his ears. His misogynist brother dared to brag at him about girlfriend of all things.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now