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The man was sitting in his office, drinking vodka and waiting for his man to contact him back with the auction's result. If he didn't get what he wanted, then his men would find out who did and get them by any means necessary. He needed that thing. He couldn't understand how that thing could end up in some kind of shady auction in the middle of nowhere. Apparently the high and mighty liked these kinds of high-risk, high-stake, and many different ways to splurge their money.
Nouveau riches bastards.
Did they even understand how hard it was to make money? What did the normal people sacrifice to be able to have a tenth of their monthly allowance? He didn't think so, since they were not trained to make money or work hard like normal people. They're just second generation youngsters with more money than god, to burn.

So, when his man called to tell him that the auction was done,  but the items he wanted did not show up, he was enraged.

He threw the glass to the wall until it shattered and screamed like a mad man then he pulled out his own hair in a manic frenzy. 

"Boss, you gotta stop doing this every time you're mad. You'll go bald soon."

He was so caught up in his anger that he didn't hear her come.

"I'm so pissed, so so fucking pissed!" He threw the vodka bottle but it didn't break, only rolled off the carpeted floor, under the cupboard.

"I know you're pissed, but you'll soon be glad. Guess who called me just now?"

"Her again? What did she want?" He calmed down a bit and finally sat down on the couch. 

"She wants to proceed with the plan." The woman poured another drink in a fresh glass and gave it to the man. 

"Fucking finally. What happened to her to finally change her mind, thinking that she's smarter than us?"

"Well, there's so much crazy ramblings, but long story short, Madam Yuwen announced to the whole world that she took Mo Xuanyu as her goddaughter. Guess that's what sent her into a frenzy."

"Good. Good. This will soon be done. By the way, find out who took the items I want from the auction. I wanna kill them."

"Sure, boss. Whatever you say."

Jin Su was walking in a hurry to meet with her 'contact' in a restaurant near the university. It was a popular place for students and the turnover rate was very high. But today, it was not as crowded as usual, since it was still ten in the morning.

She never went into this kind of popular hotspot for ordinary students, no sir, only the best and most expensive for her. But ever since her father was humiliated by Madam Yuwen, he was so angry he cut her allowance in half for three months. And she wouldn't have that. There was her image to maintain, with her normal allowance she could barely do that, with half of it? Say goodbye to her rich and famous life. She would be a pariah soon, especially after the Lans rejected her marriage proposal. 

There had been talks everywhere about how Lan Wangji was smitten with a girl with long silver hair, and how the Jin's daughter tried to separate them. Some of her friends already asked her about it, but she kept her silence. It was so humiliating to have her perfect image tarnished by some bastard daughter.
Soon. Very soon, she would have that position, her rightful position as Lan Wangji's wife. She had planned it into a T, how she would dispose of Mo Xuanyu to somewhere secure, and how Lan Wangji would beg her to marry him in order to save that bitch. She planned to make him fucked her slowly and for a very very long time, over and over again, before she even let him know about Mo Xuanyu's life or death. She remembered that she was so aroused yesterday when she was in that very close vicinity with Lan Wangji. He seemed to exude a very masculine pheromone and sexuality that made her weak on her knees. Too bad that bitch was there. She was pretty sure Lan Wangji would sweep her off her feet if the bastard wasn't there. She saw how he looked at her, with passion in his eyes. After all, he should know that she was the only one who is right for him.

She couldn't wait for him to get down on his knees and beg her to marry him with the diamond ring the size of a plate.

She entered the second floor, which was where the message said her contact would be waiting, and after scanning the almost empty place, she saw a woman, eating by herself with an enormous amount of meat skewers in front of her. She was exactly like the description that she was given. Long curly hair, biker jacket, fuck you attitude, in short, a punk.

Jin Su scrunched her nose in distaste, but she had to do it. So she walked up to the woman and stopped just a few feet in front of her.

"Is this seat taken?"

The woman looked her up and down in a boorish manner.

"Depends. Are you offering yourself?" She smirked and bit a couple of skewers at once and downed them with a big gulp of beer.

Jin Su was about to turn around and left, when the woman spoke again.

"Kidding, Princess. Come, sit down. Wanna have a bite?" She offered the skewers which Jin Su declined. She would not stay in this place for one second longer than necessary.

"Are you the contact I've been told to meet?" She took out her handkerchief and wiped the chair down before she sat on it, still cringing from the overall setting.

"Maybe. What do you want with me anyway? A princess like you should go and be a princess, rather than ask someone to kidnap your love rival. Why don't you find another man, missy? With your look you'll get any man you want that easy." She snapped her finger in front of Jin Su's face, and succeeded in angering her more.

"I don't want any man. I just want one man in particular. And the girl was definitely in my way, half-sister or not. She was just from a questionable background, yet she thought that she could snatch my man? That's impossible." Jin Su smashed the table, hard enough to make a few empty skewers flying over.

"Whoa, easy there, you're a ruthless one aren't ya, trying to kidnap and murder your own sister over a man like that…"

" Half sister, and she wasn't even a blip in my radar until she seduced my fiance." Now Jin Su was enraged, remembering all the humiliation she had to endure because of some… insignificant bug. "I want you to do whatever it takes to kidnap her and bring her to someplace safe. Somewhere that someone like Lan Wangji can not even find. Just… be creative. I want it done ASAP. And let me know if it's done." She stood up and could not wait to leave this dump. "Oh, and I'll pay you extra if you can make her suffer, but don't kill her. Just torture her until she wish that she's better off dead."
The woman gave her a salute.
When Jin Su left, she picked up her phone and called the one who set up this meeting.

"The bait fell on it, hook, line and sinker." She grinned devilishly. 

Now she could exact her revenge and got paid and had a perfect scapegoat.

She just had to prepare the last thing she needed to get ready.
The drug.
The last time she used a milder version, the over-the-counter sleeping drugs, and it gave her a lot of problems with the bastard she still kept in her place.
So this time she planned to rob a vet. No, not rob, more like… relieved them off some of their horse tranquilizer. That should do the job.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now