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The sun was almost setting on the horizon as the helicopter was preparing to go with its passengers, a couple of insanely beautiful people with their bodyguards.

The man was tall and gave off a royalty vibe with his white custom-tailored shirt opened until the second button and a pair of jeans that fitted his muscled legs perfectly. The whole look was completed with a navy-colored trench coat and leather shoes.

The woman however, wore loose jeans and a loose white shirt with a rose-colored woven leather belt, the same woven leather flat shoes and small wallet-on-chain in the same style. They looked simple, but to the knowing eyes, it was crafted to perfection and it would cost some pretty penny. She also wore huge rose-tinted sunglasses covering her eyes and a matching blush-colored trench coat. But the woman didn't even care about all the stuff, instead she was groaning and leaned on the man who hugged her waist along the way.

"I think I'm gonna die..."

"That's because you finished the whole bottle of that wine." He finally gave up and carried her, then he put her in one of the seats before buckling her safety belt. "Drink this." He gave her a bottle of strange colored concoction and forced her to drink it.

"Ugh, it tastes like shit." Wei Wuxian pushed the bottle away but Lan Wangji forced him to drink some more.
"It's good for the hangover."

Wei Wuxian gagged.

"You know, I don't even like wine. Why would I drink the whole bottle of it?" Now Wei Wuxian was straight up whining.

"Because you said, and I quote, 'this bottle costs more than a good bike, so, it better tastes good, or I'm gonna burn them all and make them into the biggest bonfire this side of hemisphere ever seen and then send the empty bottles to Jin Guangshan', then you proceeded to drink the whole bottle and then mumbled nonsense in French. Shall I repeat them for you?" 
Now he remembered. That just sounded like him actually.
They were celebrating their success of smuggling the ridiculously expensive wines out of the Mo's basement. And for the sake of celebration, Wei Wuxian wanted to taste one of the more expensive one. After he randomly chose the bottle, a 1947 French Cheval-Blanc, he opened it, with his teeth, to Lan Wangji's horror.

"The infamous last words." He groaned. That little bottle of wine was really lethal, although it didn't taste as good as his Macallan. But nothing would ever taste as good as his Macallan R. Which was stolen by that mysterious buyer. Whom he would track down and get his baby back as soon as he could stand up straight and find him.

"Swallow this and get a little bit of sleep. I'll wake you up when we get there." Lan Wangji gave him a couple of advil and Wei Wuxian just took and dry swallowed it, ignoring the water. 

"How come you're not having any hangover?" He looked at Lan Wangji suspiciously.

"For one, I only drink for enjoyment, a couple of sips here and there. Unlike someone I know, who drank straight from the bottle until the last drop. Like cheap beers."

Wei Wuxian groaned. Lan Wangji could also be that petty.

"Alright, alright, enough with your mockery." He closed his eyes. "Wake me up never, please." Then he was asleep, leaning on Lan Wangji's shoulder.

Lan Wangji looked at the sleeping girl fondly. He knew he shouldn't indulge her like this, but he just couldn't help it. The twinkle in her eyes when she talked about something that excited her, it was addictive. But he promised to be more stern next time. No drink until she got drunk again. No, scratch that. No drink until she turned twenty one.

And with that, Lan Wangji finally made peace with himself.

"Welcome to LORELEI, Mr. and Mrs. Lan. Let me take you to your room." A man with a butler uniform greeted them on the helipad where they had landed a couple minutes ago. Apparently they were the first guests to come. Most of the guests preferred to come tomorrow as to not waste their money to pay for accomodation. 
But of course not Lan Wangji.
He booked them the best suites in the yacht, with their own balcony, private swimming pool and jacuzzi. There was even a dining room and living room that were decorated luxuriously, a basket of fresh exotic fruits, and a bottle of champagne, courtesy of the captain. Wei Wuxian almost groaned when he saw the champagne and he walked to the balcony to see the private pool and jacuzzi.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now