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Wen Chao threw his phone on the messy bed reeked of sex while cursing outloud. He knew he was just some kind of replacement for Lan Wangji, but he truly loved Jin Su even though she treated him just like dirt.
And now she wanted him to find out about this silver haired high school girl just because she probably accidentally touched Lan Wangji or something like that.

He hated the way Jin Su had him wrapped around her little fingers, but he could do nothing about his own feelings, so he took his phone and dialed his cousin's number.
The Wens was a fallen aristocrat family who only had titles but not money. Sure they were wealthy enough, but not as much as Wen Ruohan, the patriarch of the Wens, would have liked. He was determined to matchmake his children with one of the powerhouse families, like the Jins, the Jiangs or the Lans.

Wen Ruohan had two sons, Wen Chao, who chased after Jin Su, and Wen Xu, the good-for-nothing playboy who ran around chasing skirts with Jin Zixun. 
Other than his sons, he also had three cousins, Wen Qing, Wen Ning and Wen Yuan.
Wen Ning and Wen Yuan were in the same high school, so Wen Chao called Wen Ning first.

The phone was picked up on the third ring.

"Yes?" The voice that picked up the phone was slightly irritated, as usual when he got a call from his cousin.

"A-Ning, how are you?" 

"Cut to the chase. What do you want?"

Wen Chao was getting riled up by the response, but he persevered.

"Well, since you put it that way, I need to know if you have a classmate with long silver hair."

"Why? What's your business?"

"I just saw her and she dropped her book. I think it's important but I don't know her name. Do you know her?"

"You can give the book to the librarian, if the book doesn't have her name that means that it was from the library."
Why this fucking bastard…
"Fine, I'll drop it at the library. Thanks."

Wen Ning already hung up on him.
The next one he called was Wen Yuan, and since he was nicer, he answered the phone right away.


"A-Yuan, are you in class right now?"

"Not yet, why? Is there something you need?"
Wen Chao wondered why both of his younger cousins asked him the same question. Well, probably because he never called them first for anything. He just prayed that Wen Yuan knew something since he didn't want to call Wen Qing. 

Wen Qing was studying traditional chinese medicine and she could be fierce as hell, especially with her acupuncture needles, an experience he didn't want to try twice. And she was a no nonsense person, and she hated him. So, even if he called her, it's a miracle if she was willing to answer.

"I met a silver-haired girl just now…"

"You mean Mo Xuanyu? She's the only silver-haired girl in our classes. But I don't know if she's gonna change it next week. She has this habit of changing hair color, you know."
"Her name's Mo Xuanyu?"

"You should know better than me since she was the illegitimate daughter of your girlfriend's father."
"What did you just say?"

"Mo Xuanyu is Jin Su's half sister from a different mother. Didn't you date Jin Su?"

Wen Chao almost burst out laughing right there. 

Of all the people in the world, that girl was Jin Su's half sister. 

What a fucked up world.

"Ah okay then, thanks a lot A-Yuan."

"No problem."

Wen Chao hung up and started thinking. 

That bastard Wen Ning must have known Mo Xuanyu was the one he was looking for. But why didn't he tell him? There must be something fishy going on.

He got the information, but he held himself back before letting Jin Su know. At least he needed to get her into his bed first before he told her about her half sister.

He could imagine her face when she knew that the one she was looking for was her own flesh and blood.
Wen Chao cackled loudly.

After the whole fiasco with Meng Yiran, she skipped the class altogether, and it made Wei Wuxian feel relieved. He came into the class and looked around to find that Mianmian wasn't there. He asked around but nobody seemed to see her.
Strange, she was supposed to be a straight A student, did she skip class?
Wen Ning was also not there. That was also strange. As far as he remembered, Wen Ning was always there.

Did they skip class together? Was this supposed to be a mass skipping day? If so, he's such a stupid ass for making it to school today. He would probably still be lying down in his comfy bed if he didn't have to go to school. 
If Lan Wangji did not pick him up to go to school.

He wondered if he could skip class too and went out to play with his new toy.

She woke up in a darkness and daze, wondering where she was. The last thing she remembered was the goddamn drink. Was it drugged? What reason could it be? 

She tried to look around when she realized that she was blindfolded. That was when she first felt the sharpness of the razor, when it cut her arm.

She tried to scream but the gag prevented her to do so.

She tried to move but she was tied tightly to the chair.
Then she felt another cut.
And another.
And another.
She could feel that she was slowly bleeding from all the tiny cuts that were made all around the various part of her body and the desperation was making her move fiercely, trying to escape from the bind.
It hurt.
It hurt so bad.
Why there's no one to save her?
Why her?

When the razor found her face, she tried to scream.
This was all just a nightmare…
But no matter how hard she tried, she could not escape this never ending nightmare, that was orchestrated especially for her.

Sweet dream, Princess.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now