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Wei Wuxian was sound asleep from all the extracurricular that he and Lan Wangji did, the whole night. Fucking. Making love. Whatever it was called. His back was sore and his whole body was peppered with bite marks. It was almost morning when they finally finished and he almost passed out from overexertion, when he vaguely remembered that he was wiped clean with warm cloth, and bundled up in a blanket. It was such a dejavu, the one that made him curled up to Lan Wangji's body heat beside him.

Wait. What dejavu? He had never done this before, ever. Not with Lan Wangji, not with anyone else, as long as he could remember. Sans the choppy missing memories from his brain.

But he was too exhausted to do anything else, so he dozed off after trying to think about those dejavu that he was really sure had happened. 

Wei Wuxian was woken up by Lan Wangji's languid kisses on his neck and shoulder. The man was swirling his tongue, before he bit the tender flesh right at the juncture of the youngster's neck, and it caused Wei Wuxian to flinch and gasp. And in effect, he felt that Lan Wangji's hardness poked him in his back, searching for a way in.

"Is it noon yet… ah!" Wei Wuxian couldn't finish his words because Lan Wangji already entered him with one swift move, and buried himself to the hilt. Then he made a little shallow thrusting move that drove Wei Wuxian crazy.

"You do know… ahh shit, that we… have to work… soon… yes there...damn it!" 

Apparently Lan Wangji had hit the sweet spot that caused Wei Wuxian to go blind with desire. Lan Wangji then held Wei Wuxian's front throat, and pulled his head back to kiss him, while his other hand did a wonderful job to Wei Wuxian's hardness.

"We can afford to be a little late…" Lan Wangji directed his thrust to hit the spot that caused Wei Wuxian to tremble.

"Fuck you, Lan Zhan…" Wei Wuxian moaned and soon he was already on the edge. 

They've done it many times already but it still made Lan Wangji greedy for more. For his sweet smell, the moans and cries, and the clenching of his inside when he was almost going over the edge. Just like now. So he increased the pace, and let the both of them fall over the edge, together.

Wei Wuxian felt like he was about to die.

Died from pleasure, true. But that devil was insatiable. After they did it that many times last night, he was still vigorous enough to do it twice just now, making him like he was a puppet without his string. It was a challenge to move his limbs, since they were screaming in agony every time he even blinked.
He tried so hard to walk to the bathroom to take a shower while the devil was not in the vicinity, in case he pounced on him again. He took an extra moment to sit under the hot shower that invigorated his body, as he checked the bruises and the markings Lan Wangji left all over him. He groaned while he washed his legs from the back pain. That damn devil. He should take a separate room tonight or his ass would riot. Thankfully, his shower ended peacefully and he quickly changed into shirts and jeans. Then he went outside to meet Liu Qingge.

Surprisingly, instead of getting the food delivered, he saw Lan Wangji was cooking something in the kitchen. It was a rare view that caused Wei Wuxian to stop in his tracks for a moment before he continued to approach Lan Wangji.

"What are you doing?" Wei Wuxian hugged Lan Wangji from behind.

"Making you a nutritious soup, since you looked exhausted from our… exercises last night." Lan Wangji took Wei Wuxian's hand and kissed the palm. "Go, sit over there, it'll be done soon." He shooed Wei Wuxian, and patted his bottom teasingly. Since Wei Wuxian was hungry, he complied, and sat down on the dining table. 

"The gangs will be here soon, to test drive the car." Lan Wangji put the piping hot soup in front of Wei Wuxian, and walked to the freezer to get some freshly squeezed juice. "Careful it's hot."

"Test drive the car? But did Qingge finish the… uhm."

"The uranium as the car fuel? Yes he did. Turned out he didn't sleep last night and finished them all, and now he's back at the quarter, resting."

"Uhm, I've been meaning to tell you that…" Wei Wuxian was fidgeting. He didn't mean to hide that the reason he chose to work in the nuclear facility was because they were going to handle uranium. And what other place was better than the nuclear facility, complete with all the prevention and lock down features in case something went wrong?

"It's okay, I kinda guessed it when you asked me to ask permission to use this bomb shelter. What else would you do besides handling the real bomb here? I admire you and your friend's bravery. Really." Lan Wangji poured the juice into two glasses, and he took the toast he put in before Wei Wuxian came down.

"I heard some sarcasm in your tone though." Wei Wuxian put down the spoon and drank the juice. 

"Well, I'm just… awed with how little you regard your safety. And your friends. You always do that, jump head first without knowing how deep the chasm was."
Not sarcasm, more like anger.
"Darling…" Wei Wuxian stood up and walked across to sit on Lan Wangji's lap, and hugged him, peppering him with kisses. "Are you mad?" He fluttered his lashes to add to the effect. He knew Lan Wangji was weak for him, and he should use it to tamp down his rage. "It was actually planned ever since a long time ago, before I met you, before… you mean so much to me. Well, I do admit that I kinda play with fire there, but don't you see? This is a huge leap for humanity. Imagine the fuel that would last forever, no contamination to the environment, sure the cost would be sky high, but we can work that part out. As long as there are people like me, like you, like your grandfather, who were pioneers in Artificial Intelligence and nanotechnology. This is going to be the future of humankind." 
Well, he hoped Lan Wangji bought it, since the real reason he upgraded the fuel to uranium was so that he would never be bothered again with refueling. Every. Single. Time. He always, always forgot to refuel. And his friends were so fed up by being the ones to rescue him. From the jungle, the desert, the island, anywhere his adventurous thoughts took him to.
"You know you sound dubious with all that reasoning, right?" Lan Wangji sighed. It seemed that he was about to give in. Again. "I want to test it out too. And if it's working, I want Liu Qingge to put it on Xiao Hei too."
"Sure baby, that was the plan anyway." 
If Wei Wuxian had ears and a tail, he would wag them in satisfaction. He was like a nine-tailed fox, so cunning, yet so mesmerizing that Lan Wangji could not escape from his clutch. Not that he wanted to.
"Eat your soup. Then we talked. No lying again this time." Lan Wangji kissed the tip of Wei Wuxian's nose and ruffled his hair fondly. 
He was weak after all.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now