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Jin Su was preparing herself since the morning with a total rejuvenation spa package to make her skin and complexion flawless. She opted for the complete package which would make her glowing like a movie star, and smell like one too. She also bought the custom-fit dress from a renowned foreign designer that would easily cost six figures, but she thought it was an investment for the future Madam Lan. She surely would be the belle of the ball tonight, especially with the necklace she had prepared carefully. She was trying on the necklace in front of the mirror, when her mother, Madam Jin, entered her room.

"What are you doing? How the hell did you get that necklace?" She spoke in a surprised tone after seeing the necklace she wore. She had bad feelings about it, because she knew that it was a Yuwen's family crest necklace that was supposed to be given out to the Yuwen's bride. And Madam Jin knew that her daughter was not it.

"My fiance gave it to me. Why are you bothered anyway? Don't you have someplace to go?" Jin Su did not pay attention to her mother anymore, she would shortly leave her and this wretched family anyway and live a beautiful, perfect life with her beautiful perfect husband.

"This is the first time I heard that you have a fiance. Are you sure you're not delusional?" Madam Jin crossed her hands in front of her chest in disapproval. "Do not cross the line, Jin Su. This is as far as I will give you advice. You know the consequences if you dare to cross that line."

"What is it to you, mother? What I did or did not, had nothing to do with you. This is me, trying to find my own happy ending with my own way, since you're never there to teach me. So, get lost. I will not regret my act nor my decision." Jin Su's mood worsened because of her meddling mother. "Just… go. Leave. Do whatever you do. Don't mind me, I can take care of myself."

"This is my last warning, Jin Su. Do not cross the line. There are rules older than we are here, and if you dare to ignore them, even I cannot help you."

"Fine. I'll help myself then. I don't need you, or God, or whomever else."

Madam Jin looked at her for the last time, then she walked out of the room. 

"Send my regards to the Lans. Unfortunately, I can't make it this time."

"Yeah, well, you never make it anyway, what's the difference now?" Jin Su didn't even look at her mother once for the duration of the conversation, although she knew exactly what she meant. But she believed that her plan was flawless, and that meddling person just made her mood worse. 

"The difference is, you messed with the wrong people, daughter. It's not the Lans, it's the Yuwens I'm afraid of, and you should too. If I were you, I'd stop whatever you're doing and return the necklace and whatever it is you took from them. Please." 

Jin Su was stunned. This was the first time her mother begged. No, this was the first time her mother talked to her for more than a few sentences, and it irritated her. A lot. It sounded to her a dog yapping in her ears, and she wanted it to stop, so she grabbed the nearest object she could take, which happened to be a small fruit knife, and she stabbed it into the dog over and over and over again while yelling 'shut up, shut up, shut up'. Until she finally realized that it was not a dog that she killed, but her mother.
The first thing she did when she realized that she killed her own mother was looking into the mirror in panic, because the blood was splattered all over her beautiful face and dress. Thank god it was not the dress that she planned to wear at the party. 

Jin Su looked at the mangled body of her mother in distaste, and finally decided to get rid of her later. For now, she just dragged her body into the bathtub and cleaned all the blood. That was so annoying. Even in death, her mother could not well leave her alone just like she used to do.

She was pissed now, and she realized that when she stabbed her mother, she felt something like she never felt before. 
Maybe she should try it again on Mo Xuanyu before the party. Suddenly she felt happy again, and after she washed all the evidence of blood and changed her clothes, she drove to see the little slut.

Xue Qing was really pissed off when she heard that Mo Xuanyu was kidnapped, right under her nose. She lost her back when Mo Xuanyu went to his father's house. Since she didn't want anything to do with her father, she left just for a while. But when she was back, Mo Xuanyu had already gone. She felt so guilty, and her cousin looked so sad. So she did her own investigation.

She knew that this Jin Su bitch was aiming for Mo Xuanyu, everyone knew about her crazy obsession for Lan Wangji. And after she laid her eyes on her, she was sure that Jin Su was the one who pushed Mo Xuanyu into the lake that night. Crazy bitch. So she stayed vigilant and kept her eyes on Jin Su, while the others chased other clues. She was almost getting crazy from following her routines, spa, mall, boutique, restaurant, cafe, drinks, buy buy buy… but she finally get what she wanted when she saw Jin Su went out in a hurry with a crazy look in her eyes and she drove her car, alone. She usually used a driver when she wanted to go shopping or do whatever other young and rich socialites did. So this better be good.

Xue Qing mounted her bike and followed Jin Su to wherever the hell she went to.

Jin Su arrived at the safe house, and she went straight to where they kept Mo Xuanyu. She saw that Mo Xuanyu was asleep, so she doused a pitcher of cold water onto her, and she laughed when Mo Xuanyu woke up in surprise.

"Wakey wakey, bitch, today is the day you meet your maker…" Jin Su laughed hysterically. 

Wei Wuxian was surprised when he was hit by the cold water, but it woke him up from the drowsiness he felt for quite some time now. He was grateful that Meng Airan did not do anything to him while he was asleep. Guess she was busy playing with the Wens siblings, judging by the sound of the whip and muffled screams. He only hoped when it's his time, she would do it quickly, but he doubted it because she was getting high from all the pain she inflicted on her victims. A true sexual sadist. But now he was facing the other crazies, and this time he had no hope of getting out unscathed, judging by the glint in Jin Su's eyes and the knife in her hand.

"Mo Xuanyu. Do you know what I just did?" She whispered to him like a girl sharing secrets with her besties. "I just killed my mother." 

Wei Wuxian widened his eyes in surprise. He always thought that this girl was rather… unbalanced, but now she turned into a fully fledged psychopath.

"But you know what? I felt free! I never felt like this before in my life! So I decided to do the same to you, and maybe, Lan Wangji would finally look at me." Jin Su put the knife on Wei Wuxian's cheek and started to slash it.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now