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"Who are you again?" Lan Wangji looked at the beautiful man, who stood a little bit shorter than him, in suspicion, when his mother's voice suddenly called out to them. 

"You came! Wangji, come, this is Xie Lian, and Xie Lian, this is my youngest son, Wangji. And that one is the oldest one, Xichen." 
Xie Lian?
Lan Wangji tried to remember the name, but he came up empty.

"Auntie, congratulations on your anniversary, but right now we have to go and save a damsel in distress." Xie Lian bowed politely to Madam Yuwen, just like a prince. Then he turned back to the direction of his helicopter. "Let's go, Lan Wangji, time's ticking." He walked to his helicopter, followed by the two cats and two bodyguards. "Oh and by the way, these are my cats and friends. The white one is Ruoye, the black one is Chenqing, the cats I mean, and obviously Chenqing here also can't wait to see his master, right Chenqing?" Xie Lian ruffled the black cat which purred in his hand and it suddenly jumped to Lan Wangji's embrace. 

"Ooh, he likes you, just like his owner. Ah, and these two are Feng Xin and Mu Qing, my bestest friends and bodyguards." Xie Lian introduced Lan Wangji to the two men with some kind of judgment in their eyes. "So, let's go save Xian… I mean Momo." Xie Lian gave Lan Wangji a knowing smile and they moved fast to the direction of the place where Wei Wuxian was held captive.

Xue Qing knew that time was ticking before the sadist bitch killed Mo Xuanyu with her vicious acts. First, Meng Airan tied her on the chair, and put her on the corner where she could see everything clearly. Then she took her time to undress Mo Xuanyu by slashing her shirt open to reveal the transparent white skin underneath. Then the jeans, before she suddenly stopped. There was a look of disbelief in her eyes, followed by a guffaw.

"I can't believe it, Mo Xuanyu, you have deceived us all." Meng Airan grabbed Wei Wuxian's face and examined him. "You don't look like a boy at all. How old are you again? Sixteen? Seventeen? You don't even have body hair. What are you? A freak?" 
If only she knew…  
Wei Wuxian scoffed and he was getting slapped.

"Don't be a smartass here, Mo Xuanyu, or I'll cut your pretty little friend there in front of you. How would you like that?" She took out a small rusty razor and showed it in front of Wei Wuxian's face. "Do you see this? I will cut you into ribbons using this. Think about the pain that I'm going to give you." And she slashed Wei Wuxian's hand with shallow cuts. It hurt like hell, and Wei Wuxian winced from the pain. But Meng Airan looked at the cut she just made in confusion.
"Why is there no blood out?"

Lan Wangji and Xie Lian rode the helicopter in silence. Lan Wangji was anxious to get there as soon as possible and he had told Song Lan to organize the shadow guards to surround the mountain the building was in, in case anyone would escape. He also informed Shen Qingqiu of the progress and told him to get Dr. Xue with them to the location. Just in case.

Xie Lian seemed to sense Lan Wangji's distress, as did both cats, because they scrambled into Lan Wangji's lap, and asked him to play with them. That only reminded him of the youngster, who often climbed into his lap and purred in satisfaction, just like these two cats.

"They are like Momo, yes?" Xie Lian smiled. "So cute, and beautiful, but will claw your eyes out if something displeases them." 

Lan Wangji raised his brow in question. This man seemed to know Mo Xuanyu quite well, and he didn't look like someone from either side of the Mo or the Jin family. And his mother seemed to know him intimately and respect him.

"Who are you again?" Lan Wangji asked in a suspicious note, making one of the bodyguards suddenly stand up and draw something out of his shoulder holster, but Xie Lian stopped him. 

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now