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It was a rainy day and the wind howled eerily against the tree, making inhuman sounds that made the hair on the listener's back stand up.

On that dark windy night, where there was nobody around, Wei Wuxian knew that he was going to die.

Without being able to swim, it was only a matter of time before he would be pulled under by the cold current of the murky river. 

After he struggled for his consciousness for some time, he didn't have much of a choice, when the darkness slowly engulfed him, swallowing him until he took his last breath and finally surrendered.

If only… 

That was the last thought before the darkness swallowed his mind, thus missing a desperate plea of someone who tried to save him.

Don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing

'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream would never do
I'd still miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing…

Wei Wuxian slowly opened his eyes to the faded sound of the familiar song. 

He scrunched his brows and touched his head when he felt some sticky residue, quickly retracting his hand to see the dried blood staining his hand. His head seemed to have bled for a while, but luckily he was fine.

He looked around slowly and found himself lying on a bed, but other than that everything was dark. 

He did a quick check on his body to find out if he was hurt anywhere, but when he touched his chest, he froze.

There was a strange feeling in his hand, like soft, squishy flesh…

He looked down and almost screamed.

Boobs??? He had boobs??? What the fuck?!

The next thing he did was quickly run down his hand to his family jewels to double check. Thankfully, they were still there.

But boobs? What the fuck?

His hand searched around to find some kind of a light source, when he felt a table lamp beside him and he turned it on. His gaze slowly scanned around and he took notice of his surroundings.

The first thought he had was that he was having a nightmare. 

It was like he was thrown headfirst into some kind of Alice in Wonderland perverted alternate reality. Everything was pink and frilly with plush dolls and even the bed was like the one in Disney princess’ movie.

His hand touched the white curtains of the canopy bed, pushing them aside to get out of the pink bed.

What's with all the pink? And where the hell was he?

He looked around and his eyes found what he had been looking for–a mirror. He walked to the direction of the floor length mirror and when someone appeared on it, he gasped.

The reflection that was looking back at him was of someone who was the exact opposite of himself. 

Wei Wuxian was a tall, dark, handsome man, with ink black hair and silver eyes. His body was lean, yet ripped and strong. He was once crowned the most handsome man of the century and he had a full body ink that was as delicate as watercolor. 

And yet all he could see now was a feeble, short, thin body with boobs and wearing a dress nonetheless.

On second thought, he took off his frilly dress and finally took a good look at his body.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now