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The test was conducted inside of the containment chamber, where Liu Qingge was working last night to integrate the uranium to the fuel system. He took his tablet out and calibrated the system with the control panel of the Lamborghini Sian. He would remotely control the car from a safe distance. They invited the motley crew, Hua Cheng, Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu, to watch and if they were interested to adopt the system. 

Liu Qingge started with a basic drive. Forward, backward, left, right, and he controlled the car via his tablet.

Hua Cheng was in awe with that demonstration, while Luo Binghe and Lan Wangji talked technical. Shen Qingqiu was used to it, so he observed Wei Wuxian, who was standing behind Liu Qingge. He was impatiently waiting for the basic test to be over and wanted to go over and drove the car himself.
"So," Shen Qingqiu smirked, "you've finally done the deed, eh?"

Wei Wuxian looked at Shen Qingqiu in horror and quickly covered his mouth.

"The fuck? Use your inner voice, bitch, there's so many people here!"  He hissed at his best friend while looking around to see who was listening.

But it was too late because Liu Qingge seemed to hear them, since the car suddenly made a drift and the more obvious sign was the redness that was creeping on his ears.

"We are not just any people, we're your people! Now, spill, how's your deflowering experience?" 

Since Shen Qingqiu seemed to be determined to find out, Wei Wuxian dragged him a bit far away from the other. It's a need to know only, and nobody actually needed to know. But since it's Shen Qingqiu, who would make ruckus if he didn't tell him, he finally relented and spoke in a low voice.

"It's… fine. He's… fine. Very fine. A considerate lover. And his stamina… ugh, we did it all night long and this morning too. Against the wall, on the table, couch, bed, floor…"

"Stop… stop! I get it, you shameless bitch… he's great!" Shen Qingqiu laughed and slapped Wei Wuxian's hand. "So, how's your ass doing? Has it been destroyed yet?" He smirked, while took a peek at Lan Wangji's crotch.

"I don't want to talk about my ass with you of all people, you'll tell Binghe and Qingqing and they will use that to blackmail me for the rest of my life!" Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes. "Oh wait, that would be you ! Binghe and Qingqing will never do that kind of despicable act to me."

"That's just because they didn't have the right motivation yet." Shen Qingqiu chuckled.

"What's that supposed to mean? What kind of motivation did you have?" Wei Wuxian pouted and crossed his hands in front of his chest.

"That cute act won't work on me, you know that right?"

"Still, a man gotta try." Wei Wuxian shrugged. "Oh, by the way I gave your card to a detective in the precinct. Detective Jiang Cheng. He's ok, but he might call you to do whatever he was supposed to do." 

"My fashion designer card? And why would you do that? Did he need fashion advice?" Shen Qingqiu seemed actually confused by the information.

"Not that card, but the card, the other one."

"Oh? You still kept my old card? Should I be flattered? But why would you need a lawyer?" 

"That dead girl case, someone tried to frame me."

"... you still lead a dangerous life here, you know that right? Have they found the culprit yet?"

"Do you think that I would need a lawyer if they did? The incompetence is the same everywhere. I planned to take care of it after we finished this." He waved at the direction of the car.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now