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It was already dark in the part of the hemisphere that Yuwen Xing and her husband, Qingheng Jun, were staying. She nursed a glass of single malt whiskey in her hand while looking down the window toward the bustling city lights that their penthouse was located in. Her husband, the father of her two stubborn children, was busy with some important datas in front of his laptop.

"I think our second baby is in love." She spelled out the words carefully, as if to make it more believable. "Can you believe it, Qingheng? Our Wangji finally found the girl of his dreams."

"Mm." Qingheng Jun replied with his eyes still focused on the laptop. "What makes you think that? Did he tell you himself?" He typed something into the laptop. 

"Well, not in words, but he said he will bring me a special gift to our anniversary party." She thought about the exact words Wangji had said to her. The difference was the tone he spoke with, the soft smile that even she could hear from an ocean away.

"And maybe that was it? A literal gift?"

Yuwen Xing slapped her husband's arm fondly.
"It's about the nuance , baby. The way he talked about the gift was so… soft. And fond. It's different, you know. Call it a mother's intuition."

"If it's true then I will be glad. He has suffered too much since that… tragedy six months ago."

"I know." She hugged her husband from behind. "Now I want to know what kind of girl can make him act like that."

"She must be exceptional, knowing the hard-to-please and cold personality of our Wangji. If there was a girl. Please don't get your hopes up baby, I don't want to see you disappointed, sweetheart."

"I know, we promised not to interfere with their love lives, or their chosen partners. And Wangji is just like you. Well, does that mean I'm exceptional too?" She turned around the chair where her husband sat and dropped on his lap, distracting him from his work.

Qingheng Jun took off his glasses, grabbed his wife's slim waist and took the whiskey glass away then pulled her closer.

"You know you are." He then kissed her softly, and opened her mouth with his tongue, making her shiver deliciously.

"Mm, Qingheng, you're such a tease."

"And you're such a hottie. Let's make another kid. I want a sweet little girl like you this time."

Yuwen Xing giggled and they walked to the bed and fell together on it. 
Their relationship was still so good even after those years. It was not perfect, but they loved and respected each other, and always tried to listen and compromise to each other.

All they wished for was for their children to find love just like theirs, strong, stable, supportive of each other, as they stood on the same level with each other as partners. Sometimes, they didn't even need words to understand each other perfectly. In short, a perfect tacit understanding between two people and two hearts that beat as one.

It only happened once in a lifetime, and they were lucky to have found it. They just wished their children were able to find theirs too.


So this is it.
Jin Su was determined that she would succeed this time, when she knocked on the heavy door made out of pure gold with eight huge koi fish carvings. 

Jin Guangshan always flaunted his wealth anytime and anywhere he could. Too bad he didn't have any noticeable lineage, and that was the only thing he regretted, because aristocratic people would turn their nose up when he said that he was only a second generation money. 
The nouveau riche.
He hated those words.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now