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Jin Su just came back home from a shopping spree with Jiang Yanli. She was confident that her plan would be a success, and she would soon be Mrs. Lan, when Jin Guangshan's secretary came out and asked her to come to his study.

She told the maids to take all the shopping bags to her room and she walked to her father's study to see what it was all about.

She entered the study to see her father was sitting on the couch, a stiff drink in his hand. His eyes were red and bleary from the drink, and he looked pissed. 

"Mo Xuanyu refused my offer to give her my surname." He spoke without any preamble. "You said she was a timid bastard, and yet Yang Guang said that she didn't even take her time to think when she declined it." Jin Guangshan drank the rest of the drink in one gulp. 
Jin Su was dumbfounded. 
She never thought that Mo Xuanyu would ever reject their father's offer, after all she was a stupid bitch with the brain the size of a pea, judging by her confessions to anyone who ever gave her any attention.

She was supposed to jump with joy with their father's generous offer, especially when she was going to be married off to the Wens, who had prestige and lineage as far as the last Emperor of China. This was going to be the first and the last best chance for her to have a good marriage, as she surely knew.

But why did she reject the offer? 

Was it because she already had another… suitor? 
Jin Su suddenly felt cold all over.
"What about your proposal to the Lans, father?" 
Even before she heard her father's answer, she already knew what the answer was.

"What do you think?" He slammed the glass on the table until it shattered to a million pieces. "Lan Xichen, that stuck up boy, didn't even think before he declined, even though the proposal was supposed to be for his brother." Jin Guangshan looked at his daughter, who was cowered in fear from his sudden burst of anger.
"Do you want to know what he said?" He came closer to Jin Su until they were almost nose to nose. "He said that his little brother did not need any marriage proposal, because he would not get married unless it was for love." Jin Guangshan poked his daughter on the forehead. " Now you understand? That Lan boy whom you so desperately believed to have known your intention of love and returned it, did not even think about you at all." He then smirked. "Well, he should probably know about your intention, since you're not subtle at all."

Jin Su's breath hitched, listening to all of her greatest fears come true. So she unconsciously let out a tear fall out of her eyes, but wiped it out right away. Jin Guangshan caught that and he sneered.

"Why are you wasting your time crying? I told you that love is overrated, you should think more about what will be profitable for you instead of daydreaming like a little girl. Grow up. If you really want that Lan boy, you should work hard and use your brain, instead of tricking me to do it for you." 

Jin Guangshan went back to the couch and poured another drink in a new glass.

"Although I admit that Mo Xuanyu had a gall to refuse me like that." He scoffed. "I want to see how long she can hold on for being stubborn like a mule." Jin Guangshan took his phone and dialed the lawyer, Yang Guang.

"Yang Guang, call Mo Xuanyu and tell her to go and see me. If she still refuses, stop all of her allowance including the one for the house. Today."

Wei Wuxian arrived at the Mo's residence right when his phone rang again. He glanced at the number and saw that it was another unknown number. He sighed. This wouldn't be a good news, yet he still picked it up since he didn't want anything to happen to butler Zhao or Chen Yu. 
He became soft lately. Back when he was still in his own body, he wouldn't even blink if something like this happened to him. He would just retaliate and get it over with. Sure he held up justice, but that didn't mean that he became a pushover for it. 

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now