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Lan Xichen felt ravenous after he took a shower and gossiping with his mother. He was feeling rather proud after he tattled on his brother, since he knew that their mother doted on his younger brother more, especially after that traumatic event more than six months ago.
No, he didn't envy his brother, since their mother was now laser-focused and dead set on wanting to see the girl her second son was infatuated with. And the task of procuring her photos fell on him. 
Now he kinda regretted why he tattled.
He walked downstairs with a cup of tea in his hand, and when he got there, he wondered where everyone went. Not even Xiao Xingchen, the model butler, was there. 

Then he heard a girl's voice come from the direction of the kitchen, and he thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to get Mo Xuanyu's photo, while she was probably busy and not noticing him. So he sneaked quietly, took out his phone and put the camera on.
The view that greeted him though, was enough to give him a heart attack times two.
True, the girl, Mo Xuanyu was the one who spoke, but when the words stopped and the moaning started, Lan Xichen barely remembered his own name.

He saw himself clearly that his younger brother was kissing the girl's ear from behind and they were standing in a very intimate position with Wangji's arms around the girl's waist. He saw that she was wearing gloves with red stains on them. Apparently she was in the middle of making something when his brother interrupted her, and probably sent the chef away. 

He felt like a peeping tom as he tried to muster the strength to at least snap one photo, but that was it, his phone couldn't capture the intimacy they displayed so blatantly, even after a few tries. The photos were blurred since his hand was shaking, and finally he gave up.

He would tell his mother that she should come and see it for herself, because no words could ever describe the scene he just saw. No, it was not obscene since their clothes were still intact, and they did nothing more than standing so close together, although his baby brother might have something else entirely in his mind. And yet, he felt like an intruder in their own little world.

Lan Xichen could feel the heavy mood in the air, and the heat of their burning passion from where he was standing and he stood quite a distance away. And when his brother turned the girl around and hooked her long and slim legs around his waist before kissing and groping her like there was no tomorrow, he felt very much flustered that his felt his cup slip away from his weakened hold. And yet, he still could not look away from the two beautiful people making out in the middle of the kitchen. Thankfully the almost fallen cup was caught swiftly by Xiao Xingchen, who gave him a sign to be quiet and gestured to him to leave the kitchen, and the couple, alone.

"Where have you been, Xingchen? Where is everyone?" Lan Xichen tried to calm his erratic heartbeat by walking to the fridge and taking a bottle of ice cold water, yet, to no avail. He could still feel the heat from all the passion from the couple who didn't seem to be aware of their surroundings, even the cold drink didn't help with his mental and physical state. That's how powerful the effect was.

"Well, Master… we tried to be discreet, you know, with Second Young Master and Miss Mo around. It would take a strong heart to be able to watch them and not get weak on the knees, wouldn't it, Master?" Xiao Xingchen grinned.

"Did they… did they do this kind of… public display of affection often?" Lan Xichen was still shaking, remembering the searing hot make out that he saw from the couple in the kitchen and he drank another big gulp of the ice water. He would need a lot more than just a cold drink if those thoughts keep invading his mind.

"Well, this is the first time they went… public. They used to be more discreet and not do it out in the open." 
Xiao Xingchen knew that this was the first time Second Young Master and Miss Mo ever displayed any intimacy at all, but he did exaggerate things a little bit since he knew that the First Master would definitely report it to Madam. And he couldn't wait to see Madam become ecstatic from the fast progress of her second child's love life. 

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now