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It was already midday and lunch time was approaching. Wei Wuxian was walking alone to the Forbidden Library that was located between Cloud Recess high school and university to meet Lan Wangji, when he was called by someone. 

He stopped and turned to see a short, voluptuous woman with shoulder length red hair. And she was wearing a super tight dress, high heels and face full of makeup. Obviously not a student at Cloud Recess, which had a very strict dress code.

"You Mo Xuanyu?" She asked him with a sneer. She was with three other girls with the same tight dress and makeup they looked like quadruplet barbie dolls.

"Who wants to know?" Wei Wuxian started to get bored with all this bullshit. Can a man get somewhere in peace?

"My name is Wang Lingjiao and I'm Wen Chao's girlfriend." She tried to make herself look intimidating, but she looked like a clown by doing so.

"So?" Wei Wuxian was indifferent. He didn't even know who she was talking about.

"I warned you not to seduce my boyfriend, or I will end you."

"Take a number, lady." He rolled his eyes. "I don't even know who you were talking about." Wei Wuxian continued his walk when the girl blocked his way.

"But he knows you, he even knows your boyfriend's name. Lan Wangji, correct? I heard him talking to someone on the phone saying both of your names and he ogled you since then, back there at the Korean BBQ restaurant. How dare you say that you don't know him, he is the son of Wen Ruohan, the owner of Wen's Pharmaceutical, and he's very famous, and one of the eligible bachelors in the city. How come you did not know him?"

"Look lady, I don't know and I don't care. Just leave me alone." He made a roundabout to continue his walk when the girl grabbed him. 

"I suggest you pay some respect to our Miss Wang Lingjiao, the princess of our Qishan University, bitch."
The fuck is wrong with people today? Why are they just barging and accusing him of something he didn't even do? For the love of fucking god!
Wei Wuxian pulled his hand back harshly. He was starting to get pissed.

"Are you finished? I'll tell you for the last time, I don't care. You should ask your boyfriend why he ogled me, instead of coming here and try to reprimand me, who doesn't give a fuck." He couldn't handle this, he was so pissed with these scatterbrains he wanted to do something to them. Like tearing their hair off. Or maybe scratched their eyes. He wanted to do some brutality to ease off his anger. 

He waited for the woman to take action first, then he could retaliate. Harshly. 

"You…" she raised her hand to get ready to slap him when it was blocked by the familiar gloved hand.

"Sweetheart." Lan Wangji spoke softly in his ears from behind, making him shiver and just as sudden as it appeared, all the anger seeped away from him. 

Lan Wangji seemed to understand what happened between him and the quadruplet barbies, just by a single look.

"I was looking for you. I know you somehow always get into troubles and here you are… in the middle of a catfight." He kissed the top of Wei Wuxian's silver hair softly and pushed the girl who almost slapped Wei Wuxian away. The girl almost fell down on her back, but she was quickly held by the other girl.

Wei Wuxian immediately crawled into Lan Wangji's embrace to calm himself. He needed to seize the moment and then drive the bitches away or else he's going to explode right there and then. And it was not going to be pretty.

"I swear I don't know who they are, darling. They just came out of nowhere and pestered me, accusing me of seducing someone named Wen Chao." Wei Wuxian pouted and Lan Wangji circled his arm around Wei Wuxian's shoulder, pulling him closer. He knew that the girl was angry, judging by the fire in her eyes.

Wang Lingjiao, who only saw the back of Lan Wangji's head back at the BBQ place, was now gawking. She didn't expect that the man who was with Mo Xuanyu, was this… handsome. 

He exuded the air of wealth and nobility, from his watch, his clothes, his shoes, everything was very expensive. She didn't even remember Wen Chao's face anymore. This one was a far more better option than that womanizer Wen Chao. She just held onto him until after she found a better one. 
One that was just like Lan Wangji.
She then quickly changed her approach and decided to enter the seductress mode. She licked her sexy lips and lowered her eyes, then walked closer, wiggled her bottom, and spoke to Lan Wangji in a low seductive voice. All the requirements of being an experienced seductress. And boy, was she experienced, she carved the initials of the men whom she seduced on top of her bedpost.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Sir… please, allow me to take you to dinner as an apology." She fluttered her lashes in seductive mode and tried to touch Lan Wangji's arm, but he quickly stepped away from her reach.

Lan Wangji couldn't stand the strong smell of perfume from this woman's body. The offensive stench of her disgust him to the point of him being hostile.

"No need." Then he looked at Wei Wuxian, ignoring the blatant seduction of the woman in front of him. "Let's go sweetheart, I've prepared your favorite food for lunch." 

Wei Wuxian nodded but he almost couldn't hold back his laughs. This man was so savage to other women. 
Well, he was different because he was actually a man, but nobody needs to know, right?
They both walked back to the Forbidden Library while the quadruplet barbies looked at their departure from behind their back. Wang Lingjiao was so angry she literally stomped her feet like a five years old. One of her friends told her that the man was the Second Young Master of the Lan's family, the most eligible bachelor for three years straight in the country, and she shouted at her in anger.

"You tell me now that he's the Lan Wangji? How come he is slumming with that bitch Mo Xuanyu? I thought she was a good-for-nothing trash, and yet he claimed that she's his girlfriend?"

Wang Lingjiao's friend only shrugged. She also did not know that Lan Wangji already had a girlfriend because the last information that she read online was that Lan Wangji did not have any interest in any women.

Wang Lingjiao didn't give a shit about petty things like girlfriend. She was confident in her ability to snatch any men she wanted. Mo Xuanyu was nothing for a veteran seductress like her.
He had to be mine.
That was the last thought from Wang Lingjiao before she left Cloud Recess University with her friends. She already planned her tricks to snatch the man away from the white-haired bitch.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now