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After dropping Mo Xuanyu at the school, Lan Wangji drove to the Lan's headquarters to have the weekly meeting with his brother. Before he left though, he messaged Xue Qing to let her know that she should keep a close eye on Mo Xuanyu, since she was prone to troubles.

He put the phone back in his pocket then he smiled, suddenly remembering the softness of Mo Xuanyu's skin, the faint jasmine smell wafted off her long beautiful hair, and the sweetness of her skin that was intoxicating. And her small waist. He could put his hands around that slender waist perfectly. 
She was not your typical girl. 
She was tall, a tomboy, a glutton, and she was more interested in poking dead bodies and attending autopsy, rather than shopping or gossiping. She was quick witted, smart, and sexy. And most of all, she felt so good in his arms. So soft, and yielding. It was like she belonged there.

He just felt that her body and her smell were oddly familiar, as if he could remember tracing the soft skin with his own bare hands. And he also thought about leaving his marks on that perfect skin. He wondered since when he got so obsessed with someone else's body? It was like she left him intoxicated with her spell, and he wanted her more and more with each passing time.
What have you done to me, Mo Xuanyu?

It was not that long after that he arrived at the Lan Tech headquarters, and he stopped in front of the main door. He parked Xiao Hei on the special spot reserved for the owners, and noticed that his brother's Bentley was already parked there. He got out of the car then walked into the building. 

He knew that many eyes were following his every move, but since he was known by everyone that he did not like to be approached or touched or talked to, everyone just stayed silent.

He entered the back elevator and he made a detour before going to his brother's office.

The basement was lit in very bright fluorescent lights, contrary to the typical beliefs that the hacker's lair should be dark and dank and only one person occupied the tiny space with many computers.
The only truth about the whole thing was the amount of computers needed to fill the job and the space.
This place, the cyber security's main hub, was specifically designed by Lan Wangji to mimic the Grim Reaper's workplace that they had found a few years ago. Of course by the time he got there, there was no one and nothing inside of those computers. But the layout of the space was designed to maximise the flow of movement and the efficiency of their works tripled after he implemented it.

Lan Wangji walked to the far corner that was hidden from the rest of the floor to find the person he was looking for. The other employees did not even raise their head, they cared more about what was in front of them rather than a handsome man walking around like he owned the place. Well, he did own half of the place as a matter of fact, but now he was looking for Nie Huaisang.
He found the man in question in his office, oddly fixated to his monitor. So when he knocked on the door, Nie Huaisang jumped like he was caught with his hand inside a cookie jar.

"Boss! I didn't know that you're going to visit today!" He looked guilty, and he was fidgeting nervously.

"What did you do, Nie Huaisang?" Lan Wangji approached him and took a peek at his monitor.

In the monitor there were images of Mo Xuanyu, with her colorful hair, short skirts, pink dresses and heavy makeup. She did not look like the Mo Xuanyu he knew of. In fact, if he didn't know better, she looked like a stranger to him. Started from her clothes, her makeup, to her expressions, and her eyes looked so empty. She looked like she was ready to die.

"Where did you get this?"

"This? Oh you mean Mo Xuanyu's old photos?" Nie Huaisang was nervous by the cold tone of his boss. "My friend sent them to me, you see, we are both… fans of Japanese anime, and she did look like those anime characters, right?" 

Lan Wangji took notice of Nie Huaisang's work space. There were posters of 2D girls with colorful hair, short skirts, tiny waists and ridiculously big breasts, the impossible body measures. Besides that, there were also small, and medium figurines of the half-naked, colorful-haired girls. In many positions. Some of them were very lewd. With tentacle monsters.

"I have no idea that you are into this kind of… thing." Lan Wangji observed one of the medium figurines of a silver-haired girl with catholic school uniform drenched in blood, and she wielded double katana in battle position. Her eyes were strangely the same color as Mo Xuanyu's. 

"Which character is this from?" He pointed at the figurine, and Nie Huaisang looked more anxious than before.

"Ah… that one…" he nervously looked at Lan Wangji. "That one was actually an original character that we, I mean I designed… based on the latest Mo Xuanyu's appearance…" The last part of his sentence was very faint, but Lan Wangji heard it nonetheless.

"Hmm." He observed the figurine closely. It actually looked pretty amazing, and somehow, fit the current Mo Xuanyu's personality. "I want you to sell this to me." He took the figurine from its place on top of the desk. "Name your price, but I don't want to see this anywhere else. This will be the first and the last. Understood?"

"Ah… un-understood, Boss, I will tell my partner not to continue this project anymore." Nie Huaisang never felt so afraid in his life just by hearing the cold voice and seeing the cold gaze directed at him from the close vicinity. He felt like he was about to be devoured by a monster.

"Who's your partner?"

The sudden question threw Nie Huaisang off balance.
"Ah? He was just a fellow otaku I met a long time ago, and since we have the same fascination toward sexy… heroines, we bonded. Yeah."
Lan Wangji suddenly had some uncomfortable thoughts about all this… coincidence.
"Did this fellow otaku provide you with Mo Xuanyu's photos?"

"How do you know Boss? In fact when you told me to find out about Mo Xuanyu, I was very surprised to see that she was the same girl with the one that my friend modeled this figurine of, I thought she was just a hired cosplayer."

Lan Wangji thought about the photos. They were taken by a very powerful long distance lens, and not once in it that Mo Xuanyu had ever looked into the camera.

"Who is your friend's name?"

"I only know his screen name, Boss. You see, we met online and we only talked online, and…"

"You never met your friend?"

"...sadly, no. He always refused to meet face to face. I always thought that he's a shy person."

"I want you to find out who exactly is he. Name, address, everything. I'm sure you're going to search for him yourself, if you haven't by now."

Nie Huaisang blushed. He actually had that thought, but he was still gathering courage to do it.

"But, may I know why you're so interested in my friend?"

Lan Wangji pointed at Mo Xuanyu's photos that were on display. 

"Did you not notice that she never looked at the camera? Not even once? This wasn't candid, this was taken without consent. You get what I mean?"
Nie Huaisang paled.
"You mean… she was stalked? By my friend?"

"Find him. Pronto."

"Yes, Boss. I'm on it now."

Lan Wangji nodded, and he took the figurine with him when he turned around and asked Nie Huaisang for the real purpose he was here in the first place.

"Do you have the information I asked?"

"Yes. Do you want me to send it to you or do you prefer hard copies?"

"Give me the hard copies, and let me know as soon as you find out about your so-called friend."

Lan Wangji took the files and proceeded to go up to his original destination.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now