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Lan Wangji carefully examined Mo Xuanyu's palm, and there was nothing, not even a scratch that caused any bleeding.

The anomaly made him frown.

At the same time, Wei Wuxian also frowned. He remembered clearly when his palm grazed the sharp tree trunk, and he could feel the warm blood trickled out and stained his long black sleeve.

But now it seemed that the accident never happened.
They were both in deep thought when the door to the living room where they sat, opened loudly, and entered Liu Qingge with fire and excitement in his eyes.

"Wei Wuxian! Holy fuck! You still alive?" He stopped in his tracks when he saw Wei Wuxian's hand was being caressed by an unknown man. 

That was a weird scene, since Wei Wuxian now looked like a… girl. 

No, not a girl… more like a mythical creature… a siren .
Holy fuck
A very beautiful one at that.

Since Lan Wangji had not met Liu Qingge yet, they were both eyeing each other in suspicion.

"Ah, Brother Qingge, you're here too!" Wei Wuxian quickly pulled his hand and stood up to hug Liu Qingge, while whispering in his ear.

"The new name is Mo Xuanyu, and I'm Binghe and Qiuqiu's niece, and your god sister, capisce?"

Liu Qingge nodded in awe. He pushed Wei Wuxian and started to give him a thorough once over, but when he tried to open his mouth, Wei Wuxian shushed him, and told him, "Later."

Wei Wuxian.
He heard that name three times now.
And every time it was being hastily corrected, and it was always directed at Mo Xuanyu.
Who was Wei Wuxian? What was the relationship between that person and Mo Xuanyu?
Why were they being secretive about this Wei Wuxian person?
He was still in deep thought when Luo Binghe announced that dinner was ready, and everyone gathered around the table to eat the spicy hotpot together.

Lan Wangji purposely chose a seat beside Mo Xuanyu, and as he kept an eye on her, he piled up meat and dumplings on her plate.

"Uhm, laoshi, not that I'm not grateful or anything, but why do you keep piling food on my plate?" Wei Wuxian was really confused with Lan Wangji's weird behaviour. "You should eat some yourself. Here, try the dumplings, it's the best one I've ever tasted, the owner was an old lady and they've been in business for more than a hundred years! Can you imagine?" 

As Mo Xuanyu rambled about the dumplings and their history, Lan Wangji couldn't help but look at her closely.

She was too thin.

"You should eat more if you like it." He put another dumpling on top of the mountain of food he had piled just now. 

He remembered the way she felt in his arms, so soft and light, with her fluffy silver hair and those eyes . Just like a kitten.

Lan Wangji mindlessly patted that fluffy silver hair, making Wei Wuxian look at him questioningly.

"Finish your food."

Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes, but he complied.

Meanwhile, Hua Cheng observed his best friend with astonishment. His friend had never exhibited this kind of overbearing behaviour to anyone ever, and while Mo Xuanyu was very beautiful, he doubted that it was the reason that Lan Wangji treated her so differently.
Who are you, Mo Xuanyu?
He decided to investigate her soon, although it would be tricky since she was Luo Binghe's niece. And Shen Qingqiu's muse.

But he would do anything for his best friend. He didn't have a heart to see him shattered like he was six months ago, so the only thing he could do was to make sure that Mo Xuanyu is not posing any threats to his friend.

"... Ying… Wei Ying… don't cry…"
His heart clenched, hearing the familiar voice calling him, comforting him in his times of need… who are you?
Wei Wuxian opened his eyes and found it blurry from the residual tears, and he jolted when he found Liu Qingge sitting near his bed, observing him intensely.

"What the fuck?" He jolted up and smacked Liu Qingge's arm. "The hell, Qingqing? You're creeping me out!"

"Qingqiu told me to wake you up for school." Liu Qingge smirked. "Oh, and please call me gege."

"You pervert!" Wei Wuxian threw his pillow to the escaping Liu Qingge. "Did you just watch me sleep?"

"Be glad I haven't dissected you… yet." Liu Qingge walked out of the room. "Oh, by the way, that boy is waiting for you downstairs."
Fuck school…
Wait. What boy?
But Liu Qingge had already gone.
Wei Wuxian got ready in a record time, and walked downstairs to find out who the boy was. Surely it wasn't Wen Ning, he didn't know about BingQiu.
So, when he found out who it was, he was really surprised.

The view in the kitchen was surreal, Wei Wuxian couldn't help but admiring it. 

Luo Binghe was a great cook and he loved to spoil Shen Qingqiu, so for today's breakfast, he made a full chinese feast consisted of pork porridge, century egg, preserved vegetables, youtiao, fermented tofu, and zongzi with salted egg yolk and pork belly. There was even a variety of dim sum in bamboo steamer and meat buns.

But the most surprising view was the 'boy' Liu Qingge mentioned.

Wei Wuxian wondered if Liu Qingge became blind or what. He knew that the man did not care about other humans at all, but to label a man as fine as Lan Wangji as that boy was a new low.

"Laoshi? What are you doing here?" 

Lan Wangji was in the middle of enjoying tea, which Shen Qingqiu was an expert of. He lifted his head when he heard his name being called.

"A-Ying, I came to pick you up. You should not be late to school."
Wei Wuxian looked at Shen Qingqiu who shrugged and rolled his eyes.

Liu Qingge was enjoying his meal and did not give any attention to them, and Luo Binghe was nowhere to be seen.

"Uhm, you don't need to do that, laoshi, I can go by myself. Besides, you must be busy…?"
This would cut off his time with his friends, and he needed to talk to them.
"Mm, not really. I have something to do at the school and this house is on the way." Lan Wangji put down his tea cup. "Go have breakfast first. We still have time." He looked at the clock. "Fifteen minutes to be exact."

"It's fine, I can just grab something to eat at the canteen later." He tried to walk past Lan Wangji but the latter caught his arm. 

"Sit. Eat." 

Lan Wangji pulled Wei Wuxian to sit next to him, and Shen Qingqiu looked at them in amusement.

This was the first time he saw Wei Wuxian flustered like a maiden. This Lan Wangji guy sure was capable of making The Hacker Lord, the one and only Grim Reaper, at loss for words. 

He should record this for future blackmail purposes, Shen Qingqiu cackled inwardly.

"Your laoshi is right, A-Ying , breakfast will make you grow… taller." He snickered and hid it as a cough.

"Careful, uncle, you're not getting younger, you know." Wei Wuxian shoved a few dumplings and took a few meat buns to go. "I'm stuffed. Let's go laoshi. See you later uncle. Watch out for the carbs, they're getting straight to your butt." Petty, he knew.

Then he looked at Liu Qingge, who stared at him and mouthing 'gege' .
Shameless bastards.
"See you later, gege. " Wei Wuxian ground his teeth in exasperation. "Let's go laoshi, we don't want to be late, do we?" He glared at his backstabber friends, and mouthing 'Judas' at them.
Wei Wuxian could hear Shen Qingqiu's laugh from the outside as he dragged Lan Wangji away to the car.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now