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It's not that Mo Xuanyu did not have any money. He did. His allowance was enough to buy all the pink and frilly stuff he liked, or buy anyone a dinner or ten, as long as he wanted it.

But Wei Wuxian noticed that all the cards were in Jin Guangshan's name, even the bank accounts for their daily expenses. As a seasoned hacker, he knew that it meant that the fucker monitored everything, and could freeze them out at any time. 

He would also surely notice if he bought stuff out of the ordinary, so he needed to think about making money on his own since he couldn't yet access his. He needed to do something about that soon.

Chenyu took him to several places where the rich and famous were hanging out. Some of them were high-end boutiques, restaurants, cafes, but none of them looked like they had that kind of money to burn. But when Chenyu took him to the last place, he knew right away that this was it.

But in order to not let Chenyu know what he was thinking,he asked him to go back to the last cafe, to have lunch together.

After lunch, he told Chenyu that he wanted to go shopping and to take him to his usual high-end boutique where he purchased his dresses. He had an appointment to keep.

The boutique was obviously catered to the rich and famous. It was inconspicuous, and more like a high-end hotel than a boutique. The decor was mute beige, with a splash of gold and black and there were loveseats and tables for the customer to sit and choose their own preferred poison.

The sales assistants were dressed in all black with gold stripes on the end of the hem, and they were all beautiful and handsome. More importantly, they recognized Mo Xuanyu right away.

"Miss Mo, welcome." 

One of the handsome sales assistants came and greeted him in a familiar manner. He was tall and lean, with short dark hair and a handsome face, really Mo Xuanyu's type. His smile was calculating, but it was normal for any sales assistant, so he dismissed it. He glanced at the name tag that read Wang Lei.

"Xiao Lei," Wei Wuxian smiled at him, "I'm gonna need a whole new wardrobe." 

Wang Lei's eyes brightened at the mention of the whole new wardrobe.

"Miss Mo, you come at the right time. We just received a new batch of the newest style from Paris and I think they will suit you very well." He took Wei Wuxian to the second floor, where the real VVIPs of the boutique were served, then led him to the biggest room.

"No." Wei Wuxian sat on the plush couch and took the tablet on the desk to start browsing. He knew how this upscale boutique worked. You just picked anything you wanted from the catalogue and they would bring over the stuff for you to try on.

But Wang Lei paled, hearing Wei Wuxian–in Mo Xuanyu's body–rejection.

"No?" He was very close to hyperventilation. Ms. Mo never said no to him. Ever. She just nodded to everything he gave her, especially the ones that were ridiculously expensive and, well, very nouveau riche with all the logos everywhere. A very good customer to load his unwanted stuff.

But, no? Now he was confused.

"I want to refresh my wardrobe, not the usual frilly pink." Wei Wuxian pointed at the tablet. "Bring me these ones. The whole series. And the designer if he's here."

Wei Wuxian enjoyed the shock he obviously inflicted on the sales assistant, he's evil that way. 

Wang Lei's face became like a cartoon character, with his jaw hung and his eyes widened, seeing the collection that the usually-fond-of-pink-and-ridiculous-dress Miss Mo had always chosen. 

The collections were one of their hardest-to-sell and the owner of the boutique even thought of dropping their collaboration, since the last few seasons were not selling well.

The collection was not like the usual flashy, attention grabbing attire that the young misses of the rich families would like, instead, it was described as the understated collection that only a select few could wear. It had no logos, or frills, only stunning cuts and extraordinary materials that would emphasize your body while hiding the imperfection away. It was truly a masterpiece, each of the dresses and the suits and everything in that particular collection. The price was also on the top of the scale, but they were worth it.

"Are… are you sure, Miss Mo? I mean, you never liked dark colors, or the style…" Wang Lei swallowed his saliva. It wasn't the right time for Miss Mo to try something different, since he needed to fill his monthly quota and the hideous dresses were still unsold. He ordered them with the confidence that Miss Mo would buy them all. But now… 

"Yes, I'm sure, Xiao Lei. Bring them all out, and I would like a glass of champagne please."

Wang Lei went inside after he poured the champagne, which Miss Mo also never liked. She usually loved to drink sweet fruit punch instead of alcohol, and it baffled him. Even her cold gaze was so different from the usual shy smile and blushing every time their eyes met. She also ate a lot this time, unlike her many other times when she restrained herself to a glass of sweet fruit punch and a small piece of cookies. That was all. Now, she devoured almost all the refreshment, and the little sandwiches, and she even asked for more. Wang Lei was flabbergasted, but he did not say anything for fear that his most loyal customer would get angry and make some troubles for him, just like the last time.

He went to the third floor, where all the collections were stored, and when he entered the room that was allocated to that particular designer, he bumped into someone who was getting out of the room.

"Watch it, you idiot."

And just his luck, the designer himself, Mister high-and-mighty, arrogant son of a bitch, Shen Qingqiu, bumped into him.

"I-I'm sorry, Mr. Shen, I was on my way to take samples to my customers." Wang Lei trembled seeing the bloodthirsty look on Shen Qingqiu's face.

"Samples?" He scoffed. "Aren't you lost your way then? I thought you only cater to the young miss of the Mo family who loves stupid frilly pink dresses?"

"Well, about that…" he fidgeted, "she specifically asked for all of your newest designs."

Shen Qingqiu raised his brow.

Other than his designs being so different, his personality was also an enigma. He was a hard man to please, and he didn't want just anyone to wear his designs. A designer had to have standards, otherwise he wouldn't be able to live with himself.

"Take me to her. And bring the stuff she requested."

Wei Wuxian knew straight away that Shen Qingqiu would like to meet him, after all he was a picky man with an ego the size of a planet. 

But the most important thing was, he knew him since they were young. Well, Wei Wuxian, not Mo Xuanyu. And he was one of his bestest friends and confidants, as prickly as he acted. He was also the one and only person whom he allowed to dress him as he liked since their taste were almost the same.

He heard the stomp of Shen Qingqiu's feet before everything else, and a second later, there he was, standing in his full attack mode and he was frowning. Obviously his mood was not good today.

"Miss Mo." 

Even his voice was irritated and it made Wei Wuxian chuckle.

"Mr. Shen. What an honor." He waved to the couch in front of him. "Please, sit. I would like your opinion for my new wardrobe collection."

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now