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They arrived at the entrance of the anonymous underground sex club discreetly. Both of them arrived in different vehicles, but dressed in the same manner in all black and wearing black face masks and black caps. But although they were trying to be discreet, their heights and postures were dead giveaway that they were not ordinary men.

Hua Cheng showed the security the special token and although the men looked at them curiously, he granted entry to them and signaled someone to take them to their special VIP room.

Lan Wangji walked a step behind Hua Cheng and he scanned his surroundings while giving command to Xiao Hei.

"Face recognition on, infrared on. Scan everyone here, Xiao Hei, and map the exit."

"On it, boss."

Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe went the other route to backtrack Wei Wuxian after he left Dr. Xue. Liu Qingge hacked the nearby CCTV and with that, they could see where Wei Wuxian was going before he was abducted. Shen Qingqiu's heart clenched because he could clearly see the agony in Wei Wuxian's face, although the CCTV was very grainy. But then the heavy rain came and they lost their sight for a second before it showed them that someone deliberately bumped into him and splashed their drink onto him. It was probably the shock and he was not in his right mind that he would follow the stranger back to their place. Or was it someone he knew?  

"Qingqing, track this woman, I think Xianxian knew her, otherwise he wouldn't easily follow her like that."

"Yeah, her name is Wen Qing and she worked as an assistant coroner. She has a younger brother named Wen Ning and he's in the same class as Mo Xuanyu." Liu Qingge typed very fast while talking. "I'm breaking into his computer right now."

"Hmm, assistant coroner? They probably met when Xianxian went to the precinct to identify the dead body." Shen Qingqiu tried to piece all the facts together.

"We should go to Wen Qing's place and check for another clue." Luo Binghe stood up and got ready to move.

"Guys, you should probably see this." Liu Qingge turned his monitor around to let the other two see what was in Wen Ning's computer. "That classmate of Mo Xuanyu… was obsessed with him to the point of this." He pointed and clicked open the folder that contained thousands of pictures of Mo Xuanyu in almost every hour of the day. "The folders are named according to the date they were taken." He clicked the latest date. "And this was the last. The day before Xianxian went to the auction."

"This is crazy." Shen Qingqiu opened another folder. "He even caught Lan Wangji kissing Xianxian on camera." He clicked another date. "And at our place." Then he clicked the date when Wei Wuxian first transmigrated into Mo Xuanyu's body. He enlarged a couple of photos then froze. "I think we just found a proof of Mo Xuanyu's murder."

The three of them drove silently to Wen Qing's house with a lot of things in their minds. The photos, although incriminating, could not be used because one, Mo Xuanyu was still alive, although it was only the flesh suit driven by Wei Wuxian. Two, the evidence was inconclusive since they got it illegally, and if they found any lawyer just half as good as Shen Qingqiu, they would argue about the authenticity of the photos and back to point one. Mo Xuanyu was still alive. Although not for long.

"Sometimes I hate humans." Shen Qingqiu clenched his teeth in anger. He wanted to hit someone, something, but then Luo Binghe pulled him into a hug.

"You can hit me if you want. I can take it." Luo Binghe patted his back like he was consoling a child throwing a tantrum.

"You're too good for me, baby." Shen Qingqiu buried his face on Luo Binghe's wide chest and inhaled his masculine smell. "Please don't change, or I'll skin you alive and sell your meat and organs to the highest bidder. Here lies The Butcher, butched by his beloved husband for changing into a human."

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now