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Wei Wuxian was too busy talking to Liu Qingge and Hua Cheng to notice the turmoil in Lan Wangji's eyes. But he did notice that Lan Wangji somehow observed him more keenly with the sharp gaze of his that was penetrating his back, and he didn't like it. It felt like somehow he inadvertently gave out his secret identity and now he was being judged for it. So he did the only thing that would surely take Lan Wangji's mind out of that observant mode.

"Lan Zhan…" Wei Wuxian moved closer to where Lan Wangji was sitting, climbed on his lap and kissed him. "After all that driving, I feel… you know…" he fluttered his long lashes. "So, you wanna go back to our room? I'm thinking of doing a reverse cowboy in front of a full-length mirror…" he whispered seductively - well he hoped it was seductive enough - and nibbled on his earlobe.

Guess the trick must've worked, since he could almost hear Lan Wangji's blood rushing downward, and he grabbed him and carried him to the living quarters without saying anything else.
RIP my ass, your sacrifice has been noted.
Shen Qingqiu noticed and he tsk-tsking Wei Wuxian for his bad behaviour while the man in question rolled his eyes and shrugged. What could he say? It was for the greater good after all. His.

It was almost midnight when they surfaced from the bedroom to find that everybody had gone back home, except Liu Qingge, who worked on Lan Wangji's Bugatti.

"Qingqing, you're not resting?" Wei Wuxian asked him when he went to the kitchen to warm some leftover food and make a hot drink.

"Resting is overrated. I can rest when I die."

Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes. So typical of the workaholic Liu Qingge. But it was usually a sign that he had something in his mind, so he asked him.

"Something on your mind?" Wei Wuxian took a seat beside Liu Qingge and offered him a glass of hot tea.
Liu Qingge took the glass, sipped it, paused for a few seconds, then put the glass on the desk and continued working.

"I'm concerned about your relationship with Hanguang Jun ." He didn't look at Wei Wuxian, but his voice really showed his worry. Then he looked up from the computer. "What if he finds out that you…"

"I'm working on it, Qingqing, don't worry. Eventually I have to tell him, if we keep seeing each other like this, I know that, but not now." Wei Wuxian sipped his hot tea. This was also what he was afraid of. "At least not until I'm sure that he has no ill intention toward Wei Wuxian."

"I hope you're right." Liu Qingge returned his gaze back to the computer. He had a lot to do, and it was the best because if he was busy, he would not think of anything bad.

"I'm always right, don't you see?" Wei Wuxian patted Liu Qingge's back and ruffled his hair. "Thanks, for always taking care of me." Wei Wuxian hugged Liu Qingge from the back and sniffled, knowing that no matter what, he still had his best friends with him, supporting him in everything he did. He was lucky to have them.

"Please don't cry, I don't want your snot all over my clothes. And not in that… body. Ugh, you look like a girl." But Liu Qingge did not make a move, instead he stayed still and let Wei Wuxian let it all out.

Unfortunately, no matter how stealthy Wei Wuxian thought he was, Lan Wangji was a very light sleeper. And he was alert of every move that the youngster made. So when he saw that the bed was empty, he went to the kitchen, thinking that maybe he was hungry, when he caught the end of the conversation between Liu Qingge and Mo Xuanyu.

That was not a typical conversation between siblings. It was more like a conversation between people that you trust implicitly, someone you treated as family, someone who knew your real self, for a long period of time. 

Lan Wangji inadvertently felt a pang of jealousy in his heart . He knew it was irrational, since he just known Mo Xuanyu only for a short time. But he couldn't help but feeling that he knew him. Longer than he did. Longer than the measly month they had known each other.

This was also the nth time he heard about Wei Wuxian. Who was this Wei Wuxian that they kept mentioning? And why was his name so familiar? Why did Liu Qingge say that Mo Xuanyu looks like a girl? Did he know about his real identity as a boy? 

Although he knew that the youngster still had so many secrets, he still felt dejected, since apparently Mo Xuanyu still hadn't trusted him fully yet. But wasn't he also the same? They still have this lowkey cautionary instinct toward each other, like predators who tried to determine whether the other was a friend or foe. No matter how much he thought that he loved the youngster, no matter how far he would go for him, he still had to be cautious. It was in his nature. And he believed that Mo Xuanyu also had the same feelings, since they were like two peas in a pod.

It seemed that he needed to contact the Interpol as soon as possible. He looked at his watch. Hmm. Now seemed like a good time. Then he walked to the direction of the office, the only place in this facility that was able to communicate with the outside world, and dialed his friend's number.

Wei Wuxian took his time to talk a little bit more with Liu Qingge, drank hot chocolate and ate the leftover soup, then he went back to bed to find that Lan Wangji was still asleep. He smiled and carefully climbed back to the bed to snuggle into his arms. He needed his sleep because tomorrow he had an appointment with the doctor at BingQiu's house, and he had not told Lan Wangji about it yet. He was thinking whether he should tell him or not when sleep came into him so suddenly and he closed his eyes, dreaming about racing Suibian and getting into some crazy adventure with Lan Wangji. Just the two of them conquering the world.

If there was one thing that Lan Wangji was best at, it would be his full mastery of his own body. It was easy for him to feign sleep just like now. He looked at the sleeping silver-haired youngster with many questions in his mind, but he doubted that the youngster would give him a straight answer if he asked him. Just like how he distracted him after they were back from the test drive. Oh, he knew well of the youngster's intention to distract him if he did something that bothered him, but he would gladly comply every time. So, he caressed the soft cheek fondly while kissing his forehead, and thought about what he would do if he found out about the real identity of Mo Xuanyu.

"Mm… a little bit to the left, Lan Zhan…" Wei Wuxian was suddenly smiling and snuggled closer to seek Lan Wangji's body heat. He was still dreaming about sipping margaritas under the palm tree while Lan Wangji gave him a massage. What a heaven.

Lan Wangji was surprisingly happy to hear the youngster mumbling his name in his sleep. It was so sweet, he almost relinquished the thought to investigate the youngster and his motley crew further. 
Almost .

Wei Wuxian woke up at ten a.m, and after checking the clock, he jumped out of bed, running to the shower, and got ready to go back to BingQiu's house. He didn't see Lan Wangji anywhere and when he asked Liu Qingge, he just shrugged. But then he checked his phone to see five messages from Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe, reminding him of his appointment, and one message from Lan Wangji which told him that he had to leave for an important meeting and that he would meet him back home later in the evening.

Hmm, strange. Lan Wangji didn't mention anything about any meeting yesterday. What made him leave in a rush like that? But he didn't have time to think further because he was really really late and Shen Qingqiu would definitely kill him if he kept dawdling like this. So he jumped into the Lamborghini and left in a flash.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now