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The smell of paint and grease permeated the garage where Wei Wuxian and Liu Qingge worked on the car. They had been at it ever since Wei Wuxian came back home from school and it was hours ago.

There was almost no remnant resembling the gold monstrosity that he acquired a few days ago, instead it was a matte black beauty all over inside out, with red accents for the interior. 

"This proves that no money could ever buy taste." Liu Qingge scoffed while he peeled the last of the gold paint off.

"I know right, and he's my step-brother of all people." Wei Wuxian drank from the water bottle he brought, his silver hair glistening in the sunset, giving off the demoness-rise-from-hell vibe.

"Are you going to add another A.I in this car?"

"Yeah, I kinda miss my Suibian. Maybe I'll make another one like him. Suibian 2.0. It's gonna be hilarious, and it's better than the stuck up A.I in Lan Wangji's car. I bet if I can get my hand on his car, I'll tweak that little missy in no time."

"You know, I never thought that I would say this but, it's the nth time that you mention that boy's name in a span of a couple hours. Is there something happening between you two?"

"Qingqing, the boy that you mentioned is only two years younger than you. And what's wrong with mentioning him? He's like a perfect specimen of a human, ignoring the fact that he's the Hanguang Jun that is."

"Right. It's funny how the person you admire in your new life is the same one with the one in your old life. Added the fact that he was the one who almost captured you back then." Liu Qingge wiped his sweat off his face. "You're leading a dangerous life, Wei Xuanyu."

"Stop changing my name, Qingqing, it's icky."

"You prefer Mo Wuxian?"

"Fuck you." Wei Wuxian threw a dirty rag to Liu Qingge, which he dodged and threw one back to Wei Wuxian.

They shouted and chased each other like kids, when Liu Qingge found a water hose and sprayed them all with water. Shen Qingqiu came out of the house to find out what caused the ruckus when the water sprayed him right in his face and he jumped to join the water fight. Even they didn't spare Luo Binghe, who just came out to the backyard, still wearing suits.

After shouting and spraying each other, the sun set quietly, leaving only the lingering feeling of happiness that they all worked out hard to maintain in this chaotic world. 

The four of them were the heroes the world did not know they needed, and yet, they didn't need the recognition. The knowledge that they did everything to make the world a better place was enough, even though they had to do it from the dark.

As long as the justice prevailed.

It was still dawn when Wei Wuxian woke up feeling all restless. They spent the night talking, catching up, and drinking alcohol, just like the old times. Now he needed to let out all of that pent up energy, so he decided to go jogging near the park with the pond near the Cloud Recess University.

He changed into black sweatshirt and jogger and prepared to go before his so-called date with Lan Wangji.

The weather was not that good with fog all over the park, but Wei Wuxian didn't really think about it since he had a lot of other things in his mind. So when he ran close to the pond and  heard the loud splash, he almost jumped. He felt uneasy, so he decided to move closer to the source of the sound, when he saw a suspicious dark silhouette within the fog. They crouched over something on the edge of the pond, but since the visibility wasn't that good, he couldn't see anything clearly. 

Wei Wuxian thought about that for a second then he yelled at the person.
"Hey there! Can I help you?"
The figure looked startled and they suddenly ran away the opposite of Wei Wuxian's direction.
He was already suspicious of the stranger's behaviour, so when the figure ran, he gave chase. Too bad since the fog was heavy, causing the visibility to be low, he couldn't risk losing his way in the park. So he went back to the pond to see what the person was doing that caused him to feel the unease.

The walk back to the pond was short and Wei Wuxian tried to figure out which part that the stranger was standing to find out what exactly they were doing when he saw it.
At first, it didn't register in his brain when he saw the blonde hair, dirty with mud and blood. But then his original memories kicked in and he recognized that the thing that the stranger was throwing into the pond was a dead body of a girl.

Wei Wuxian knew that he was standing in the middle of an active crime scene, and although he also knew that he could examine the body to determine the cause and time of death, he didn't have any power or jurisdiction to do so.

So the first thing he did was to call Lan Wangji, to let him know that he probably could not get to their study date on time.

"Why? What happened?" Lan Wangji seemed to be concerned when Wei Wuxian told him.

"Ah, funny story… actually I was on my way to jog in the park when I stumbled onto a dead body…"

Lan Wangji was speechless for a few seconds.

"Have you called the police?"

"Uhm, about that… yeah, the first thing in my mind when I saw the body was you, gege, so no, I haven't called the police yet." 
He truly forgot, swear to god , all he could think about was how to break the news to Lan Wangji.
"I don't know if I should be flattered or concerned when your first thought after seeing a dead body was me." Wei Wuxian swore he could hear Lan Wangji roll his eyes. "Stay there, don't move an inch, I'll be there in five minutes." He paused for a second, then repeated the instruction again with more stern tone. "Don't. Move. I will handle everything."

"Alright gege, I'm going to stand here, not moving."

"I mean it, Yingying." 

Wei Wuxian could hear the rustle of the clothes on the phone. Lan Wangji probably just got out of the shower.
"Yes, gege. I'll be waiting here for you."

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now