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They arrived at the lake with the neck breaking speed, and under three minutes, which made both of the passengers, although they were used to facing criminals with guns, felt dread for the first time in their lives.

And although they didn't say anything, when the lake was approaching and the car didn't show any sign to slow down, Lan Wangji finally spoke.

"Uhm, sweetheart, there's a lake in front of us…" he was thinking that the youngster would probably not be able to stop the car in time. Unless… 

"Are you going to test the Chimera?"

"Dingdingding, correctomundo. Suibian, get ready to phase." Wei Wuxian put his palm on the screen between the seats and it blipped alive.

"Phase One, ready."

Lan Wangji and Hua Cheng could feel the hum under their seats and all over the car, and suddenly they went underwater. 
Wei Wuxian had driven the car straight into the lake.

Lan Wangji understood that there was always a method behind one's madness, and to quote Aristotle, 'No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness.' But right now, he was pretty sure that Liu Qingge had warned them about not using the Chimera mode.

"Chillax babe, breathe." Wei Wuxian squeezed his hand, which was kinda cold from the start of all this… madness. It wasn't like he didn't trust the youngster, but there's literally a nuclear particle inside this car, which, if the containment became unstable, they would all be vaporized in a second. And he didn't know about Liu Qingge's skill, so it's only natural that he would be worried. Although judging from the youngster's reaction, he had every trust in Liu Qingge, and had no worry at all.
"Look outside." Wei Wuxian winked at Lan Wangji, and when he turned his head to see, he was amazed. 
The car had changed into some kind of a submarine, and they moved at a steady speed under the clear lake.
The screen where Wei Wuxian had put his palm on, turned into a sonar radar.

"Phase One is completed." Suibian's voice was clearly pleased. "Am I doing a good job, Master?"

"Yes, you're doing a great job, Suibian. Now tell me, is the stealth mode functional?"

"Not yet, Master. So we'd better leave right now before they catch us."

"They?" Wei Wuxian looked at Lan Wangji questioningly.

"The security. There was an alarm a couple of klicks back, so we'd better leave before they catch on to us."

"Spoilsport. But anyway, we can test Phase Two later." He directed the car back, and soon they were out of the lake, and drove leisurely back to the shelter.

"Phase Two? You mean that this car can morph into two different functions?" Hua Cheng was awed. He never knew that his best friend's girlfriend was this kind of a super-smart-almost-villainy type of girl, and it excited him.

"Wait until I can integrate Phase Three. But for now, two is enough." Wei Wuxian was grinning from ear to ear. Besides the small hitch of the nanobots' lifetime, the test drive was a success, sans the stealth mode, which he could fix later.

"So, how soon can you put it in my car?" Hua Cheng was so amazed by this kind of technology, which he had spent a fortune to acquire, but never to this level.

"Soon enough, after we put it in my boyfriend's car." He took Lan Wangji's hand and kissed it. "Do you like it? It's my gift for you."

"I love you, even if you gave me a pebble or a rock, I will still gladly accept." He kissed Wei Wuxian's hand back. "Although I admit, I'm a little bit overwhelmed by this kind of thing that you were able to do. You fixed the Chimera function, didn't you? When you played with the tablet?"
That… was a keen observation you got there, Mister. 
For a moment, Wei Wuxian almost forgot that his boyfriend was none other than Hanguang Jun. Guess all that sex must had melt his brain and lowered his guard. He needed to be more careful with hiding his skills.
"Well, I just pressed the activate button, gege, it's that easy." He winked at Lan Wangji, who observed him with some kind of unreadable thoughts. Hua Cheng, on the other hand, looked at Wei Wuxian in a whole new light.

"Well, put on your seatbelt cause we're going for a ride." 
Wei Wuxian was trying to divert Lan Wangji's attention from his little mistakes by driving like a daredevil on crack. But when he hit the nth bumps, Suibian finally protested.

"Master, you know I am built for speed, but not in this kind of terrain. So will you please slow down before you kill us all?" 

"Well, Suibian, for once I couldn't agree more with you." Lan Wangji looked at Wei Wuxian. "Will you please slow down, baby? Hua Cheng almost died back there from carsickness. You wouldn't want one of your future loyal customers to run away before you have the deals right?" Then he got closer and kissed his ear. 

Wei Wuxian blushed, and finally he slowed down, until they reached the bunker. Liu Qingge, Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu already waited for them.
"Qingqing… gege, the stealth mode wasn't ready yet. But the rest of it seems okay." Wei Wuxian jumped out of the car and talked to Liu Qingge in a hush hush tone, while Lan Wangji observed them.

He long had a suspicion that the youngster was more complicated than he looked, but he was blinded by his lust then. But now, after he… cleared that blockage, he seemed to be able to think more clearly. And the way the uncles and gege treated him was more like friends and partners rather than niece slash nephew slash sibling.

But what was that? What made him tick like this?
Lan Wangji had this deja vu feeling that somehow, he knew Mo Xuanyu even before he knew him. It was just this niggling feeling at the back of his head. And when they made love, it was just like they were used to each other's body, and knew each other's weak spots, like they were used to doing that for a long time already.
It was funny really, how he had those feelings while he never really had any lovers. It was just a feeling after all. 

But as much as he tried to dismiss it, the feeling came back a hundred fold, and now he was pretty sure he knew Mo Xuanyu somewhere before all this. After he saw with his own eyes about his capabilities, his daredevil side, he was really sure he had experienced them before.
But where? When? How?
Then suddenly the voice and the tattoo came back to his mind.

Was this all really just a coincidence?

Maybe, the easier way was not to investigate Mo Xuanyu, but instead he would find out more about his so-called family. Luo Binghe, the leader of the foreign underground who is also best friends with Hua Cheng; Shen Qingqiu, the eccentric fashion designer who dabbled as a lawyer; and the mysterious Liu Qingge. With his skills, Lan Wangji was pretty sure he was someone important. At least in the automotive or technology fields. His talents were too good to be categorized as an ordinary mechanic . He probably should look into them in the Interpol files.

But what would he do if he found something about them? About Mo Xuanyu? Would he risk it all in order to satisfy his curiosity? Would he risk his love?
Because the only person who fits all these descriptions, the only one who had been occupying his mind day and night before he met Mo Xuanyu, the only person who was able to do all that kind of the complicated modification in the shortest time frame possible, the infamous daredevil, was the Grim Reaper himself.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now