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The next morning, Lan Wangji woke up early with Wei Wuxian curled beside him. Her hair went wild everywhere, curtained behind her back and tickling his face. He slowly moved his hand, which was used as a pillow, from under Wei Wuxian's head and then carefully gathered the hair and braided them loosely. She was having a wild night last night with his mother, singing nonstop in three languages, until almost morning, to his and Hua Cheng's amusement. Even the Captain came on stage and sang a couple of songs together. Overall, last night had become a karaoke night, with a couple of other guests also singing together. Strangely, it actually lightened the atmosphere from the heavy anticipation from the next day's auction. And it was making Lan Wangji in awe with Wei Wuxian's capability to read and control the room. Even he could not do that well without exerting the authority.
Lan Wangji looked at the sleeping girl beside him fondly. He would never let her go, no matter what. 
It was just a feeling deep in his subconscious, that this person meant something very important to him, like she was his soulmate, the one that filled the empty space in his heart and soul. Although it was just for a short time, it seemed like he had known her for a lifetime. It was a rare and precious feeling, and strangely… familiar. He always had this strange familiar feeling in his heart when he thought about how this girl had changed his life for the better, how she painted his dark skies blue, how easily she stole his heart with her smiles and how he adored her quirkiness, her bravery, even her stubborn-streak. It seemed like a million years ago when she confessed to him and he unknowingly rejected her. What a stupid decision, to almost lose his soulmate like that. That was the only decision that made him regret ever taking it. But now, he would never, ever let her go. No matter how hard, how long it took for him to make her his.

Lan Wangji traced the beautiful sleeping face with his finger, down to her collarbone, her shoulder, her arms and slowly back up, followed by his lips, tracing it all slowly until the girl stirred up in a lazy moan that went straight downward. 
He knew he shouldn't play with fire.
It's funny how just a mere soft moan could send him into the abyss of lust and sexual frustration, while back then he saw many half naked girls gyrating in front of him and he could only feel indifferent, mostly disgust. He just didn't want to be near those offensive smells and sights, thus, the gloves and his abhorrence to be touched by strangers.
He gave up and finally kissed her, slowly, languidly, enjoying her lips and sweet smell, savoring every taste until she blinked awake and he saw her eyes were unfocused. But when she saw him, she gave him the most radiant smile he had ever seen and encircled her hands behind his neck and pulled him closer for a deeper kiss.

"If this is how you wake me up every morning, I don't have any objections waking up earlier." Wei Wuxian bit Lan Wangji's lips teasingly and Lan Wangji retaliated by sucking her slender milky white neck until she moaned.

"If this is how you're going to respond, I do have some concern on how long will I be able to hold myself back." Lan Wangji's breaths had become heavy with needs. His hands had started to roam under her shirt, caressing her slender and soft waist. "When is your eighteen's birthday again?" His mind seemed to refuse to do anything except focusing on the girl in front of him.

"In three months." Wei Wuxian flipped the surprised Lan Wangji on his back, and then he straddled him. He then tied his shirt tight just right under his fake boobs, and his shorts hiked up to show his milky white thigh.
"Question." Wei Wuxian sat comfortably on Lan Wangji's stomach, ignoring his semi hard-on. "What do you like about me? The truth, please."
Lan Wangji was caught in surprise, but he took the question very seriously, as he always did when it was regarding the girl that was looking at him with her iridescent heterochromia eyes, also seriously, while she perched on top of him. There was a storm in her eyes, the one that he wished she would share with him. But, one step at a time. He just had to be patient for her to willingly open her heart.
"I like your tenacity, your stubbornness, your attraction for trouble, your way of finding unusual and chaotic things to be fun, which is almost borderline obsessive if I might say. Your train of thoughts, which is unusual and out-of-the-box, your love for alcohol although you'll get dead drunk after a few sips…"

"I don't think that those are my good qualities, but go on…" Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes in amusement.

"Your eyes were what made me fall for you in the first place, the fire within, the passion, the softness of your lips, the way you always curled to my body like a beautiful Persian cat, the way you kissed me, the way your hands moved around my…"

"Okay, stop." Wei Wuxian blushed as he covered Lan Wangji's grinning mouth with the palm of his hand. "I get the point." He kissed Lan Wangji's nose. "So, hypothetically, if, and I say if, I was a… let's say… uhm, let me rephrase that. If a man is somehow having all the traits that you just described to me, and you are the bestest of friends, and you shared everything, even life and death together, and you don't know me at all… like I'm not even exist in your world, will you like him too? Like… that kind of like… "  
The fact was, Wei Wuxian was very nervous. He knew that as long as he kept this secret, he would not be able to tell Lan Wangji about the most important thing of it all. And he wanted to tell him about everything. He owed him that much. Besides, he needed his forgiveness as he sought his own redemption. This was his second chance after all, and he was thinking of whatever reason that whoever put him in Mo Xuanyu's body had, they put him in the very close vicinity of the man who knew him in his previous life too. And quite intimately, judging by the way he had that dream, and his familiarity to his every nook and cranny. And this time too, they were also attracting each other like magnets, despite gender and the improbability of them to meet each other in a normal way, unless someone sought the other, like the way Mo Xuanyu sought for Lan Wangji to confess his feelings.

What if, it was because of Lan Wangji was the only one who could solve his, and Mo Xuanyu's murder? Or maybe something else entirely, some higher power who clustered them together?

Wei Wuxian hardly believed in God before. He was kind of an atheist. No. More like he didn't care about that mumbo jumbo. For him, only the weak that needed to seek solace from an unknown being. He was a man of science and he trusted himself to find a solution with his own skills and capabilities, and he did. Until this… mess. And he had a feeling that everything was connected to Lan Wangji, with the way he kept popping out in his life. 

But he decided that Lan Wangji did not need to know that he was Wei Wuxian. At least for now, since it was irrelevant and it would be too much for him to handle with all this farce.

"Well, you really put me on the spot, don't you?" Lan Wangji caressed Wei Wuxian's long silver hair and kissed it. He could see that the girl was nervous, as if she really wanted to hear his honest opinion. How cute. Was she jealous about something?  
"To tell you the truth, I don't know. I don't even expect to like you like this, let alone some other… stranger. Now don't take me the wrong way, I don't really care about status, or age, or physical attributes or even gender if push comes to shove. As long as I have that… connection , just like what I feel whenever I'm with you. Hell, baby, I don't think I have ever liked anyone as much as I like you, gender aside." Lan Wangji chuckled. "I'm just… you might say, feel connected to you,  fascinated by you, by your whole existence, by just being… you." And he would do anything to keep her safe from her illness and demons. "It was like you were destined to be my companion, my partner, my… everything."
How could anyone not fall for that kind of love? 
Wei Wuxian could feel it, the subtle change in Lan Wangji's demeanor. The way he looked at him with the softest eyes, the way he touched him, the way he pampered him, the way he reacted to his… touch, the way he showed his jealousy, the way he… kissed him. Those were not things that someone did out of… pretense. 
The problem was, he felt the same. He felt something shift within his deepest, innermost heart, that he tried to lock away ever since he lost his princess a long time ago. It was subtle, but it happened. The awakening of his long-lost feelings. And he was afraid. He was very afraid. He was not supposed to… feel.


The fact that he already had those feelings, could only mean that he had to tell Lan Wangji the truth. Before they got deeper and there would be worse consequences. He didn't think he could survive if Lan Wangji looked at him with disgust in his eyes.

Guess this was it.
Time to tell the truth.
To see if the man really liked him as much as he had just said.

May god help him.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now