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"Ge," Wei Wuxian said in a low tone to Lan Wangji after they entered the car, "that dead girl was the one who harassed me back then, you know, the one who said that she was your fiance candidate?"

"I know. That's why I took you out of there so there's not going to be a conflict of interest." Lan Wangji looked at the beautiful girl beside him and his face softened. "Are you hungry, Yingying? I noticed that you ate only a little at home."

"Oh god, yes please, I'm starving after that little biology lesson. You are definitely the best, Ge. Let's eat korean spicy fried chicken and beer, lots of beer. Greasy junk food and alcohol are always the best after watching those gruesome insides of a human."

"Sure," Lan Wangji started the car and entered the GPS to the nearest Korean food restaurant. "I'd love to hear about your experience in watching the autopsy while we're at it." He smiled so devilishly it made Wei Wuxian shiver with realization that Mo Xuanyu had never been to any autopsy in his life.
Oh crap.
"Ah, about that, did I mention that I'm a fan of Sherlock Holmes? Also I binge watch every available episode of Mindhunter, Criminal Minds and CSI, all four installments of them. I am very fascinated with the mind of serial killers, Ge, aren't you the same? You even went to school to study them." He rambled and hoped that Lan Wangji bought his reasoning.

"Mm. Mindhunter was a good one. The others were not bad either." He turned his attention to the road so Wei Wuxian let out his breath a little in relief. "But if you're really interested, I can lend you more specific books about those topics later."

"Aw, gege, of course, I'm so lucky to have you as my teacher."
Things that he had to do to maintain the lies… ugh.

They finally settled on the Korean BBQ high-end restaurant, which provided them anonymity and privacy, since Lan Wangji didn't like too-crowded places.

Wei Wuxian didn't seem to care since all he was thinking about was the fatty and juicy pork belly, a deviation from the fried chicken he previously craved for. But he didn't care since it was delicious and he didn't have to lift a hand to grill the meat. The great Lan Wangji did all the hard work for him, all he had to do was open his mouth and chewed to his heart's content.

Lan Wangji ordered enough food to feed a whole army and also a lot of soju. He did not really like fatty meat, so he only ate the vegetarian side dishes and drank the corn tea. But he gladly grilled the meat to perfection and cut them to bite-sized pieces before feeding them to the starving girl beside him. He wondered where all the food went when she looked so skinny but her appetite was huge.
But as long as she's happy, he would be satisfied.
And with that thought alone, he realized that this girl had already started to mean something to him. 
Strangely, he didn't mind at all.

While the two of them were enjoying the food, a couple of seats away from them sat a familiar face with his date. And he was busy ogling the silver-haired girl rather than giving attention to the girl that sat beside him.

"Wen-gege, we're supposed to be on a date, why are you looking at the others?" The girl, Wang Lingjiao, a new plaything of Wen Chao, was whining when Wen Chao's attention was somewhere else entirely. She tried to look in the direction where her date was watching most of the time and neglected her, but Wen Chao held her face close and gave her a passionate kiss.

"I'm sorry baby, I just thought that I saw my friend there, but it turns out wrong." He kissed Wang Lingjiao's hand and nibbled at her fingers. "Mm, you taste so good baby, what do you say if we get back to your place after this?"  

Wang Lingjiao might have looked like she had no brain. But she noticed that Wen Chao, that slimy man, threw a covert glance now and then to the couple that sat a few booths away from them. Not the couple, more precisely the girl with the silver hair. She knew because when she took her compact powder to fix her nose, she peeked at her and boy, that girl was really beautiful. No wonder this pervert looked at her like that. So when Wen Chao excused himself to go to the toilet, she followed him and just as she thought, he called someone and told them that he saw Lan Wangji and Mo Xuanyu together at the Korean BBQ place. 
Lan Wangji must be the guy's name. So the girl's name was Mo Xuanyu?
She went back to their seat and acted nonchalant when Wen Chao was back to their seats. But before that, she texted her friend to find out about a girl with silver hair named Mo Xuanyu. She wanted to know what her relationship with her boyfriend was like, to make Wen Chao drooled like an idiot. It should not be that hard to find out about her since she looked like she was probably a university student, and the only university in the area good enough for people who could afford to eat at this kind of place was only one. Cloud Recess University. And she had friends there who would gladly help her.

"So, your house?" Wen Chao grinned like a fool.

"Sure, gege, let's go to my house."

She would think of what to do about Mo Xuanyu later, after she found out more about her.

"Oh jeez, I'm full." 

Wei Wuxian leaned his back on the couch and burped softly. He was very very full and satisfied with the spicy pork belly and half a dozen bottles of soju, he felt quite light headed.
Damn this body, he used to drink the whole bottle of whiskey and not drunk at all.
"Well, you polished most of the meat and soju, I'm amazed if you're not full." Lan Wangji sipped the tea calmly.

"You really spoil me, gege, so what do you say, the night is still young, wanna go clubbing? We can ask BingQiu… I mean uncle Binghe and uncle Qiuqiu to join us, also Qingge-gege and Hua Cheng gege? If you want to add more people, be my guest." 

Wei Wuxian, half drunk, put his head on Lan Wangji's wide shoulder and giggled, thinking about how he tricked the Jin fucker out of his car the night Ageha appeared at Crimson Butterfly club. That was a fun night. Maybe he should do it again next time, he needed a bike.

Lan Wangji only sighed and looked at the drunk girl before him and patted her head fondly.

"Maybe next time, you're not exactly sober enough to go clubbing today."

"Fine. Let's go home then. I'm kinda sleepy."

With that, Wei Wuxian went to sleep soundly with Lan Wangji's shoulder as his pillow. It smelled so fresh and nice even after all that time in the morgue, and it made him go deeper into the dreamland.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now