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Wei Wuxian woke up with a searing pain in his stomach and he ran into the bathroom to puke his gut out. But instead of bile, it was blood that came out of his mouth and he felt an excruciating pain in his chest, making him have difficulty breathing. Then his ears were ringing very loudly and he felt that something was crawling under his body and it made him panic.
He tried to calm himself and finally after a while, his heartbeat went back to normal, the ringing was gone and the itches stopped. He then took a while to breathe normally and stood up slowly to wash his face. When he saw that the blood was all over his face and his white shirt, Lan Wangji's white shirt, he frowned. The blood was pinkish red, so it's fresh. 

Thankfully the blood spattered on the shirt was just trickles, he could pass it off as nosebleed. The worst part was on the floor and inside the toilet, so he cleaned it up with tissues. Rolls and rolls of tissues.
He was wondering why he didn't know that he had any illness that could cause him to throw up fresh blood and cause pain in his chest. Guess he probably had to ask butler Zhou or Chen Yu. 

He took a look around the unfamiliar bathroom and realized he was not in his own home nor BingQiu's home. 
This was Lan Wangji's home. 
Then he remembered that he was falling asleep yesterday after they ate the BBQ until he almost exploded, and guessed the stress from finding a dead body, attending a live autopsy, and binge eating meat finally took its toll on Mo Xuanyu's frail body.

He sighed and took off his soiled clothes and proceeded to wash it, since he didn't want to make Lan Wangji worried about trivial matters. 
Since when he cared about what others think?
He threw the wet clothes into the dirty laundry basket, took the thick blue towel and wore it around his body. He walked back to the bedroom and found out that there was nothing there that could be worn. The hordes of clothes this morning had all gone.

He was thinking if he should steal another white shirt from Lan Wangji never ending supply.

Since it was still in the middle of the night, he decided to do just so. Besides, he was also curious to see how Lan Wangji looked when he slept. He looked like the type who wore a whole set pyjamas and slept nice and upright, just like his character. A gentleman through and through.

Wei Wuxian grinned and walked out of his room stealthily, and after he made sure no one was out there, he entered Lan Wangji's room that was located beside his.
The room was cold and dark. And huge. The ceilings were high and there were tall french windows that led to the balcony.

On the right there was a huge wooden desk, couches, coffee table and books. Lots and lots of books. This looked more like an office or a library rather than a bedroom. 

He observed his surroundings. His eagle eyes caught a double sliding door through his left, and he bet there must be where Lan Wangji slept. He walked there and carefully slid the door open to peek inside.

The door moved soundlessly and amidst the darkness he saw there's a huge bed in the middle of the room. He moved closer to see the sleeping figure in the corner of the bed and he gasped.

Contrary to his belief, Lan Wangji did not sleep wearing a pyjama. In fact, he slept wearing nothing at all. 

And boy, his physique was extraordinary.
Wei Wuxian knew that the man was very tall and in good shape from day one, but almost naked like this? He was a perfection with a body like it was carved from marble by God himself. The skin looked smooth and unblemished, his hair thick and in need of a cut, and his face, god, his face. Wei Wuxian knew that he was a very handsome man, but this man was in a league of his own. Added to his overwhelming wealth and exceptional skills? No wonder those ladies flocked to him like vultures smelling fresh meat.
God loved him too much it seemed.
Thank god for the little thing called a thin blanket that was covering his lower half, although it did nothing to hide anything, but still...

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now