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After his guests went home, Dr. Xue immediately entered his study to make an encrypted phone call. He waited for a while for the other party to answer, because of the time difference. But when he heard the familiar voice speaking, he immediately spoke.
"I found him."

Wei Wuxian was walking along the busy street, trying to make sense of what Dr. Xue had just told him. 
He was literally a walking corpse.  
Not that much different with a zombie, right? Except he still had his logic, his mind. But until when?  

According to Dr. Xue's logic, the inside of his body had started to decay within the last month when the original Mo Xuanyu died. So he was just borrowing the flesh suit after all, not owning it permanently as he initially thought. 

But why? What was the purpose of putting Wei Wuxian's soul inside of the dead Mo Xuanyu's body? What was it that kept him moving? There must be some kind of supernatural shit going on here, starting from the minute Wei Wuxian opened his eyes again inside of Mo Xuanyu's dead body. 

Jesus, it gave him a creepy crawly just to think about what happened to his inside. To think that he turned into one of the zombies he was practicing hard to fight. What would his father say?

He asked Dr. Xue to keep quiet about all of this freaky thing, and Dr. Xue told him to find him anytime he wanted to talk, or to try his new method of treatment, which Wei Wuxian was not interested in. He then gave the car key to Shen Qingqiu and told him to go back home first, he needed to clear his head before he was able to face his friends. She Qingqiu looked like he was about to protest, but when he looked at Wei Wuxian, he nodded quietly. He probably needed some time alone. 

Then, about Lan Wangji.
What was he supposed to do with Lan Wangji? How could he tell him, when they were just at the beginning of a supposedly wonderful relationship, that he was a dead man walking? That his life could end up anytime without warning? It was bad enough that he could not bear a child for him. But this? This was another level altogether.

Wei Wuxian was so devastated this time. He was like a walking time bomb who could die anytime soon, and he hated this helpless feeling.

Then to make it all worse, it suddenly started to rain. Not just the little droplets of water but a sudden heavy downpour.
Great, perfect.
Wei Wuxian could not see as far as his arms could reach, when he bumped into someone, and he felt a hot liquid sprayed on the front of his wet shirt. He fell down, unable to stand up again from all the sudden shivering.

"Oh god, I'm sorry I didn't see you there!" The woman tried to help him up when suddenly she gasped. "Mo Xuanyu?" She sounded familiar. "You're… Mo Xuanyu, right? I'm Wen Qing, Dr. Xue's assistant? We met at the autopsy a few days ago?"

Wei Wuxian lifted his head to see the familiar figure that he saw at the morgue. "Wen Qing? Yeah, sure, I remember." He tried to stand up, but his body felt heavy, until the woman's strong arms helped him.

"Are you alright?" She showed some genuine concern on her face. "You look pale. Tell you what, I don't think the rain will stop anytime soon, and my apartment is near here. Would you like to go to my place to change and have a hot drink? After that I'll get you a cab. You don't look so good, I don't want you to get sick."

Wei Wuxian did not want to go back to BingQiu's house because he didn't want to see his family sad, nor to Lan Wangji's mansion, just because he couldn't bear to see the love of his life see him with devastation, or worse, pity. 

He just realized that he was actually homeless without his family and boyfriend by his side. In sheer desperation, he agreed to Wen Qing's offer, and they walked slowly together to her apartment. He just needed to be alone for a while. Just for a while. Just until he found a solution for all this… farce.

Wen Qing's apartment was a two bedroom student apartment that was lent to the students for a small fee. It was a housing program from the Cloud Recess University for the students from out of town, or for teaching assistants, or anyone who studied at Cloud Recess. She put her bag on the floor and entered her room to get some dry clothes for Wei Wuxian. 

"Go on, take a shower first. Here's my clothes, I'm sure it will fit you." She gave Wei Wuxian a pair of tracksuits and a t-shirt, with jacket.

"Thank you." Wei Wuxian took the clothes and he went into the shower to clean himself.
After a while, he went out to find that Wen Qing had already prepared a hot cup of tea and a bowl of vegetarian soup. She asked Wei Wuxian to eat while she made a call to her friend and to make himself at home.
Wei Wuxian had no appetite at all, especially after finding out that he was not even a human. As he played with his food, his mind wandered, how did all the food he ate be processed when his body was decaying? Did he really need food at all? How come he could still feel hunger, and pain, and… love? He wondered where Lan Wangji was. He missed him already. But, was it fair for the man, for him to love? He had only a month, top, to live, and whatever treatment that he had no idea about.
He was still deep in thought and playing with his food, when Wen Qing came out of her room, looking pale and shaky. Come to think of it, did Wen Ning suppose to live here too? But he couldn't see any other person here. And the way Wen Qing looked now was not too good. She seemed… afraid of something. Wei Wuxian put down his spoon and started to stand up to see what was going on with Wen Qing, who used to look so calm and collected, when she broke down and cried. 

"I can't do this, please, I'm sorry… I'm sorry, please let my brother go… please…"

Wei Wuxian was so surprised to see her like that, and it slowed his sharp instinct, so when he sensed the movement behind him, he moved a beat too late, and before he knew it, he felt the sharp sting in his neck.

"Fuck, what did you do?" He was getting disoriented quickly. That must have been some potent drug. But he directed the question to Wen Qing, because he knew that somehow, something must have happened for her to do this. Unfortunately he didn't get to hear her response since the darkness claimed him in a sudden.
I'm sorry...

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now