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Lan Wangji was planning to do some meditation today to clear his mind after he escaped from Hua Cheng's eagle eyes, and the only place that he could think of was the Lotus Pavilion inside the Forbidden Library.

Ever since he was living abroad, he was always fascinated with ancient chinese arts and traditions. That was one of the reasons he accepted the offer to become guest lecturer at Cloud Recess University. Apparently they had the most extensive collections of ancient scrolls and poems and everything about ancient customs and traditions.

His grandfather, a very traditional man although he lived abroad, was adept at playing zither and writing calligraphy and he taught him since he was a child.

Since the library was forbidden to normal students, and only a special few could access it, he wondered why there was a high school student wandering around, when she suddenly stopped and stared at him openly.

The expression on her ethereal face was one of the things he noticed first. She looked like she was in daze, and there was some kind of recognition and yearning in her eyes, as he walked closer to ask her to state her business there.
"What are you doing here?" 
Lan Wangji looked closer at this girl's face, who was very familiar, although he never met anyone with the rare heterochromia in her eyes. The silver and gold in her eyes were so captivating, he was stunned for a moment from the familiarity of the silver hair when recognition came so suddenly.
"Mo Xuanyu?"
She looked like she was in trance, and when she heard him call her name, she jumped a little, then got flustered. Apparently she recognized him too.

"It's you?" She spoke like she was out of breath.

"Don't tell me you forget about me. Again." Lan Wangji chuckled seeing the girl blushed.

"I-I'm not… anyway, why is there no one here? I thought that this library was supposed to have at least one librarian?" She looked at him cautiously. "Or are you the librarian?"

"Do I look like a librarian?" Lan Wangji raised his brow.

"No, you look like an overbearing CEO, but that was beside the point." She composed herself rather quickly. "I was supposed to find books about… chinese alphabet, and write a poem with perfect calligraphy, said the teacher." There was a small frown in her perfect little face and she pouted a bit.

"Well, you're in the wrong place. This is the Forbidden Library and it's not for the public. You were supposed to go to the…" he looked at her uniform, "high school library."

"Well, I know that now, thank you very much, Mister." 

Wei Wuxian looked at this obviously rich and educated Young Master. He looked like someone who was capable of writing calligraphy perfectly, and Wei Wuxian was in desperate need of someone to teach him to write.
It didn't hurt that he was that handsome either.

"So, Mister…" 

"No thanks."

Wei Wuxian raised his brow.

"But I haven't even said anything yet."

"I have a general idea." He turned around and was ready to leave when Wei Wuxian abruptly spoke in a louder voice to attract his attention.

"Can you teach me how to write?"

That… was unexpected.
Lan Wangji stopped and observed Young Miss Mo more closely. He thought she was going to confess again.

She indeed looked different from the last time she confessed to him, and when she tried to pay for his shirt back then.

But to teach her how to write? Wasn't she supposed to be taught since she was a child? 

Although he used to live abroad, his grandfather taught him to write and read chinese characters since young, at least that was the lowest standard of the rich families.

"Haven't you been taught since young?"
That question caught Wei Wuxian off guard.
"Haha, well, you see, I was a weak child back then, and I don't really need to write calligraphy. My daily writings are fine, but calligraphy? I'm really bad at that. And seeing you like a character out of a wuxia novel, I bet you write calligraphy like an immortal deity."

Wei Wuxian was fidgeting under the scrutiny of those piercing golden orbs. Well, if he did not agree, he had to find some tutor or take lessons, which would cut into his play time… ugh, damn you highschool!
Lan Wangji smirked before he replied.

"So, you're not by any chance, stalked me, found out where I was, and sneaked here, to confess your undying love for me, or something along the line?"
Wei Wuxian froze. 
So Mo Xuanyu was like that?  
No wonder this man seemed to treat him coldly every time they met. If he was this man, he might not give his stalker any time to speak to him, he's gonna obliterate him for sure. 
This man was a gentleman through and through.
"Ha ha, I'm sorry I gave you fright, but I truly have no other intention other than finding a competent calligraphy teacher. Anyway, since you refused…" Wei Wuxian started to walk back to the entrance to leave the Forbidden Library.
"Who said I refuse?"
Wei Wuxian stopped and turned back around to face the confusing man.

"Well, you did accuse me of stalking you, and if I were you, I wouldn't be too comfortable to speak with me, let alone teaching me anything."

"For a start, I'm not you."

Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes.

"Obviously…" he whispered under his breath.

"I heard that. And secondly, it would be an honor for me to teach you calligraphy, Mo Xuanyu, as long as you really mean it."
Well, that was unexpected.
"In that case, please call me A-Ying… laoshi." 
Wei Wuxian bowed his head slightly in front of his newly appointed teacher.

"No need to be formal, A-Ying. You can call me Wangji. I thought your name was Mo Xuanyu?"
"Ah, yes, Wangji laoshi, I… hate the name Mo Xuanyu, you know, since my family was…"

Wei Wuxian tried to act miserable and squeezed a tear or two from his eyes, and it looked like it worked.

"It's fine, A-Ying, it doesn't really matter to me whatever you want to be called, as long as you work hard." Lan Wangji took out his phone and opened his calendar. "I can spare some time today, if you want. When will the assignment be due?"

Wei Wuxian was rather taken aback with the progress of his impromptu plan, but he would take this, he needed to do this.

"I have two weeks from today to submit a full poem."

"Mm. It's a bit tight, but you should be able to do it if you follow my lead." He seemed a bit lost in his thoughts. "Come, follow me, we should start as soon as possible."

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now