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Wei Wuxian asked for his newly acquired boyfriend to drop him off a few distance away from school, since he was tired of people trying to bully him just because he got a lift from the most eligible bachelor in the country. But of course, the not-so-bachelor-anymore, declined. Politely.

He insisted on dropping his new girlfriend, in his one-of-a-kind car, straight in front of the huge school/university main gate to show off to the world about their relationship.
Yeah, right. 
Hopefully he would still be in one piece by the time school's over.

He could feel the piercing gazes of many people looking at him as if he was some kind of a prey, for daring to snatch Lan Wangji, the man wanted by many, away.
Whatever .
He started to walk toward the school gate when he was suddenly caught by his hand, and it made him turn around to face Lan Wangji, that devil.

"Aren't you going to say goodbye to me?" 

Wei Wuxian was sure Lan Wangji did this on purpose. He even had that little naughty smirk on his handsome face.

"Goodbye." He turned around again with every intention to leave him, but instead, he was pulled against the hard chest and his waist was encircled by the iron grip of Lan Wangji's arm.

"As my girlfriend, shouldn't you act more… convincing? Lovey dovey, a little bit of a hug, a little bit of a kiss, a little bit of tears because we're gonna be separated for oh, I don't know… half a day?" Lan Wangji whispered in Wei Wuxian's ear.

"I wonder what kind of late night harlequin movies you watched on the Hallmark channel, boyfriend , cause those were the cheesiest things I've ever heard." Wei Wuxian tried to wriggle out of the iron grip on his slim waist. "And if you keep insisting on doing this, I'm pretty sure the only thing you find later when you pick me up is my dead body, torn apart by the vultures."

"Mm, we wouldn't want that, would we?" He sniffed the back of Wei Wuxian's ear. "You smell so good, by the way." Then he left a light kiss on the spot he just sniffed, and let Wei Wuxian go. "That should be enough of a show for now."
He was the Devil indeed.
"You really take the role of becoming my boyfriend seriously huh, Lan Zhan darling?" Wei Wuxian would not admit that he felt weak on his knees after that kiss.

"Well of course, Yingying sweetheart. I'm a man of my words after all." He chuckled lightly and took out a cigarette from his pocket. "Now, off you go. I sent you a little surprise by the way, I hope you like it."

"Please don't go overboard on your first day as my boyfriend, my heart literally couldn't handle it." Wei Wuxian talked back in a mocking tone.

Lan Wangji did not answer, instead he flicked his lighter to light up the cigarette.

"I'll wait for you later, usual place. Be a good girl now darling." He suddenly kissed Wei Wuxian's forehead and the smoke wafted around them, mixing with the fresh scent of citrus and expensive one of sandalwood. All very Lan Wangji.
That man would surely be the second death of him.

And the worst had yet to come. 

Along the way to his class, people were whispering and pointing at him indiscreetly. But somehow, he did not really care at all. People tended to look at him anyway whether he had any connection with Lan Wangji or not. 

Mo Xuanyu's reputation was already in the toilet before he even revived in this body.
He just ignored everything and turned to enter the class, when someone blocked him.

"So," the boy who looked familiar to him, sneered, "little Momo got a boyfriend." He said in a mocking singsong voice. "What did you do to him to make him submit? Did you get down on your knees?" A horde of sinister laughs followed. "I thought no one wants you, little Momo, turns out I was wrong." He grabbed Wei Wuxian's arm and dragged him closer until they were nose-to-nose. "Why don't you show us what exactly you did to him, hm? And maybe we can all learn what makes you worthy after all."
Wei Wuxian sighed. This boy was exactly the miniature version of that perverted Jin Zixun.
"Sure," he smiled sweetly at Jinling, another one of his half-brothers. "Why don't you pull down your pants now and let us all see the size of the thing that you bragged about all around town. I bet yours is much bigger than my boyfriend's. In the alternate reality."
Someone snorted and disguised it as a cough.
"Hey watch it bitch, or I'm gonna make sure that you regret it." Jinling's face was red and his spits were flying all over from his mouth. 

Wei Wuxian shook his arm free.

"Please do. I regret it already that I have a half-brother like you. At least use condoms wisely, you don't want to leave bastards everywhere like our beloved daddy. Right, Jinling?"

Jinling saw red. He never thought that his half-sister would be smart enough to rebuff his insults. Last time he remembered that she was just standing there, trembling, with fears in her eyes when he insulted her. 
And since when did Mo Xuanyu become this beautiful?
But his pride was hurt and he did not want his authority to be challenged, so he raised his hand to slap the bitch, when someone suddenly kicked him from the side.

"No matter how rich or noble you think you are, it's not polite to do bodily harm to a lady."

The person who just kicked Jinling was actually a girl. A familiar girl.

"You…" Wei Wuxian looked at the girl and he remembered.  She was the one who saved him last night.

"Hey there, I'm Xue Qing, and I'm a new student here." She offered her hand and shook Wei Wuxian's. "Do you mind showing me around?" She did not wait for an answer and instead she pulled Wei Wuxian away and took him to hide on the corner of a building.

"Geez, Mo Xuanyu." She looked at him as if he was an annoying insect. "Cousin told me that you're prone to troubles, but I didn't know that you are literally a walking time bomb. How on earth did you manage to stay alive until now?"

Wei Wuxian ignored her sarcastic remarks.

"You're the gift that Lan Zhan talked about?"

"He told you that I'm a fucking gift ?"

Wei Wuxian grinned. He liked this girl.

"You're Dr. Xue's daughter, aren't you? You looked exactly like him."

"Hold on, were you tripping or what? I looked like him ? What in tarnation hell are you talking about? He's the devil incarnate that spawned from the same hell as your boyfriend. Evil. Both of them are evil."

"You're so funny, Xue Qing." Wei Wuxian laughed at the accurate description of both Dr. Xue and Lan Wangji. "By the way, thanks for saving me last night. Hope we can be good friends."

Xue Qing looked at him skeptically and raised her brow in a manner that was similar to Lan Wangji. 
"We'll see about that."

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now