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Wei Wuxian woke up feeling very refreshed. 
He didn't even realize that he fell asleep when Lan Wangji massaged his ankle. It felt so comfy he enjoyed himself too much. That, plus the humming, relaxed him and he closed his eyes for a little morning-nap until he woke up just now. Which showed that about thirty minutes had passed since he woke up in Lan Wangji's embrace.
This wasn't good at all.
Lan Wangji spoiled him too much.
What if he got used to this? He needed to hone his senses and skills, not playing house with extremely handsome and rich man as his plaything… girlfriend… whatever.

And as if his stomach could hear the poignancy in his mind, it grumbled rather loudly.

Wei Wuxian groaned and unrolled himself from the blanket that was wrapped around him, making him look like a burrito, and stood up, stretching his long limbed body. Then he walked out of the room to find some food.

Lan Xichen was trying to get more information about his brother's mysterious girlfriend, in which Lan Wangji just smiled and did not answer his more specific questions. 

Then just when he was about to give up, the door to his brother's bedroom was opened by the object of his curiosity and he gawked for the nth time in the last hour.

The said girlfriend of his brother looked all cuddly and rumpled from sleep. Her hair was long and silver and jutted out everywhere, and it looked soft, and shiny. She wore loose pants and a familiar white shirt, which was too big for her and it drooped on one of her shoulders, showing her pale alabaster skin. She was also barefooted. She yawned and rubbed her eyes from sleep, just like a pampered white Persian cat.

All in all, she looked more like a high school student, rather than a more sophisticated woman that he imagined his younger brother would be attracted to.

But judging by the way his brother's eyes softened just by looking at the girl, it was unmistakable that his brother was very much infatuated with her.

Lan Wangji turned his head to face the suddenly opened bedroom door and there she was, a vision in loose pants and his shirt. She looked so young in that attire, and so fragile, although he knew that she was actually as tough as nails. And when she yawned and rubbed her eyes, his heart melted. She was so cute with the long sleeves covering her hands like cat paws.

He called her softly, and she gave him a smile so bright, it made her eyes narrow into half moons and when he gestured to her to come to him, she complied. 
He knew she didn't even see his brother that was sitting on the couch in front of him, as she was still sleepy and too focused on him. So he pulled her into his lap before hugging her close. She retaliated by sneaking her hands inside his open kimono and hugging his waist tight, then she buried her face into the nape of his neck. All those glorious silver hair was running around wildly, tickling his cheek and he kissed her head softly while one of his hands tamed the flyaway baby hair. It was now already a familiar gesture for them, how they loved to touch and scent each other.

"Lan Zhan… I'm hungry. I want to eat your fancy bento again."
Lan Xichen's breath hitched. 
He was already very shocked to see how easily his baby brother and his girlfriend touched each other in a familiar way, but this… this was a whole new level for him.
Was this some kind of a bedroom talk? Your fancy bento ? He never heard about that kind of… literal food porn. He would probably need to ask his brother later for the specifics, since it sounded so salacious and it blew his mind of how casually she spoke it.
"Sure, sweetheart." Lan Wangji kissed her temple softly. "Whatever you want."
If those were really some kind of a code, Lan Xichen could already feel his cheek heated, and the second-hand embarrassment just by looking at the both of them acting so intimate, like they have known each other for years rather than about a week like his brother had told him.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now