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Xue Qing followed Jin Su to some kind of a warehouse in the middle of nowhere. It looked like the development was abandoned halfway, so the surrounding area was eerily quiet. She tried to gain a vantage point by climbing the tree nearest to the tall window on the second floor, so she probably could get in and take a look around to see what happened.

When she tried to open the window, a voice came behind her. 

"Need help?"

Xue Qing quickly turned around and unsheathed her knife, but her hand was blocked by none other than Song Lan.
"Whoa, easy girl." 

"The fuck, Song Lan? How dare you scare me like that." She huffed and put the knife back into her thigh holster. "What are you doing here?"

"I should be the one who asked you that, why are you here? Alone?" Song Lan scooted beside her, trying to look inside from the dirty window.

"I followed that Jin bitch here, she looked suspicious, driving alone and all that." 

"Well, I think you're right." Song Lan was peeking inside. "I saw many people inside, the amount that wasn't supposed to unless you have something to hide."

"Like a hostage."

"More like hostages. I see at least three men with guns, and two people tied to the chair. Probably the missing Wens siblings."

"You should go and report this." Xue Qing stood up and got ready to move. "I'll stay here and look for Mo Xuanyu."

"What? No! We should call for reinforcement first, and we don't know how many people are inside. You can't go in blind just like that." Song Lan pulled Xue Qing's arms. He always thought of the girl as his little sister, so he was feeling rather protective toward her. There was no way in hell he would leave her alone here with so many hostiles. 

"Can't. If she's really here, do you think she will have a chance without anyone to back her up? She is so idiot and clumsy, she is not worth being my cousin's girlfriend, you know… but I just can't stand to see someone that my cousin loves being treated like this." Xue Qing patted the back of Song Lan's hand. "Trust me?" She smiled fondly at Song Lan. He was like a brother to her and she cared a lot for him. "Besides, who's the one who trained me? You should be more trusting to your best student, you know?"
Song Lan sighed and finally relented.

"Fine. But be careful. Those men were not your usual thugs, they were military trained judging by their guns and their postures." Song Lan reached into his pocket for a small, round thing, and he gave three of them to Xue Qing. "Flashbang. Good for surprising people."

"Dude, only flashbang? You don't have something like C4?" Xue Qing grumbled but she pocketed the stun grenade. "They use signal interference here, so we can't use phones. Just go quickly and bring reinforcement before that psycho bitch kills everyone inside."

Right at that time they heard a car engine start and move toward the exit.

"That's the psycho bitch car. You should probably go now, I'll be waiting for your good news."

Song Lan nodded and he jumped down then disappeared into the night.

Now all she had to do was find out where Mo Xuanyu was kept.

Jin Su sliced Wei Wuxian's cheek rather deeply. She expected to see fresh blood and hear screams just like that Wen boy, but she was disappointed because Wei Wuxian didn't utter a single word. And she was flabbergasted when she saw that it was not blood that came out of the big gash on the cheek. It was some kind of… bluish red liquid, oozing out slowly for about five seconds, then the wound was closed as if it was never there, leaving only the disgusting liquid. Jin Su froze. Then she did it again, this time another cheek. And the same thing happened.

Jin Su had this disgusted expression on her face, then without saying another word, she stabbed Wei Wuxian on his stomach, causing him to ooze those bluish red liquid from the open wound. This time, the wound closed a little bit slower, and it made Jin Su smirked.

"What are you, Mo Xuanyu? Are you a devil? That would explain why Lan Wangji fell for you. A temptress." She stabbed him again, and again.
Wei Wuxian felt every stab in his body, and even more pain when the wounds were closed by itself. He was almost going crazy by the pain itself, but he kept his mouth shut. He bit his lips to hold the almost escaping scream, he would not give the psycho the satisfaction of hearing it. But still a few tears escaped from his eyes. 

Then after the tenth stab or so, Jin Su stopped, and looked at her watch.

"Oh, no, I'm almost late." She then looked at the weakened Wei Wuxian. "See you later after I become Lan Wangji's fiance!" She dangled the necklace that she took from him the first time he was brought here. He didn't know then that it was the Yuwen's family crest that would only be given to the Yuwen's bride. His eyes welled when he remembered Lan Wangji's tenderness back when he put the necklace on him. But he shook it off. He had to be strong for everyone.

And that's when he noticed a small yet agile body, jumped off the window, and into his room a little bit after Jin Su left.

The girl, Xue Qing, moved stealthily closer to him and checked his vitals.

"Mo Xuanyu, are you alright? What's with all this disgusting stuff? Did she prank you like that movie, Carrie?" She quickly cut the rope that tied him to the chair and freed him. "Jesus, that woman really lost her marbles and went loco, huh? Can you stand? We gotta get out of here now before anyone notices." Xue Qing grabbed Wei Wuxian and tried to support him, but Wei Wuxian's knees gave out under him, he was so weak after all the pain he just endured. He cursed this weak body, it was like a prison to him, and this was the first time he really really wanted to go back to his own body.

"Xue Qing, there's still another person here that we need to save." Wei Wuxian groaned from the pain in both cheeks. Fuck. It healed alright, but the residual pain was still there.

"That bitch who schemes to kidnap you? Why should we rescue her? Let her rot to death here." Xue Qing grumbled and she lifted Wei Wuxian up from where he slid down slowly.

"She only did that to save her brother, who actually killed Meng Yiran, which makes us become the collateral, since apparently Meng Yiran's sister is another psycho."

"Why would that boy kill Meng Yiran? That weak looking boy right? Whose eyes followed you everywhere… oh, right. Another stalker, eh? You're so popular nowadays, Mo Xuanyu. Should I report it to my cousin?" Xue Qing tried to divert Wei Wuxian's attention from the excruciating pain he felt from the healing stab wounds in his stomach, and it worked. Wei Wuxian chuckled lightly while still grabbing his stomach and  let his other hand be supported by Xue Qing. 

"Xue Qing, you know I can't climb that high with my condition, right?" Wei Wuxian dropped down on the floor, heaving. Even the short walk from the chair to the window was too much for his failing body.

"I can carry you there." She still stubbornly reassured Wei Wuxian. Although she knew that he was probably right.

"Remember the lake? You can't even save me then, what would make you think you can save me now?" Wei Wuxian chuckled lightly, seeing the horror on Xue Qing's face. The only black mark on her illustrious career. She glared at him.

"So, the best course now is for you to go up there alone, and find some back up, please? I'm useless and I will only be a hindrance to you."

Xue Qing knew that he was right. Judging from how pale he looked, and how he was not in any condition to move further, but still she hesitated to leave him like this.

"Mo Xuanyu, I-"

"Well well well, look what we have here…"

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now