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In any and every circumstance, the Grim Reaper always had a back up plan. At least that was one of Wei Wuxian's life mottos.

In fact, he just remembered that he had a couple of already forgotten safe accounts scattered all around Europe and Caymans that were untraceable, so untraceable that he forgot about them. Now that he was desperate enough, he suddenly remembered and needed to be able to access them ASAP. There wasn't that much in each of them, at least not by his standard, but it would tidy him over nicely until he could find his skeleton key. No expensive liquor or cars though. Or bikes. Or anything fun. But it was good enough to fix this… mess.

But he could not do it by himself, so instead he would ask Shen Qingqiu. With his previous job as a lawyer, it's just like flicking his little finger to call the bank and transfer the money here. He just needed to figure out how to open a new account here without using Mo Xuanyu's identity. He should just let Shen Qingqiu handle everything rather than using Mo Xuanyu's identity. And while he was at that he should see if he could procure a new passport under Wei Wuxian's name and Mo Xuanyu's look. That should be fun.

Wei Wuxian took his phone and started to message Shen Qingqiu with the details of the accounts and told him to handle everything after he briefed him on Mo Xuanyu's situation. 

Shen Qingqiu only answered with 👌🏻 emoticons. The bastard. 
Wei Wuxian then put the phone away and started to make a plan for the rest of the Mo's household. He was actually planning to slowly clean up the basement before he remembered about the accounts. And he was still planning it even now. He just needed Lan Wangji to cooperate with him, especially with the incoming auction.

He really wanted to laugh his ass off, but he reigned it in. It was not good for a lady to laugh like a hyena in front of the person she liked. Hmm… he hurriedly shooed that thought away.
"Maybe I should go home to take care of things from my side." 
Wei Wuxian thought about the repercussions of defying Jin Guangshan's order. He would probably cut his allowance, knowing how petty that person was. 
It's fine if he just cut his allowance, but he needed to make sure that uncle Zhao and Chen Yu weren't affected, they had nothing to do with this whole farce. He should just warn them, and maybe pay their severance and let them leave, then he could just move to BingQiu's house.
"You should probably just move here permanently." Lan Wangji casually mentioned it as if he wasn't already here every single day. He even had his own room and wardrobe and other paraphernalia that were a lot better than the ones in the Mo's residence.
"Well, Gege, from the look of things, don't you think that I was already spending most of my time here? It's just like, one step away from moving here permanently." Wei Wuxian chuckled when Lan Wangji pulled him close.

"It's still one step away though."

"Won't you get bored if you have to see me everyday? You know I will not go anywhere in the near future, not when your brother already gave us his consent to play with the nanobots."
Wei Wuxian was very excited. He just couldn't wait to play around with his car, now that Lan Xichen agreed to his proposal, with the condition that the Lan would acquire any and every progress that would be made by him, as their own. He didn't mind since he was planning to share it with Lan Wangji anyway. But only for the development of the nanobots, not the merging with Artificial Intelligence or any other breakthrough, which he would keep for himself until the world was ready. It was just a pity that his skeleton key was missing. He stored a lot of information about AI and nanotech inside that would surely change the world. The only thing that made him feel better was the thought that nobody could ever break into that skeleton key, since it was locked by a specific DNA sequence. 
If only he could remember whose.
Ah, well, he would think more about it when he found the skeleton key. It shouldn't be that hard since the people he trusted more than his life could be counted by one hand.

For the nanobots to be loaned to him, he was required to sign the NDA agreement, a standard for their line of business. But since Mo Xuanyu was still underage, Lan Wangji signed it as his guardian.

In fact, the whole smooth progress was all Lan Wangji's doing. He didn't say that the one who borrowed the nanobots was none other than the silver-haired girl. He simply said that he had a way to make a breakthrough. And since the R&D department of the Lan's tech had hit a bottleneck, Lan Xichen agreed to let his brother's mysterious friend help them.
They would go to the Lan Tech's main headquarters to retrieve the nanobots, and after that it's playtime.
But first thing first.

They needed to go to the precinct to give Detective Jiang another statement about Mo Xuanyu's brawl with Meng Yiran just on the afternoon before her death.

That's right. Her time of death was already determined, and it was in the same afternoon with their altercation. So, he needed to be asked another question, the standard police procedure.

Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji arrived at the precinct just before lunch, and they were immediately ushered to see Detective Jiang at his office before they made the crowds gathered like the last time.

Jiang Cheng asked them to sit down and he questioned Wei Wuxian about his whereabouts after his quarrel with Meng Yiran, to which he answered quickly that he was with Lan Wangji for their lunch-date until late in the afternoon, then he was with his uncles at their home.

Wei Wuxian then gave him Luo Binghe's number to verify his whereabouts.

"Detective, I assume that I will need a lawyer if you want to further question me." He wrote down Shen Qingqiu's name and number. "This is my lawyer, you should contact him if you wish to further question me again."

Jiang Cheng read the name and he wondered where he had heard the name before. It was so familiar, yet he couldn't place it.

"I hope it will not get down to it, Miss Mo." Jiang Cheng put the number inside of the folder that contained the case files. "I sure do thank you for giving me time today." He shook Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji's hand.

"I hope you'll catch the perpetrator soon, Detective Jiang." 

Wei Wuxian then walked out of the precinct with Lan Wangji's hand around his waist, keeping him close.

"You want to eat now? It's lunch."
Lately Lan Wangji seemed to have some kind of determination to fatten him up. And pampered him. He just bought him nice food, and gave him stuff he didn't need, all the time. Well, it's nice being pampered like this, but he couldn't help but wonder what was on his gorgeous mind. 

Little did Wei Wuxian know that Lan Wangji had never eaten his meal three times a day and in a fixed time. He used to never eat breakfast, vegetarian lunch, and sometimes dinner with the same bland but highest quality vegetarian food. Otherwise he could survive with coffee, liquor and cigarettes. Especially after he lost his memories.

Lan Wangji went all out just for Wei Wuxian to make it feel like someone really did care for her. He didn't want her to feel neglected with the kind of family that she had, and the loneliness that caused her to go off the rails, like confessing to random men, or indulging in hedonism. Again. He just purely wanted to make her happy, because it made him happy when he saw the girl happy. Like now, when she wanted to eat ice cream, and right before lunch, just like a child.

Lan Wangji wiped the ice cream off her pretty little mouth with a kiss, and it made her smile that brighter-than-the-sun smile, which made his heart do that somersault in return.
"Lan Zhan… thank you." Wei Wuxian hugged Lan Wangji and kissed his cheek.

"Mn. What for?" He caressed the long silver hair and inhaled the smell of sweet pea from it.

"For everything. For just being here. With me." 

Then as quickly as he hugged him, he let go.

"Let's go to Mo's house. I need to take care of everything today before Jin Guangshan meddles with it." Wei Wuxian thought for a while, then he added, "And please tell your bodyguards to bring your biggest car there."

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now