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Hua Cheng observed his best friend very closely.

He wondered if this was some kind of a new mating dance for the younger generation? He was the same age as Lan Wangji and they've been friends since they were studying abroad in private boarding school, right until university. But the girl was obviously still a high school student. 

So, did Lan Wangji do this for the girl? He was so confused by his best friend's unusual behaviour. He thought he knew him well enough to predict his actions. 
Apparently not.
It was a rare occasion seeing Lan Wangji willing to touch another person, a woman nonetheless, let alone carrying her and taking care of her wound, that OCD germaphobe.

But then again, the woman, no, girl , was very alluring in a dangerous way. Like a siren.

And if she called Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu uncle, that meant that she was not a simple, ordinary girl. She might look young but Hua Cheng could smell danger from miles away. And this girl exuded the highest level of danger, like a demoness. He was pretty sure Lan Wangji could feel it too.

But judging from his best friend's emotions that were clear as day in his usually stoic face, he seemed to be quite enamored by her.
Lan Wangji sure could pick his woman.
Hua Cheng chuckled, and he planned to grill his best friend later on to find out who the girl really was.

Liu Qingge was busy minding his own business when he heard commotions from inside the house, but he still was not interested unless it involved some kind of a new tech or interesting toy, or something like that.

So when Shen Qingqiu came and informed him that Wei Wuxian's new body had arrived and in the middle of wreaking havoc, he moved in a hurry to see with his own eyes and did not hear the name his new body was in, or any explanation. He just wanted to see Wei Wuxian.

Back then, they met when Liu Qingge was still in his teens, and an orphan. He worked as a freelancer who specialized in boosting and revamping automotives with the highest level of success and his service was the most sought after.

Liu Qingge did it not because he wanted to, but because he had a younger sister, who was sick and in desperate need for medication. 

His skills were extraordinary, and it put him right on the leader of the gang's sight. They promised him treatments for his sister in exchange for his service. At that moment, he was almost ready to make a deal with the devil since his sister's condition had worsened and her usual medication did not seem to work anymore. 
So he said yes.
They put his sister in the hospital and with that, Liu Qingge sold his soul to the devil.

They worked him. Hard.

Since he specialized in revamping high-end automotives, he could totally make a new one out of the basic skeleton and it left no trace at all. Every one of his handiworks would pass any detailed inspections.
But ever since they sent his sister to the hospital, he could not see her. They made up excuses, and he believed it, and worked harder to earn more money to leave the organization and took care of his sister.
Until one day.
He was working until late again and he felt so fatigued, so he stretched out for a bit and walked to the kitchen to make coffee.

When he went back to his working desk, there was a notification of an incoming mail.

He was curious since it was his personal mail and nobody was supposed to know about it.

After he took the necessary precaution and found nothing was amiss, he opened the email.
It was the death certificate of his sister.
At first he thought it was a joke. And he made sure that the sender knew it.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now