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Wen Qing was on her way to grab some lunch after her lecture was over, when her phone beeped with a new message. It was a special tone that she used for her little brother, Wen Ning, and she smiled, because it was as if he knew that she had been thinking of him. They should eat together later when she's off from work. They had missed each other for far too often lately, she could not even remember when was the last time she saw her brother. Probably about a week ago… no, it was more recent. She remembered that he was stressed because Wen Ruohan, their uncle, proposed to the Jin's girl and instead was matched to Mo Xuanyu, another Jin girl, and the love of her brother's life. 

She knew that her brother was showing rather obsessive behaviour toward the silver-haired girl, who happened to be Lan Wangji's girlfriend, or at least someone who was important to him. She was trying hard to make her brother understand that it was not a good behaviour to obsess over someone too much. Especially when the object of his affection did not have any special feelings toward him. But she also knew her brother. He was as stubborn as a mule. And if he wanted Mo Xuanyu, then he would do anything to have her. 

Wen Qing was trying to find some professional help for her brother, someone who could understand her brother's fragile mental state, and helped him to live a better life. She was hoping that Wen Ning was in one of his better moods tonight, so that they could have a friendly conversation, at least. 

Wen Qing pressed her phone and opened Wen Ning's message, and she froze.

It was a photo of her brother, tied in a chair, bruised and bloody. And there were words under the photo.
Do you want to save him?

Wei Wuxian was so nervous by the time they moved into the bedroom. He was trembling, half from anticipation, half from fear. Well, as he had said to Shen Qingqiu, Lan Wangji's thing was… enormous. So, before they left, Shen Qingqiu slipped him a dozen bottles of lube, with a smirk on his face, and an order to tell him everything afterwards.

Now, when he told Lan Wangji where he could find the lube, he hid his face with a pillow, ashamed of what Lan Wangji would think of his… plan.

But Lan Wangji removed the pillow and showed him the many bottles of lube, and he was smirking.

"Quite ambitious here huh, sweetheart? Let's see, one, two, three… twelve bottles of lube." Lan Wangji lined them up beside Wei Wuxian. "Although I am flattered that you thought highly of me, I'm afraid even in my top condition, I probably can't get the junior up for… more than half a dozen times? But, we shall try, I don't want to disappoint you." He kissed Wei Wuxian's forehead, then his nose, his lips, his cheeks, down to his slender neck. He gnawed at Wei Wuxian's jaw, and slowly moved down to his throat, and nibbled on the small adam's apple, which he wouldn't have noticed if he didn't know that Mo Xuanyu was a boy.

"Lan Zhan…" Wei Wuxian was suddenly so aroused by the continuous kissing and touching. As a matter of fact, he was in a state of lowkey perpetual arousal ever since he met Lan Wangji, so it only took a touch or a kiss to ignite the fire inside him.

Lan Wangji continued his journey southward, giving each part of Wei Wuxian the same treatment. Nothing missed from his hands, fingers, lips and tongue. It was like back when Wei Wuxian was first being sleepfucked, every nook and cranny was getting attention, making his brain stop functioning for a while. When Lan Wangji held his family jewel in his big hand, and started to stroke it lightly, and when he put it in his mouth, Wei Wuxian felt like he almost passed out.

"Are you okay, darling?" Lan Wangji stopped his movement when he heard Wei Wuxian was shaking, and breathing hard. But he just bit his hand and nodded, his face was red all over.
This was so different from the sleepfucking last time.
Wei Wuxian almost exploded from all the rising desire inside of him, a desire to be possessed, a desire to possess, a desire to be one with the man in front of him. So he pulled Lan Wangji up and kissed him hard.

"Please, just… fuck me already or I'll go nuclear. I can't hold on anymore baby…" Wei Wuxian was heaving so hard, and his kisses became sloppy and frantic.

Lan Wangji smiled and kissed Wei Wuxian languidly, putting a stop on his eagerness, while his big hand still stroked his hardness.

"Easy, baby. Take a deep breath please." Lan Wangji kissed Wei Wuxian's forehead and took the first bottle of lube. He opened it and poured the content generously in his hand, while whispering sweet nothing to Wei Wuxian, to keep him from going over the edge too soon.

"I'm going to put my finger in now, just… relax, and take a deep breath." 

Wei Wuxian was trying to calm himself from over excitement. He tried to count from one to one hundred, but when it reached twenty, he felt that something was entering him. 

He jolted, but Lan Wangji held him close and gave him soft kisses all over his face.

"Relax, sweetheart… don't be tense." Lan Wangji kissed Wei Wuxian's fluttering eyes. 

Wei Wuxian was clearly uncomfortable with the alien sensation that he felt down under, but he took a deep breath and calmed his erratic mind. Then he felt a bit relaxed. It was still uncomfortable, but he tried to get used to it.

"That's it baby, good boy. Now, is it okay for me to move?"

Wei Wuxian, who had bitten his own hand to muffle his cries, nodded. And as soon as he got the consent, Lan Wangji moved his finger, slowly at first, while always checking Wei Wuxian's reaction. Then, after he was sure that the youngster was okay, he moved faster, and deeper, earning gasps and moans from the pretty little mouth. After moving for a while, and Lan Wangji saw that it was loose enough, he put another finger in. The youngster cried out, and he became tense, so he stopped. But Wei Wuxian pulled him closer aggressively.

"Don't stop, god it's so good…" Wei Wuxian unconsciously moved his hips, wanting the fingers to go deeper, and Lan Wangji complied. His own hardness had been getting more uncomfortable, but he reigned himself in. This was for the better experience for the youngster so that he didn't hurt a muscle or anything. 

Lan Wangji himself had never done this with anyone, his experience was limited to the… educational online videos. But strangely he felt familiar, with how he moved, where to touch, how much pressure, and the response that he got from the youngster was exactly the same as what he had imagined. This whole thing was getting stranger. But he put the thought to the back burner, and concentrated on the young, lithe body in front of him. He hooked his fingers inside, then suddenly the youngster gasped loudly, squeezed him tight, and came.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now