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Lan Wangji opened the folder from Nie Huaisang that contained the information that he asked him to look for. Confidential if somehow illegal information about Meng Yiran, Meng Airan, and everyone else around Mo Xuanyu.

He read it all carefully starting out from the Mengs. Theirs was a life full of tragedy and drama, but Lan Wangji noticed one small detail about the Mengs. It was the name of their oldest brother, Meng Yao.
What a coincidence.
His brother's assistant was also named Meng Yao.
Lan Wangji reached for the personnel data of the Lan's Tech that his brother sent him, and compared the two of them.

They were almost identical with a few minor discrepancies. The birth date, education history, employment history, and physical descriptions were a match. But there was no mention at all about siblings in the Lan's Tech personnel data. Strange. 

As far as he knew, his brother's assistant was always smiling and never talked about his private life. He never got angry, or excited, or anything. Just a face with the customer service's smile plastered on it all the time, and he was so adept at blending in his environment that no one gave him a second thought. 

Lan Wangji always felt a bit of a mild annoyance every time he saw that creepy smile. It was like he was trying hard to please everyone. Lan Xichen didn't give him much of a thought except adding minor inconvenient tasks to his daily chores such as picking up his laundry, paying bills, or buying food and coffee. But Nie Mingjue blatantly hated Meng Yao. Even the mild Xiao Xingchen always looked at him in disdain and treated him passive-aggressively. 

He wondered though, what made his brother keep the creepy little man as his assistant. Maybe he should ask him later.

Then he moved onto the other Mengs.

Meng Airan had three admonitions under her belt for this quarter alone. It seemed that she had problems with following her superior's orders. They hadn't kicked her out of the force yet because she was really good at getting information from the witnesses and suspects, although she left trails of dead bodies behind her just about as many as the interrogations she did. But no one cared about drug dealers and drug addicts, that's why everyone looked the other way.

Lan Wangji took his encrypted phone and looked for the report from his shadow guard who was tasked to shadow her. It said that she entered that infamous anonymous underground sex club, using a special token, and she was there the whole night.

Hmm… He'd probably need Hua Cheng's help if he wanted to investigate that sex club. The police did ask for his help a while back to investigate the drugs and human trafficking that the club was suspected into doing, but that was before he left and lost his memories. Maybe it was time to do something about it.
He then moved onto the youngest Meng's files.

Meng Yiran lived with her sister, and judging by the look of it, she was pampered to the point that she lost any logic and objectivity. She thought that the world revolved around her, judging by the assault she did and got away with; which screamed bribes and kickbacks; and her sister had no objection to cleaning her mess up. Lan Wangji took a note on the corruption inside the police force and he planned to deal with it later. 

Finally, Meng Yiran somehow had taken Mo Xuanyu as her mortal enemy and abused her to the point of assault and battery, and no one ever lent a helping hand to the timid and shy Mo Xuanyu. Unfortunately, she just kept it all in without complaining instead of doing something about it and it aggravated Meng Yiran more, since she knew Mo Xuanyu would keep her mouth shut no matter how bad she tortured her.
Lan Wangji clenched his hands. He felt anger just by reading that Mo Xuanyu had been abused like that. But he reigned in his personal feelings and continued reading.

She somehow had planted a thought that she was a match made in heaven for the second Young Master Lan, whoever gave her the idea. So when the word was out that Mo Xuanyu confessed to him, she immediately went out for blood. Mo Xuanyu's blood. And that was the night before he met her for the first time with her head still bleeding, and harrassed by Jin Zixun.

That moment was clearly etched in his mind because that was the first time he felt a pull toward another human, a young girl at that. First, he was just passing through, minding his own business, when the flash of bright silver hair caught the edge of his vision. Then the clear sound of flawless french, spoken like a true native with all that guttural R that most people who only learned french as a second language had a hard time mimicking. That was not the average high-school french, because he himself was a correct-pronunciation aficionado who could mimic hundreds of locals' tongues perfectly. And then he was caught in the moment Jin Zixun tried to slap the girl although he never interfered in anyone's business before. Especially the complicated matter of the heart, well, knowing Jin Zixun it was more like a matter of his dick speaking.
Then Lan Wangji opened Mo Xuanyu's files.

There was almost nothing that he didn't know about Mo Xuanyu, at least on paper. But to read it again, it almost broke his heart.

Mo Xuanyu was born prematurely, because of the abuse suffered by her mother, almost eighteen years ago, with congenital heart defects and a low expectation to survive past her sixteenth birthday. She was another illegitimate child of Jin Guangshan, the asshole who seduced Mo Xiang when she was interning at his company as his secretary and abused her afterwards when he found out that she was pregnant.  

Lan Wangji looked into Mo Xiang's employment record, but there was nothing about her being a secretary to Jin Guangshan. In fact, her last employment that was still valid was in Lan Tech as a senior researcher.

He took a note to find out more later, then he continued to read Mo Xuanyu's record.

There were signs of abuse since she was a child. Bruises, bleeding, and swelling joints, according to the hospital records that he almost ripped in half in anger.
Bruises and bleeding… who was the monster who could hurt a child like that? Lan Wangji grinded his teeth in frustration. He almost gave up reading the detailed information when something caught his eyes. 
Swelling joints. It was a common sign of arthritis, and it was not supposed to appear in a child under ten years old.
Lan Wangji took the separate information that his shadow guard obtained. It was not in the official reports, but the test was done when Mo Xuanyu was still a toddler of thirty five months. He opened the test result and froze.

He was not a physician, but he could understand the graphs and the blood test result, more specifically the Complete Blood Count, Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time, Prothrombin Time, and Fibrinogen test. She also had a factor IX deficiency that was a genetic disease.
In short, Mo Xuanyu was a hemophiliac.
Was that the reason why she knew about the heparin? But why didn't she act like her blood was having difficulty clotting? It was a life threatening situation if she ever hurt and bleeding without anyone around. Yet she acted like she was a healthy girl without any care in the world.
Then, Lan Wangji remembered the night she scraped her hand at Luo Binghe's house. 

If she did have a hemophilia, why did the wound disappear just like it never happened in the first place? What kind of treatment did Mo Xuanyu have?

The more he found out about Mo Xuanyu, the more the facts did not match with the reality. From her personality, her taste bud, her hobbies, even her illness.

If he didn't witness it firsthand, he would long suspect that this Mo Xuanyu was not the real Mo Xuanyu. She was too different from what was written on the paper. She had this… larger-than-life attitude that caught his attention. She felt familiar, like a long lost part of himself.
Who are you really, Mo Xuanyu?

Suddenly, he got this overwhelming feeling of wanting… no, needing to see her. To make sure that she's alright.

So he picked up his phone and dialed Xue Qing's number, to find out where they were, and right after he found out, he grabbed his coat and half ran outside to go to where Mo Xuanyu was.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now