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"So," Shen Qingqiu was sitting on the kitchen desk, sipping tea while eyeing the supposedly just-came-back-from-school Wei Wuxian, "how's your date?"

Wei Wuxian threw his bag on the floor and groaned out loud.

"More like a date with a warden. He watched me closely while I learned to write calligraphy. You know I never write calligraphy ever in my whole life. That was so hard, you know, fuck school and assignments, fuck me who reincarnated into a high school student. Although he fed me very nice, expensive food. But that's the only benefit, ugh."

"He's a one good looking warden though. Very rich and very noble too."

"You're looking into him already?"

"How can I not, when my muse was swept away by a mysterious handsome man, a Lan nonetheless." Shen Qingqiu sighed and turned to look at Wei Wuxian. "Of all the men in the world, you had to pick Lan Wangji. Did you know that he was the criminal psychologist who worked closely with the feds back then?"

"What? Are you sure?" Wei Wuxian straightened up when he heard about the unexpected information. "He's Hanguang Jun?"

"Binghe is friends with Hua Cheng, the Ghost King. Do you know who the Ghost King is childhood friends with? The one and only Hanguang Jun. It's like playing puzzles isn't it? Every little piece would click in nicely. If only we have all the pieces."

"So you're not sure if Lan Wangji is Hanguang Jun?"

"I'll never be 100% sure with any of the information that I did not verify by myself, but sure, keep lying to yourself. You're smarter than me, I bet you already piece together the clues, you just don't want to admit it."
Well, judging by the case files he saw, the meticulousness of the writings, the hard facts and his fast deduction…
"No shit, Sherlock." Wei Wuxian groaned again, louder this time. "And I have a date with him tomorrow. What should I do, Qiuqiu? Well, it's a study date but still…"

"Well, you know me, it's better to keep your friends close…"

"...and your enemies closer. Right. I should probably go on with the date then, shouldn't I?" He moved to the couch and lay face down on it. "Why is my life so hard? It's even harder than back then, at least I don't have to learn calligraphy or pretend to be a girl, or having shitty ass half brothers, or think about how to get money… what a shitty second life."

"You're such a drama queen. By the way, Liu Qingge is waiting for you at the garage. He wants to ask you something."

"Are you kicking me out?"

"Like I said, drama queen. Be back here in an hour, I need to measure your skinny body."


Wei Wuxian threw a pillow to Shen Qingqiu then he ran outside laughing.

After Wei Wuxian got out of his car, Lan Wangji decided to call his trusted analyst slash hacker, Nie Huaisang. He put up the call on speaker and it was being answered on the second ring.

"Yes, boss? What can I do for you?"

"Huaisang, I need to know everything about Mo Xuanyu. Deep dive, use any means necessary, and for my eyes only."

"On it."

Nie Huaisang was the younger brother of Nie Mingjue, Lan Xichen's head of security. He was a seasoned hacker and could hack anything on the web with no difficulty at all. And the reason Lan Wangji called him was to keep it all under the radar, he didn't want anyone to know that he investigated Mo Xuanyu.

It's not that he didn't trust Mo Xuanyu, with her unwavering gaze, he believed that the girl's conscience is clear. The problem lied in the way she changed so drastically.
She used to be timid, weak and useless.

Now she could speak three languages that he knew of, talking as if she had been around the world, yet she could not write chinese calligraphy? That was preposterous. And after spending a few days with her, he was pretty sure the girl had never learnt how to write properly, if at all.

And the way she kicked the tree to execute a gravity defying move? That was not a skill that a weak girl like Mo Xuanyu was supposed to have.

That and the quick deductive skill she showed him had already made him very suspicious.
That girl reminded him of someone.
Someone who had been missing for quite sometimes now.

Guess he just had to wait until Nie Huaisang got back to him with his news.

The room reeked with the smell of sex and cigarette that Jin Su lit after a rigorous session with Wen Chao.
She was not in the mood to fuck, but Wen Chao half blackmailed her with a cropped photo of Lan Wangji and the silver-haired girl, and he did not gave into her persuasion until she was naked and ready to get under his sheet.

"Show me the photos now." She looked at Wen Chao in disgust and wondered what made her think about sleeping with him in the first place.

"Chillax babe, let me clean myself first." Wen Chao walked leisurely to the bathroom and he sure took his sweet time.
What a fucking ass.
When he walked out with only a towel covering his lower part and a hope of repeat performance, she drew a clear line. 
Photo first.
Wen Chao sighed and showed her his phone reluctantly.

And there it was, the incriminating evidence of how the Ice Prince could smile toward the silver-haired girl.

"Who is she?" 

"She was actually your half sister, Mo Xuanyu. Can you believe it?" He chuckled, but stopped midway.

Although Jin Su's face did not show any significant expression, Wen Chao could tell from the ominous feeling she gave out that she did not expect this plot twist.
"Mo Xuanyu."
After another minute of looking at the photos, she threw the phone back to Wen Chao and picked up her discarded clothes and wore it before she left.

"You're gonna leave just like that?" Wen Chao tried to prevent her leaving but one glare from her made him cower in fear and he stepped away from the door, unable to speak.

He knew right away that this was the end of their so-called relationship.

Outside of the door, Jin Su took her phone and dialed a number with her trembling fingers. She was so angry about this whole situation that was spinning out of control.
Mo Xuanyu.
How dare you coveted what's mine.
After it rang twice, the other party picked up her call, but said nothing. It was their agreement from the start.
"It's me. We should meet right away."

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now