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Wei Wuxian woke up in a daze when the sun shone through the french windows' curtains he forgot to close last night. He blinked, and the memories came rushing back. It caused him to blush furiously and his heart did the somersault. 

Then he remembered that last night he was pushed into the stream by an unknown assailant, and being saved by the man who haunted his day and night and dream lately.

The last thing he remembered was the scary cold expression on Lan Wangji's face.
Was he angry because he left without words? Or did he find out about… that?
Ugh, it was all so frustrating. Damn you Mo Xuanyu! Why did everybody try to kill you? What sin did you commit to make everyone hate you?
He wanted to scream and punched something and released his pent up frustration. He couldn't even investigate Mo Xuanyu's death, let alone his own death which happened thousand kilometers away from where he was stuck right now.

He went back under the thick and fluffy covers and screamed into the pillow until he heard someone was knocking on his door. He kicked the covers out and with his fluffy hair jutted out everywhere and wore only the white shirt, he opened the door with his mood still foul.

"Miss Mo, I brought you your uniform." The butler, Xiao Xingchen, was standing in front of the door with his hands holding his school uniform. "Young Master asked someone to fetch it from your house yesterday since he knew that you'll be spending time here." He smiled and gave Wei Wuxian the uniform. "Oh, and before I forget, the clothes we sent you yesterday were already kept inside the walk-in closet, and also the Master asked me to send you a dozen of his custom white shirts. He said that you are very fond of his shirt."

Wei Wuxian was stunned. He never imagined the length that Lan Wangji went, to spoil him like this. 
Then he shook his head and gave the butler a thank you smile.

"Oh, one more thing, Miss Mo, Young Master is waiting for you downstairs to have breakfast together."

"Sure, let me change clothes first."
Wei Wuxian changed into his uniform, and braided his long hair. He loved his hair since his original hair was also this long, so after brushing it carefully, he put perfumed oil on it, which smelled like jasmine.

He walked downstairs to find Lan Wangji had already been waiting for him on the dining table which was covered with food. Wei Wuxian sat beside him and Lan Wangji scooped a bowl of porridge for him.

"Eat." He put the bowl in front of Wei Wuxian.

"Are you looking for me, Ge?" He ate the pork liver porridge with gusto. "Wow, this is delicious."

"Yes, I have a few questions for you."

Wei Wuxian stopped eating and put the spoon down.

"I can explain." Is this about the… the thing last night? 
He gulped with a very guilty feeling and inadvertently blushed.

"Good. Now tell me. What's your favorite flower?"
Uhm, excuse me?

"Should I spell it in French for you?" Lan Wangji raised his brow. 

"Uh, lys araignée rouge, but I wonder why you asked me about my favorite… flower?"

"Red spider lily. It suits you."

"...thanks… I guess?"

"Your favorite color?"

"... shades of black, red obviously."

"Favorite food?"

"I can eat anything with no problem. What's this all about ge?" Wei Wuxian was curious as to what this man was up to this time.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now