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Jiang Cheng was the youngest investigator that had just transferred to this part of the city where he was born and also where the high and mighty resided. Since he was a part of the same community, he knew the people and how to coax them to open up, thus, the highest rate of cases solved. 

This time, he was tasked by the captain to interview the witness of the gruesome Paper Cuts homicide. 
According to the officer on scene, the witness was some kind of sheltered young miss from an influential family, so he prepared a lot of tissues, cold drinks, and snacks in case she would cry or having a low blood sugar attack, or pretending to faint. He got it all covered. It was not according to the rules of suspect/witness interrogation, but with those crazy rich trust fund babies, all the rules went out of the window. They could ask their father to buy the entire fleet of expensive lawyers and it's going to make the investigation get much more complicated and it would be dragged to a never ending chaos. So, a little rule twisting compared to the fiasco that would come? Jiang Cheng preferred the first.

He went to meditate for fifteen minutes to calm down and reminded himself not to lose his temper since it would be a disaster if he lost his temper and unable to continue the investigation. 

Besides the interview with the witness, he also contacted the family of the deceased to identify the body since the preliminary DNA test was out. Turned out she was from one of the rich families too, so Jiang Cheng now was having a telltale sign of an oncoming headache. He should make sure that the witness and the family wouldn't meet, otherwise he could not guarantee what's going to happen.

He heard that the Captain personally came to the crime scene because of the request from the Hanguang Jun. That was the one thing that he took notice of, since Hanguang Jun was a very respected figure in the law enforcement circle. That man would probably take over the investigation anyway. 

Jiang Cheng just wondered who exactly was the witness that could make the Hanguang Jun personally get involved in a single homicide. The man used to only accept large scale major crime cases, serial murders, or the Grim Reaper, King of Hacker cases. Other than that, Hanguang Jun was not interested at all, no matter how hard they begged.

On the other hand, he was curious as to what Hanguang Jun looked like, since he was so mysterious so that only the upper echelon could see him. 

Probably looked like a nerd.

Jiang Cheng scoffed when his intercom suddenly rang.
"They're here."

Jiang Cheng walked down from the third floor Homicide, when he first saw the woman.

She entered the police station front door with the attitude of a queen, all the cockiness and self-confidence. True, she only wore plain oversized jeans and a shirt with no makeup. But with the tall, slim body, long messy silver hair, huge aviator, and the way she wore the black trench coat on her shoulder only made everyone in the police station turn their heads to her direction. 

Standing beside her was another intimidating presence of a very handsome, very tall man with a matching black trench coat. His long hands were covered with half-palm leather gloves and he guided the lower part of the woman's back as they were walking straight to the Captain's office.

As that was also the same destination as his, he suspected that the couple were probably the witnesses the Captain talked about.

But strange, he never saw any one of them before in their circle of friends, could it be that these people were nouveau riche? But their style and aura showed that they're not. He would see them soon anyway. 
He just wondered what they were doing in that time of the park at that hour.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now