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"You're not going to ask me who she is?" Wei Wuxian walked beside Lan Wangji, still being embraced by him. He didn't make any plan to move away soon, his body was too warm and addictive. And it smelled so good.

"I believe that you're about to tell me." Lan Wangji smiled at her, knowing how pissed she was just now.
"You're so cheeky, Lan Zhan, and yes, that bitch said that she's Wen Chao's girlfriend. I don't even know any Wen fucking Chao." Wei Wuxian was fumed. "Is he somehow related to Wen Qing, Wen Ning, Wen Yuan, Wen Xu?" He spat out all the Wens he knew of. "Even Wen Zhuliu? God, how many Wens are there in this part of the city?"

Lan Wangji chuckled.

"Wen Chao is the oldest son of the Wen patriarch, Wen Ruohan. Wen Xu is his blood brother. The other Wens are his cousins." Lan Wangji explained. "They were an old aristocratic family, all the names and no money. Wen's Pharmaceuticals was also only in their name since my brother had acquired more than eighty percent of their shares. Wen Zhuliu and Wen Qing were the odd ones out. They believed in their own skills and chose their own path, unlike the main Wen's progenies."

"Still, I don't even know any of them closely. I just met Wen Zhuliu and Wen Qing yesterday, and that ass Wen Xu was Jin Zixun's bitch. Only Wen Ning is my classmate. And Wen Yuan, I think."

"You know quite a few of them." Lan Wangji tucked a stray hair away from the girl's pinked cheek. She was so cute when she got riled up like this. "You don't remember your own classmates?"

"I don't really pay attention to my classmates, or anyone else." Only you. Wei Wuxian pouted. "By the way, the gift you mentioned? Was it Xue Qing?"

"Mn. You like it?" Lan Wangji really wanted to pinch her cheek.

"I do. She's very interesting. Thank you, Lan Zhan. Although I don't exactly condone people to be gifting other people to their girlfriends. It was like slavery, you know."

"She was paid handsomely and if back then she declined, I would have not forced her. So it's purely her own will. Now, I have another surprise for you." Lan Wangji held Wei Wuxian's hand and led her to the Forbidden Library's pavilion, the one where they first met.

"Another one? Boy, you sure are spoiling me. Are you sure I'm just your pretend girlfriend?" Wei Wuxian teased Lan Wangji, although he half expected the man to deny.
Not if I could help it.
"Do you like spicy crawfish? I ordered them just for you." Lan Wangji did not reply to Wei Wuxian's question, instead he showed him the mountain of spicy crawfish on the table.

Wei Wuxian gaped at the crazy amount of food on the table, and the girl who already sat and enjoyed the spicy crawfish.

"Cousin, Momo, what took you guys so long? Come and eat, I started first since I'm starving." Xue Qing pointed at the other two seats and continued to peel the little crawfish and shoved it down her mouth. It was already red and puffy from all the spices.

"Xue Qing, how rude of you to start eating without waiting for us." Lan Wangji pulled a seat beside her for Wei Wuxian to sit.

"Well, I guess that you guys need time to… make out first before lunch. So I helped myself before I got a stomach ache from eating too much dog food."

Wei Wuxian chuckled and helped himself to the spicy crawfish, while Lan Wangji poured the ice cold green tea for them.

"Well then, help yourself girls."
After they finished all the crawfish, well, Lan Wangji mostly peeled it for Wei Wuxian and even fed it to her instead of eating it himself, Xue Qing took all the trash and disappeared to give the both of them some privacy before they went back to class.



"How do you like it so far? My acting?" Wei Wuxian looked at Lan Wangji, grinning.
I wished it was not acting.
"So far so good." He took Wei Wuxian's hand and they walked outside hand in hand. "Just need a little bit more… authenticity."

"Oh really?" Wei Wuxian laughed. "What kind of authenticity do you need from me? And as soon as the words came out of his mouth, he knew that it was a trap.

Lan Wangji held Wei Wuxian's chin and tilted it up. Then he looked at Wei Wuxian's beautiful eyes for the longest time, before he lowered down his head and touched their lips together in a very light kiss that left Wei Wuxian trembling and wanting for more.

"This kind." 

Lan Wangji's expression was indecipherable, but his eyes were so soft, it tugged at Wei Wuxian's heartstrings. 

"Oh." Wei Wuxian was in a daze and he touched his lips involuntarily, as if to make sure that the kiss really happened. "We shall practice more then."

Lan Wangji smiled at her cheeky words. 

"Yeah, we shall." Then he kissed Wei Wuxian again. A little bit longer this time. But still no tongue involved. He didn't want to scare the girl away this early in the so-called pretend relationship. He wanted to keep her by his side for as long as possible, he was greedy that way.

This was very different from the passionate one Wei Wuxian got from their last should-not-be-mention rendezvous. 
This was… new. 
Like a fresh bud of a flower that had started to blossom in the springtime. And it felt… precious.
And it seemed like Lan Wangji felt it too, since he softly caressed Wei Wuxian's cheek with his knuckle.

"By the way, my parents' wedding anniversary party is in two weeks. Will you do me the honor of becoming my dance partner?" Lan Wangji whispered those words into Wei Wuxian's ear, making him shiver.

"Uhm… okay." He couldn't think about anything rational at this time, he was sure that his brain was fritzed by all the electricity from Lan Wangji's kisses. So he just agreed to whatever the man asked.

"Good. I'll take care of everything then." He kissed Wei Wuxian's long strand of hair. "I'll pick you up after school?"

"Actually, I need to go back to my house today, I have to take care of something." He regretted that he could not go back with Lan Wangji, but he had to see Shen Qingqiu about something.

"It's fine. See you later, alligator." Lan Wangji tapped Wei Wuxian's forehead with his knuckle.

Wei Wuxian chuckled lightly. "In a while, crocodile."

"You guys are not finished yet? Jesus effing christ, how long again do you need to make out?" Xue Qing came back from throwing away the trash and she still found her cousin and girlfriend gazing into each other's eyes lovingly. It made her gag. Gross.

Wei Wuxian laughed and walked toward her to go back to class together. His heart was filled with some kind of a new indescribable feeling, and he never felt happier.

From a distance not too far away, Jin Su witnessed everything, including the kisses. 

Someone had already told her about this morning's breaking news and she still couldn't believe it herself, since Lan Wangji never showed any emotions toward any other humans. She thought that it was a farce, made by Mo Xuanyu's sympathizers.

But no, it turned out to be true.

She watched how gentle Lan Wangji tilted the bitch's face into his, and how sweet their kisses were, and how she wished that it was her instead. 
Why didn't she die last night? What else should she do to make her disappear from her life?
She unconsciously crushed the water bottle that she held in her hand in a force of rage. She had to do something more extreme to end this catastrophe.
Jiang Yanli, who stood next to her, gawked at the public display of affection from Lan Wangji and the silver-haired girl. Mo Xuanyu, wasn't it? 

She did hear from her older brother's conversation on the phone that Lan Wangji came to the precinct with their witness, a silver-haired girl, and they acted like a couple all the way through the interview and the autopsy. But she didn't have a heart to tell Jin Su. And seeing her like this, she was glad that she kept her mouth shut. She didn't want to get involved in this complicated love triangle, especially after she was invited by Lan Xichen to be his partner for their parents' anniversary party in two weeks.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now