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Lan Wangji felt so restless as he stood in front of the mirror and let his mother fix his tie for him. He felt like a thousand bugs crawled under his skin and he wanted to scream and ran away from here. Anywhere but here. And Madam Yuwen noticed that. She took a couple of valium and gave it to her son and forced him to drink it.

"Swallow this. It will soothe your nerves a bit so you don't look like you're about to explode."

Lan Wangji did not want any pills to ease his suffering. He wanted to feel every nerve and pain, it would keep him on the edge and make him fully alert. But his mother was right. It was not good if he kept going on like this. He was already running on fumes, and he did not want to lose his calm on top of that. 

Sometimes he wondered, where did the Ice Prince go? He used to have ice water in his veins and nothing could shake him, not in a hostage situation nor when the gun was pointed on his face. He never lost his level-headed thinking. This was all because of Mo Xuanyu . That youngster turned his life upside down, but he was glad he met him.

"Are you ready, son? You have to keep your calm at all times. Please do not kill anyone just yet, I already have a plan in motion. Just wait and see, okay?" Madam Yuwen hugged her youngest son and patted his back fondly. She always had a soft spot for him, not that she didn't love Xichen, she loved them both equally. But her firstborn was an easygoing child and he made friends everywhere easily. While Wangji... Wangji was a shy kid and he was very sensitive about everything. So, when he had that little boy next door as his best friend, well, more like the boy followed him everywhere until he relented and let the boy do whatever he wanted. She was ecstatic, because her son indulged the boy. He pampered the boy to the point that they were so inseparable and doing everything together. But then the boy and his family disappeared just like smoke, and left her son devastated for quite some time, until he met Hua Cheng. And this time too, the one that he loved was taken away from him. But now she would do anything in her power to get Mo Xuanyu back. And healed her illness. She just wanted her son to be happy with the person he loved, and Mo Xuanyu was it.

"I will never be ready for a fake engagement with someone that I despises, but for Yingying's sake, I'll endure this farce." Lan Wangji could feel that the valium had taken effect and it calmed him a bit although his mind was still in turmoil. He was still getting updates from Hua Cheng and the motley crew, Hua Cheng even went out there to personally look for anything that remotely had any clues. It was just that Mo Xuanyu seemed to have disappeared along with the Wens.

"Trust me son, everything will be alright, I will make sure of that." Madam Yuwen held Lan Wangji's clammy hand. "Let's go then. It's time to face the music."

Xue Qing quickly took the flashbang out of her pocket, but Meng Airan was faster. She grabbed Xue Qing's hand and twisted it until it made a cracked sound and she gasped in pain.

"Who are you, little mouse? How did you find this place?" Meng Airan pulled Xue Qing away from Wei Wuxian forcefully, and threw her against the wall. She was a very strong woman, added to it that she was a sadist who loved to see pain she inflicted on other people. So when Xue Qing glared at her without saying anything, she laughed.

"It seems that I have a new toy to play with. The other two are boring already, and you…" she looked at Wei Wuxian coldly, "I already have permission to end you as long and painful as I want." She smirked, then she grabbed Xue Qing and forcefully moved her hands to her back and tied them with a zip tie. Then she did the same to her legs. "Stay here and be quiet, maybe then I will allow you to watch." Then she turned around to look at Wei Wuxian, who was on the verge of passing out from all the pain.

"Oh? Did that crazy bitch do this to you? Damn her! I told her not to start without me." She grabbed Wei Wuxian and yanked him up like he weighed nothing. "I guess we must start with you before you die and leave me nothing to play with."

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now