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Hua Cheng was restless, ever since Lan Wangji escaped from him sneakily. He was just taking a light nap from the accumulated fatigue, and when he woke up Lan Wangji had gone and nobody seemed to know where. 
Or maybe Lan Wangji himself had instructed to not let him know about his whereabouts.

Hua Cheng chuckled since he knew that he drove his best friend almost crazy with his constant hovering, so he decided to give his other friend a surprise visit.

The house was hidden behind lush vegetation, and it was so private, no prying eyes would be able to penetrate the forest even if they tried. 

But it was not a problem for Hua Cheng since it was him who was the previous owner before he gifted it to Luo Binghe. He had many properties like this and their friendship matter more than just mere worldly possessions.

He knocked on the door to the house and it was opened not a minute later by Luo Binghe himself, and he was quite surprised seeing Hua Cheng there.

"Brother Cheng, I didn't expect you." He smiled. "Please come in, we're in the middle of something fun here."

Luo Binghe took Hua Cheng to the garage where Liu Qingge was tinkling with the car. He didn't even look at Hua Cheng, instead he was concentrating in transforming the offensive gold car's exterior into matte black, and threw out the all-gold inside in exchange for all-black colors.

"This is Liu Qingge, he is the one you want to look for if you want to upgrade your ride. Or inventing something. Or anything you want. He's the jack-of-all-trade, and my trusted friend." 

Hua Cheng was pretty interested because he was also a car and bike aficionado, so he walked closer to observe the very detailed and intricate work. He nodded in approval and promised Liu Qingge to bring his bike around soon.

They talked for a bit about automotive and boys' stuff until it was lunch time and they went inside to grab some quick bites.
Luo Binghe and Hua Cheng went into the kitchen while Liu Qingge stayed put to finish something, and they were surprised to see a plate of cold sandwiches and cold beers had already been prepared for them, and Shen Qingqiu was there with his hair wet from the shower, munching on a ham and cheese sandwich. He sported huge eyebags and blood red eyes, a usual side effect of the hangover. 

"Brother Cheng, this is Shen Qingqiu, my Shizun. Shizun, this is brother Hua Cheng." Luo Binghe walked behind Shen Qingqiu and massaged his head. "Have you drunk the anti drunk concoction I made for you?" 
Shen Qingqiu mumbled something like, 'I'm not a kid, leave me alone', and rolled his eyes like a petulant child.

Hua Cheng couldn't hold back his laugh, this was so entertaining, seeing Luo Binghe act so obedient and caring in front of his Shizun while the latter was being pampered like a child. 

He knew Shen Qingqiu was the up and coming eccentric designer, and he had quite a few of his collection, but he didn't know that Shen Qingqiu was the Shizun that Luo Binghe often talked about very fondly.

"Mr. Shen, it's an honor." Hua Cheng shook his hand. "I'm an avid fan of your collection, especially The Red Mansion collection. The embroidery details were out of this world."

"Ha, you should tell it to Wei Wu…" but then he realized that he spoke about something that he shouldn't, and stopped himself. "Sorry, I mean, thank you for being my fan, I hope you continue to support me for my next collection, it will blow your mind for sure."

"I'm sure it will." 

Hua Cheng smiled and took a sandwich while Luo Binghe chatted with them, and soon after Liu Qingge joined them.

They spent the morning leisurely talking about cars and fashion, and everything in between.

In the end, Hua Cheng felt comfortable enough to stay much longer than he planned for.

Wei Wuxian walked out of the forbidden library with a sore back and not for the reason that he would like to.
The handsome, angelic-looking man, Lan Wangji, was actually a devil in disguise.

True he was a great teacher, he was patient, and his instructions were clear and precise.


He would make you rewrite everything from a scratch, added hundred more, if there was even a dot missing. 
And his sharp tongue was making his ears burnt with his comment.
"A-Ying, have you never held a calligraphy brush before?"
"Straighten your back, don't slouch."
"A-Ying, are you sure you're not raised by wolves? I never see anyone write like this. Repeat one hundred times without mistakes."
"A-Ying, are you trying to test my patience? I told you to do this stroke first then that one. Repeat one hundred times more."
"Yingying, you better not spend your time chasing boys, I will give you a test tomorrow, and if you fail, you'll know the consequences."

He was a devil reincarnate, Wei Wuxian was sure of it.
And he even dragged Mo Xuanyu's dark past of chasing boys.

So when Lan Wangji looked at his expensive watch and told A-Ying that unfortunately he had to leave, Wei Wuxian almost cried in relief.

They scheduled their next lesson for the day after tomorrow in the same forbidden library. Lan Wangji even made him a special pass to use as long as he still took a lesson from him.
Wei Wuxian never ran that fast when Lan Wangji said his goodbye, and on the way out he knocked into someone and they almost fell down on the pathway.

"I'm sorry! Are you okay?" 

Wei Wuxian looked at the boy he almost ran into. He was not that tall, and his features were soft. He had longish hair and dark eyes, wearing glasses. 
He was so familiar, Wei Wuxian thought he knew this boy. He might be one of his classmates.

"Momo, I was looking everywhere for you." The boy, Wen Ning, he remembered his name now, held onto his elbow gently. "Are you alright? Did Meng Yiran bully you again?"

Hmm, he was probably closer to Mo Xuanyu than just an ordinary classmate.

"I'm fine, Ning." Wei Wuxian brushed his skirt and tried to evade his grasp. "I was just studying calligraphy."

"I know you can't write calligraphy that well, Momo, do you want me to help you? I can teach you to write better, you know I'm the best calligrapher in our high school." 

He was shy but excited at the same time it made Wei Wuxian feel sorry for him. 
This little guy was probably in love with Mo Xuanyu.
"Ning, thank you for your concern." He patted Wen Ning's back. "But I really am fine. I found myself a teacher already, but I will definitely ask you if I still have difficulties. Okay? I need to go home now. See you tomorrow."

"I- but…" he tried to speak again but Wei Wuxian had already left.

He wondered who was brave enough to teach Mo Xuanyu, since she wasn't liked by the teachers and her grades were always at the bottom. 

Probably a university student? That was where she walked out from. After all, of all the high school students, his calligraphy writings were the best.
But which student was willing to teach her? She didn't even have any friends because of her antics.
Wen Ning left with more questions than answers.

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now