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"I need to tell you something."
Wei Wuxian slid off Lan Wangji's body and he crawled to the edge of the bed, before he stood up and faced Lan Wangji. Who looked at him with questions in his eyes.

But he said nothing. It seemed like he could sense that Wei Wuxian was about to muster all his courage to tell him about something important.

"First of all, I would like to say that I'm deeply sorry. I-I don't want to lie to you, nor do I have bad intentions by doing… this. I swear to god." 

Lan Wangji sat on the bed and tilted his head. He suddenly had an uneasy feeling about this.

"Yingying, what happened? Are you… okay?" He tried to reach Wei Wuxian, to comfort him, but Wei Wuxian took a step back, away from his reach. Close enough for Lan Wangji to still feel the emanating heat from his body, but far enough for Wei Wuxian to avoid his touch.
Wei Wuxian was trembling, and he could not utter a word at all. So, instead of saying whatever he needed to say, he slowly unbuttoned his shirt, with determination in his eyes.
"What are you doing?" Lan Wangji frowned, looking at Wei Wuxian with confusion shown in his face. "Why are you unbuttoning your shirt?" He tried to stop Wei Wuxian's hand, but Wei Wuxian took another step back.
"Please… let me do this." 
Lan Wangji could clearly hear the quiver in her voice, and it broke his heart to see the girl that he loved went to this extent to… show him something? He was confused. He thought that she wanted to tell him about her condition, the hemophilia. But turned out it was… something else?
As Wei Wuxian slowly unbuttoned his shirt, Lan Wangji felt more and more uneasy, but he kept silent. Finally when the last button was opened, Wei Wuxian dropped the shirt on the floor to reveal his black bra. But he was still not done yet. He pulled down his shorts to reveal a black panties, and then he walked toward Lan Wangji.
"I-I'm sorry, but I can not not tell you the truth, although you might hate me for… this." Wei Wuxian hooked his arms behind his back and took off the bra to reveal the fake silicone breasts that he had been wearing all this time, and took it off to reveal his flat chest. But when he tried to pull down his panties, Lan Wangji stopped him.
Lan Wangji then took the light blanket off the bed, and covered Wei Wuxian with it. After that, he guided Wei Wuxian to sit on the bed, then looked into his eyes for the longest time. Then he took his discarded white shirt from last night and wore it then proceeded to walk out of the room.
"I'm sorry, but… can you give me some time?"
Wei Wuxian nodded, then smiled so sadly when Lan Wangji left the room.

He saw that the man was walking to the balcony and sat down on one of the chairs while he lit a cigarette, and he knew that Lan Wangji surely must be thinking about what he was saying before the revelation. Did he regret it already? The love declaration that he just said?
Wei Wuxian had predicted that it was going to turn out like this, but still, it hurt. Maybe it was because his feelings were actually running deeper than he thought after all.

Suddenly he felt cold all over, so he tightened the blanket around him, and he laid down on the pillow that was just used by Lan Wangji, just to be able to smell him. He felt a little bit calmer when he was surrounded by that familiar smell, and he fell asleep while hugging the pillow, with tears in his eyes.

It was not that Lan Wangji had a second thought about Mo Xuanyu regarding this gender reveal. He was just so stunned and blown out of his mind when he saw Mo Xuanyu take off her bra . The lovely sight could give any healthy man a heart attack, with her lovely slim figure, tiny waist, and a mile long legs. No one would ever guess that she was actually a boy. But maybe he did it in the wrong way when he abruptly told her that he needed some time… and air… to calm down his racing heart and the rush of blood downward. 

Darker Side of The Moon (Angel Devourers #1) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now